LINK has been dumping for six weeks now, this is the longest period of dumping since early 2018
LINK has been dumping for six weeks now, this is the longest period of dumping since early 2018
It's not surprising the dump coincided with more racists buying into this shit. I hope every last one of you KKK white nationalists go broke with chainlink.
Buy the dip, retard
Sergey is now going on holidays to exotic locations
Why should I buy his 700,000k sell walls?
Where have the LINK shills gone? Remember how the trannies spammed this board to death with LINK threads a month ago? Now they're all fucking gone. I got caught holding this for too long anticipating another pump but I got out at $3.50. You can tell it's just newfags behind the Chainlink threads now. I can't wait to laugh at these shitters when it falls back down to 50 cents, lmaoo who in the right fucking mind would think this shit would hold $3? Broke support like 100 times since $4.50 and went all the way down to $1.96. Web3 will be a nothingburger, this shitcoin will visit $1.50 by end August and September will be a nothingburger, yet again. LINK is going to look like ZRX 2.0 after they got listed on Coinbase. Look at where it's at now, kek. I must say though it's funny watching this circlejerk of nulinkers. Jow Forums is done for.
I almost told my friends to buy LINK, fuck that would've been embarrassing
He's literally backpacking around South East Asia right now. You can follow him on twitter with #700k
Can you post pictures of your shorts please?
how did it hit .25 without dumping
Sergey wanted to top his previous pump and dump scam record that he had with NXT. That only peaked at around $1.80. He did it! New high score! Looking forward to the next one, Sergie.
ids going to da moon in sebtember user sergay is doing his powerpoint slide show again and that will pump the price!!!
I'd say it's crabbing much more than dumping. It dumped down to $2+/-.50 and has been crabbing ever since
I’m guessing you didn’t enter the cryptoverse in 2018. Otherwise you would be complaining about a fucking 6 week crab, where 700k link was being sold to node operators OTC. OP you’re a fucking brainlet. Please sell me your stinkies @ 1.75/link
more ponzilink propaganda cope, see you guys at sub ico prices
stay mad and stay poor fellas
You’re talking about cope? The guy who is namefagging and dick riding as Peter Schiff, the actual dude who says BTC is based on nothing and has no tangible value? Yet shills his gold bags on anyone willing to listen to his sorry ass? Tell me what gold does? Is it capable of fetching and relaying real world data virtually instantaneous via a network that then gets validated and authorized via decentralized nodes? Does it connect real world data with the blockchain? Is it easy to buy a relatively cheap at this current moment in time? The answer to all those questions is no. Gold is a fucking metal that has less use cases than fucking silver. The only reason why it’s even valuable is because ancient societies that no longer exist used it to trade because it looked nice, and they didn’t have anything close to the technology that we have today. Unironically, you’re also part of a Ponzi scheme, sadly yours will be coming to an end sooner rather than later. LINK might never be worth 1000, but it’s sure as hell going to be worth it purchasing right now and waiting 5 years which if you think about it is a relatively short time compared to how fast the world is modernizing. Face it, none of us that are younger than 30 have no reason to buy your shitty ass gold bags when we know the future is based on technology. Good luck user. Just get rid of that name and tripcode and you might just make it.
No one is buying or using your centralized middleware shitcoin pajeet shoo shoo go poo out on the street
Checked, Based, & Redpilled
this only applies if you sold the top you absolute faggot DRNS HURTRRRRRRRRR
Still a higher ROI than any other project, nolinker
LINK is too big too fail. Just hold.
Lol you wish bud you know your shitcoin is going down the toilet, just accept it.
Emotionally attached bagholder, enjoy the ride down to 10 cents
If you think LINK's price action matters for anything other than buying more, you're a nulinker and not going to make it.
Instead of spending a couple hundred bucks right now, knowing full well that money is always printed and you can earn it back, you’d rather call me a pajeet. You have 0 discipline and only value instant gratification. I can smell your cum crusted chair thru your shitpost. So tell me the truth Manvinder, how much are they paying you to respond to posts that might even offer the slightest bit of education?
Even on the brink of death LINK will pump Astrology Chats show it. It is its destiny to take over the world. Don't fall for the propaganda.
You nu-linkers need to get the fuck outta here. This is mild compared to late 2017, early 2018 dumb. Newfag jew nigger. FUCK KIKES FUCK NIGGERS FUCK JANNIES!!
Have Faith My Fellow Bag Holders remember have an Iron Will Like Hellscream
>Spending a couple hundred bucks
Are you trying to imply that I should blow my money on your dumb shitcoin? Fuck right off. You smell like shit and you're a disgusting indian LINK shill. Don't try to blend in Rajesh, you stick out like a sore thumb just like the rest of the team.
