Asked first on Jow Forums and the most relevant answer was "go ask on Jow Forums", so im asking on Jow Forums
Im getting some big bucks (around 8k usd, not much but a considerable amount in my country -argentina-).
I would like to invest on something, and the only thing I can think of is a fixed term, if I do it for 30 days then I get around 60-70 usd back, lame but relatively safe.
At the end, my goal is to be able to get a secondary income. Some people say that I should invest in a little newsstand/market/drugstore or whatever is called.
But I dont know.
Advice for an idiot
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This board is going to tell you to buy cryptos. You know this, right?
100x long on bitmex with no stop loss
PS: don’t listen to anyone telling you to buy link it is a notorious scam to trick newfags and outsiders into losing their money.
Buying crypto isn't bad advice for third worlders. But you're right in the sense that Jow Forums will say to do it out of greed and insincerity.
Have you heard about Vid's token sale? Approaching a dollar. 15,000% rise.
Just go all in on doge when it hits 20 satoshi and wait for the pump
Or buy btc if u wanna be safer and sell when the market cap hits 1 trillion
You wont get much passive income from 8k otherwise.
If anything use the 8k to invest in yourself
like traveling and new experiences? I preffer to invest in something now and not blow all the cash.
>invest in yourself =
>traveling and new experiences?
tits or gtfo
Buy chainlink
Buy link and sell for a second (first world) passport next year + maradona lifestyle. 1000eoy is fud
yeah, and we have presidential elections in 2 months
All in LINK
fixed term? not sure what you mean
if your bank is giving you ~10% APR (60usd a month from 8k is about that) that's already pretty good
but I think you're getting scammed, either your inflation is retarded or your bank is gonna bounce with your money
Don't invest in businesses you know nothing about, don't you have family or someone, good friends of parents/uncles/etc that run something? or invest in stuff? (Successful family members, not clueless idiots like you who just started) Ask them what to do.
If you think 10% a year is too little, it's not. It's 2.5x in a decade compounding, or 17.5x in 3 decades.
If there's nothing you can do, consider saving more and getting real estate, but preferably find someone to mentor you, or just buy ETFs. (although that might be risky short term)
This. Go to school for something useful like engineering. Figure out the reat
fixed term (dont really know the correct translation) is when you deposit x amount of money on your bank, and then you can chose to invest with a return on 30-90-120-360 days, the rate is about 30-40% annually.
I had about 1.5k and that gave me about 25usd in 30 days.
Basically, is money you put in the bank, and the bank uses it to lend it to someone.
Im already going to school.
All in Bitcoin.
Then forget about it, check the price once a month.
Live your life normally, go to school or work, just forget about it.
Watch videos like "10 million dollar Bitcoin endgame" to understand why this is such a monumental investment, why this is the next in disruptive tech after the internet, and smartphones bringing social media to everyone's pockets.
In 5-10 years you will probably never have to work again.
And do NOT fall for the Link memes.
what is the minimal amount you think I should invest to get the reward of "not working again in 5-10 years"? from those 8k, if I dont go all in.
The obvious answer is to work until you get a larger capital than 8k, in the mean time you can put that money in safe investment like gold which will protect your wealth against inflation, and if you want high reward than bitcoin. But if you want to go for business perhaps opening up a cigarette store this will be profitable in the coming years. My suggestion if for you to read and educate yourself on finance, and not take any of our word seriously here. After we are driven by greed and will steal your shekels.
Of that 8k you can throw in whatever comfortable that will not drive you insane when the price fluctuate which it will. Start DCA like 500 a month regardless of what the of Bitcoin is. A better investment than bitcoin is Link.
argie bro here user, making 6k USD a month from remote software development
my strategy is the following:
> 5% on crypto every month to BTC
> 15% to plazo fijo until election day. rates are crazy and macri will keep dollar down since the election is pretty tight
> 20% on bonds
> 30% on S&P500
> live a very good lifestyle with the rest
I cannot tell you that.
There are multiple predictions, some say Bitcoin will reach $100k next bull run.
Some say it will reach gold's market cap, some say it will equal the dotcom bubble or the 2008 real estate bubble. If any of those happen, it'll put Bitcoin's price at $300k at least.
Some say this will be the biggest bubble yet with all the institutional involvement and media attention, possibly boosting it beyond $1mm.
But no one can predict the future.
All I can tell you is that Bitcoin is the most decentralized strongest network, with no figurehead, where even ETH has Vitalik, and with such a well-defined monetary policy of scarcity (which most other top coins don't even have), the next bull run is inevitable.
All I am doing now is stacking sats whenever I can.
And once again, don't fall for the Link memes. It is basically a running gag coin on Jow Forums, but a single person owns like a billion of it, printed from thin air, and can dump the price by selling off his coins (and he actually has been dumping 700k coins like every other day, to the tune of millions of dollars). All it provides is centralized oracles (which can be written on your own, or provided by services like Oraclize), and has no solution to sybil attacks,
I'm in the same place as you, earning 8k per month in Argentina. I stay the fuck away from local banks. I put all my money in crypto, and keep enough USD to live a whole year. Every week I put around 500-600$ into crypto DCA. It may go down short term, but in the long run I know I'll end up with millions. If you don't like the high risk, just invest in stocks, NYSE, not local ones.
PS: Don't put anything in Link
la choncha tu mare
the first thing you have to look at is the historical chart of USDARS. you can see the argentina peso is devaluating against the dollar. Also look at the peso against gold. Whenever you have ARS you want to convert it to USD or better now, gold. If you invest in a USD denominated etf like QQQ or SPY, you will protect protect your money against inflation since they are in USD. An even better choice would be GLD, the gold etf, if the usd becomes less strong.
Also bitcoin. Look at the historical chart bitcoin-ars. If you're willing to hold for 1-2 year you should go all-in bitcoin, it will be worth 100k usd in a few years.
So here would be my choice:
1. bitcoin
2. gold
3. an us etf like VTI or SPY (but you never know if we'll have a recession in the coming years).
y yo que pensaba en abrir un kioskito y vivir de eso.
This guy hold link
This guy is a newfag
Anyway op I would probably put in bitcoin if u go for crypto
> opens a kiosquito
> gets robbed 5 times a month
not worth it amigo