Sergey started dumping in December and nobody noticed

Sergey started dumping in December and nobody noticed.
This is the recent dumping source:
Link go to 0x1f9e26f1c050b5c018ab0e66fcae8e4394eb0165, but who else is sending to this account? A second team account with 50M link initially.
13M link went to 0xc059a1ffe290de70f4dca3333e5aecf3d3746b03, which sent them to 0x1f9e26f1c050b5c018ab0e66fcae8e4394eb0165
which is the account used to then send the tokens to Binance.

In total, 23.5M link was dumped on Binance, making the total circulating supply 373.5M.

The graph is the main dumping address, the balance goes up from fresh team tokens and then starts going down as they are dumped on Binance.

Attached: 1545868961844.png (1099x632, 36K)


yeah, good thing i sold this scam at 3.60 lmfao. enjoy the bags anons. thanks for doing the needful and letting me and some of the boys cash out.

Attached: 1564239039405.jpg (231x218, 7K)

The old SIBOS DUMP was probably him too

how violent of a dump are we going to get sub 1.95? flash crash to 1.50?

>In total, 23.5M link was dumped on Binance, making the total circulating supply 373.5M.
kek, the circulating supply is 1billion. If the team can dump it at any moment they want (and they can), it counts as "circulating". You've been scammed.

>not selling
who cares everyone else is, including the devs
>you had 2 years
you had one month (1) to sell above $3

Why does the team selling even surprise you people? What part of 300 million tokens for further development don't you understand?

this, i hold 55k and i just look at link's mc as 3x the mc on cmc.
if they can sell then it's circulating as fuck.
this is not fud since i'm all in and won't sell but facts

logically, someone must be left with bags that are worth zero. It may as well be you.

the part where they lie about the circulating supply on sites like coinmarketcap, and the part where they already spent 32mil to create centralized oracles (basically nothing).

the 300m locked up was supposed to be node incentives u stupid fuck. and the devs can do as they please. they do require CAPITAL to do this, and it doesnt just cost a few pennies either. regardless, if the sergey wallet starts to dwindle past 25M, im out. no CEO of a company would sell off 50% of his position if he believed in his product/service.

At first $2.20
then $2
then $1.80
then $1.50
then $1.10
then $0.85
then $0.60
then $0.40
and then $0.22
then we can expect a dead cat bounce to $0.25 followed by a flash crash to $0.10.

I love how instead of getting a proper corporate loan like any other business, he has to dump on bagholders. Savage

Good thread. Just like I found as well, the LINK being sold isn’t going and sitting in any new large wallets. No wallets holding 700,000. No wallets holding a bunch of 700ks. It all ends in Binance.

Due to the fact that there are still massive cretins on this board who don’t know what an iceberg order is, I’ll educate you. If you want to sell 700,000 tokens, you don’t have to sell them in one fucking batch. That would be stupidly obvious. No, instead Chainlink are drip-feeding LINK into the market with a bot, selling around 8 LINK per second mixed with medium sized chunks done manually.

Tens of millions of dollars each, or stick around and be a wagie for the ‘oracle problem’? If you believe the latter, if you believe all crypto projects aren’t money grabs, you are mentally retarded.

I'm a pre sibos marine but I have to admit this dumping shit doesn't look too good for LINK. Why is there no closure from the devs?

>the 300m locked up was supposed to be node incentives u stupid fuck.

>The final 30% of the total LINK tokens will remain at the company for continued development and staff payments.

Are you unable to fucking read or do math you troglodyte?

Lmao the 700k transactions are split into 3 parts. If you follow, some of the link goes to nodes, some goes to individual wallets, and sets of 300k end up on binance.

you had one month (1)...

What do you think and ICO is for exactly?

Real tech companies with excellent employees and great plans get VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDING.

Why didn’t serve get any for his revolutionary idea? That’s right, he didn’t even try, because you can’t scam a VC company and run. You CAN however scam NEET losers.

What is Sergey's wallet address

I'm scared but I know September will be good for LINK from the hype pump alone, that's when I will sell and get out of this pajeet scam. We are in this together bros, the indians have our money but we will get it back!

Without an ICO and tokens issued the entire idea behind Chainlink is fucking pointless.

Wowee, seems you have an unparalleled grasp of business

without decentralized oracles the idea is pointless. 32mil and 2 years later and what you got are KYC centralized oracles. Admit it, you've been scammed

>25x since ICO

>nobody makes money during the middle of a scam

People made millions of Bernie Madoff. Is this really your rationale?

Alot of FUD here. i'm thinking i'll buy more

>what you got are KYC
This is some powerfully retarded FUD
You realize LINK is a token on ETH, right?

Been holding since LINK was .15 cents, but it’s really fucking hard to hold this token with Sergey dumping on us like this...