Deluded bagholders
Go ahead then, cut the blue LINK bar in half. And also fucking cut the rest of the blue bars in half and double the size of all the red ones, because everything's been sucking rancid dick all since July.
>gold/silver are worthless
You legitimately have no argument, first let me tell you that without gold and silver you wouldn't be able to type up that nonsense in the first place, let alone run a ponziNODE, you zoomers legitimately think you’ll be millionaires off a ponzi investment, but don’t even know the basic components of phones/computers. SAD!
You are the goyim who unironically thinks he knows better than the (((market makers))).
I guarantee your buy in was above $10k or else you wouldn’t be shilling so fucking hard. Stop coping with being a late adopter by shilling. 99.9% of crypto’s are inherently worthless thin air ponzis. Infact the only use of bitcoin is to trade it with others, in the hope that someone even more braindead will buy it for a price higher than your buy in. Any crypto on the market can mimic bitcoins principles. There is nothing special about btc or any crypto for that matter. You are literally throwing hard earned money into an uninsured unregulated market. I honestly hope you wise up to the promise and trust of silver/gold. Let me tell you something son. Bitcoin creation was literally a glownigger operation used to fund black ops, free pump and dumps and most importantly, more capital to stockpile gold and silver. Follow the money user. They bought into bitcoin at pennies, goys bought in above $10k. (((They))) are stacking sound money for a fucking reason. FED can destroy bitcoin in a day if they wanted to, you’re retarded to think otherwise. Only reason they haven’t nuked bitcoin yet is because their (((guys))) are still milking the shit. They can regulate the shit out of crypto and destroy it from within.
when big stacks are dumped on the market it can down trend for years. Look at ETH still recovering from ICO's dumping
pic related
SeeAlso, i am not shilling you gold, i could care less if you ascend with me and market makers, i am merely countershilling ponzilinkers because they have shitted up the board for far too long. BTC will be less than a gold oz by EOY, cap this.
user... idk how to tell you this, but you’re also buying the bags of someone else. You buying the gold someone else is selling. I know that gold and more importantly silver is used in chip components. I never once mentioned that gold has no value, I simply said that it has less use cases than silver and that it was used as a store of value or “trade” between entities. Now Incase you’ve been living under a rock the past decade, that’s what BTC does. It is a store of value that can be transferred between entities relatively instantaneously compared to buying gold from a trader like schiff which also needs to be shipped and tested so that it is real. My buy in was back in July of 2017 when I was older and had the money to understand what BTC actually is. I never once said I’m smarter than the (((market makers))) but I'm smart enough to recognize trends and the true value of technology. Sadly as your post goes on you go more and more into conspiracy theories (that may or may not be true) and I chose to stop reading. Good luck user, hopefully your FUD works on the rest of the brainlets on this Ganges river wrestling forum.
Lol, you’d rather hold on to your dollars as the value of your money goes down by the day. If you don’t want to take a risk on LINK, then buy BTC. Otherwise go ahead and keep your shekels, considering it only costs you $5 a month to survive in Bangalore I’m sure you don’t care Prakash.
How's that link stack coming along bub? 200 linkies? Keep stacking them you're going to make it!!! Also you need to GO BACK lmfao fucking plebbitfaggot
>store of value
Wrong, it cant be a Store of Value or digital gold if it is volatile as shit. That is the opposite of store of value.
>needs to be shipped
Nope, thats what goldmoney is for, instantly transact and send any amount of gold digitally instantly, not “nearly instant”. Goldmoney destroys bitcoin in every way possible.
Explain to me, what is bitcoin used for other than dumping your bag on someone more gullible?
>has slow transaction speed
>is volatile as shit
>is centralized, miners/early buyers/exchanges have 95% of supply
Bitcoin has no innate value, only a speculative price given by market makers
Price is derived from buyers, once buys stop btc goes to zero where it belongs.
BTC is no different from any fiat, but atleast with fiat you can actually send it instantly.
Did I get your name right yet, gurjiit? I need to know who is giving you this script, and how much they’re paying you. I promise I’ll pay 2x if you kys.
You act like BTC has zero risks in buying it
>If you don’t want to take a risk on LINK, then buy BTC
Your response to another user shows how gullible and naive you are.
Store of value must be reliably stable in losses.
But BTC can drop 80% within a few weeks, that is not digital gold!
If BTC was truly a SoV or digital gold as you believe it to be, you would never even have bought it because then its upside potential would be minimal.
That minimal upside is what you believe gold/silver to be, except it’s actually the opposite, HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS in derivatives, when that money goes to metals as it inevitably will, we moon.
BTC can moon or fall off a cliff in the blink of an eye
Metals can only go up and never down 80% to the point you are rekt from buying the top
BTC=roller coaster
Metals=rocket ship being built for a one way trip to the moon
Where are the rest of the indian LINK tranny shills? Why are you lot so fixated on projection? It must be hard being an Indian, you should pray to Vishnu in hopes that you reincarnate as blessed white man, like myself.
this user fucks
Not sure why my ID changed, but just because something is volatile doesn’t mean it can’t be a store of value. 10 years ago BTC was merely pennies, 5 years ago in the range of 100-500 or so USD. 1 year ago, an ATH of 22k and a low of roughly 3/4K. Look at where it is now, it’s been crabbing at 9-11k for the past 2-3 months. But incase that isn’t enough, just look at the big picture, BTC has appreciated in Value since it’s inception. Then you have to factor in the halving that’ll happen in 2020, and all of the lost BTC. There’ll never be more than 18M btc in circulation. And as demand rises and supply falls... well you get the gist considering your not a total brainlet.
So you’re telling me you’d rather trust your gold in the hands of some bankers or traders that you will never see or meet? Whereas you could build your own wallet and own your private keys for BTC. Wasn’t goldmoney also founded or funded by Peter Schiff? Aren’t you literally buying his bags? That must be why you’re namefagging as him. It’s been nice debating with you. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink.
>cut all the blue bars in half
>double all the red bars
The chart would look the fucking same, just stretched out
black peple r da most weycist meng
You have 4 more weeks of dumping until a December style shakedown down to 50 cents. Buy UND instead. Korean IEO soon.
hedge link with coins that fill niches. make sure you have a privacy coin, a chink coin, a deflationary coin etc. It helps you hold bags and if any other coin moons, you can just sell it and buy more link
>diversify into sure loses
>swing down
okay champ, you go first
Aren't all of the privacy coins except XMR bad?
Anyways I'm thinking about CoinLion and RSR, and mining 0xBTC on the side. Is this a good financial plan.
>mining 0xBTC on the side
if your power is free and/or you have an FPGA rig, then mining 0xBTC is a good idea. but if you pay normal rates and/or want to mine with GPU, you will get a better price by outsourcing the mining to others, aka buy on a DEX.
this is because despite /biz hate, 0xbitcoin is a serious mineable. there is a massive chinese mining operation which is doing probably 90% of the hashpower, about 8-9 terahashes/s out of about 10 TH/s total. they have the fastest hardware and very low electricity cost.
inb4 anyone calling 0xbtc mining a scam just because there are serious players mining it.
the good news is that the heavy miners sell on exchanges constantly, so you can acquire 0xbtc at a discount relative to your local power cost.
anyway if you live in a dorm with free power and you already have a decent GPU, you should definitely mine 0xbtc.
>mining 0xBTC on the side
this guy says you can do 21 GH/s with a Blackminer F1 mining 0xbitcoin:
according to the calculator link i posted before, you can mine $113.49/month of 0xBTC if your electricity is free, with one Blackminer F1. but keep in mind that this is a $3,000 piece of equipment.
>this is the longest period of dumping since early 2018
that means buy soon.
absolute state of stinkies
sorry, what does this mean in this context?
I'll just leave this here.
BTC is pumping and dumping, so alts are bleeding as swing traders hop on that ride.
Well power's not free but I have a 980 Ti and my hash rate is pretty good, even when I limit my GPU to temperatures below it's rating.
Every calculator I've ran it it through has shown very good rates for mining with Mike's pool. Up to multiple thousands a day.
Dilate your vagina
why would demand rise? what does Bitcoin offer that other similar crypto doesn't do? nano at least is free to transact and actually 0 fees. I don't see a reason for Bitcoin demand to go up other than people hoping it'll appreciate in value so they can dump it on another fool.
halving doesn't mean shit if there is no demand. you can look at LTC and tell me what the halving did for them recently. let me save you some clicks, it's been dumping hard since then because the halving didn't do shit for price appreciation so people got disappointed and dumped. same will happen to BTC.
2 years ago or before, I would've agreed with you because people were actually using Bitcoin for dark net markets, which I used to do. that's not the case anymore. mostly have switched to XMR. So now there is 0 value in Bitcoin and no reason for someone to buy it to actually use it. it's price is built on nothing but hype, wishful-halving-thinking and Fools Gold theory.
What the fuck are you babbling about? There is never not AT LEAST 3 link threads at a time.
kek it's so fucking delicious to see linkies getting dumped on by sergey and slowly come to the realization that the google partnership was fake
pls link to one such calculator.
>widening cylinder
Thats called a CONE
just fucking lmao
I just use WhatToMine.
I should say that the main reason I can't do it because my brother controls the electricity.
He'll lose his shit because he believes everything he hears on the news about cryptocurrency and he'll wonder why our electricity bill jumped up by $500.
Even the Wikipedia article got removed. It's unironically over. Good ride, marines.