You had two years, fren. It must hurt to be priced out this hard

Yes and what about all the bitcoins that got lost over the years in dead wallets
What about them? Fucking marketcap liars

kek he's a linker and doesn't even know the oracles are centralized and KYCed. I hope you hold to 0.2
you had one month (1)

>the oracles are centralized and KYCed
Shoo shoo back to discord with you
Get some better FUD points, dear tranny
Or no one will take you seriously

>You had 1 month to keep being orders of magnitude richer
I see Google + Coinbase still hurts

kek, except everyone who's dumping and most of biz shitting on link in every thread.

It’s been a great 2 years. As usual, linkies seize up and have nothing other to say than their programmed responses of ‘2 years’, ‘not selling’. Aren’t you fucking tired of making excuses for your investment? Are you actually trying to be an NPC? Nothing to say at all to the fact it’s a scam. Scam doesn’t mean begin and end in 1 week. I love putting linkie fags like you in the corner and squeezing the eventual canned 1 liner response out of you.

it's actually a fucking pleasure to see linkers so mad and desperate while they slowly realize that google was a fake partnership and that the devs are dumping millions every week.

>everything is dumping
>but much 700k
I swear if you buyninto this fud you Dr a fucking idiot. Also everytime link pumps these kiwifarms faggots shut thebfuck up and seeth

I am 25x up. Do you really think I need any excuse?
>Non linkers seething like this for three months already
This is better than money

All I see are a bunch of nocoiners angry that link is doing well

Attached: 1548738421908.png (412x416, 46K)

Since you are such a good detective, answer this question for me ok faggot

Why has something that has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars in a short amount of time bad??

I don't get this either anyone on Jow Forums is up at least 20x who the fuck gives a crap. Its the best performing coin in this entire shit market

>Why has something that has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars in a short amount of time bad??
Did you sell or are you counting paper gains?
If you sold, you just dumped on other linkies, good job I guess.

Based, price action FUD is completely worthless

>link is doing well
Of course it is.

Attached: sergeydump.png (1165x476, 49K)

The completely baseless and false fud is ramping up, some good news must be coming.

If you are an OG with a large stack and not selling now you are a fucking MANIAC

>baseless and false fud
you can check the token movements on etherscan yourself

i fucking fell for this and I hope everyone who shilled it to me loses 10x what I did in return

I can’t believe sergey would do this to us after we made him all those nice memes

Everything is up dozens since 2017, your shitcoin is no different. I love the delusion of you retards, if you’re truly up this much what are you doing still in this evident scam? People make money off P&D, but they don’t stick around and watch it sink their net worth you dumb fuck. Stay in, never sell and go from 0 to 100 then -100. You must have put in like $200 if after a 20whateverX you’re STILL looking for gains. This is the crux of the issue with linkies. Your average investments are $100. You want this $100 to turn you into a multi millionaire.

You fucking brainlet. If the supply is like that, why it doesn't appear in cmc? Sergey is just feeden the wash trading bots of Binance to keep the price down until he mades some announcements.

>why it doesn't appear in cmc
I asked them that, and they told me they only update the circulating supply based on what the team tells them.
He's intentionally hiding it.


>”Sergey is just feeden the wash trading bots of Binance to keep the price down”
You tried your best to staple technobabble shit into a believable statement, but failed terribly. You can only fool your parents with this shit, not us.

Thats right, sell you dumb newfags. Daddy needs cheap link.

The stacks being "dumped" are part of the designated 30% for nodes. I'll see you guys in December. Might want to screencap this.

>Everything is up dozens since 2017
Annnnnd thats how you lose credibility you persona non grata.

I've missed Uncle Oldfag, thanks for this thread guys it's very nostalgic!

Attached: based.png (779x853, 172K)

The links are fake

>Everything is up dozens since 2017
Top kek

We dont know where they are going
Dial eight

Time for linkie spoonfeeding, come here babbies. You see pic related? Yes. This is another centralized shitcoin. It was a fraction of a cent in 2017, now its 30 cents. Can babby guess what this is? It did even more Xes than your coin. Give it a shot kids.

Attached: BEAE1CB9-F8B2-412B-8997-837B0A8F0A4A.jpg (700x640, 175K)

Linkies ACTUALLY thought that their coin was the only thing that’s gone up since 2017. They actually believed this. This is what happens when you’re tunnel visioned on an anime website and you don’t even look at a graph that isn’t posted on Jow Forums for 2 years.


>Random shitcoin
Try again

>Using cherry picked individual anecdotes to assert market patterns
You are a turbo brainlet lmfao

You forgot to change ID's, samefagging tranny.

Link will reach the singularity when mainnet comes out!

>nothing happens

Link will reach the singularity with coinbase adoption!

>nothing happens

Link will singularity in December because...reasons!

Just admit that you have all been scammed already.

Attached: stinky.jpg (810x460, 96K)

>Nothing happens
>Linkies are at leats 20x up

It's BTC season anyway and as we get closer to halving alts will bleed worse, maybe big exchange coins wont like BNB or KCS. These idiots don't care about supply or inflation. They bought because of memes.


so you're saying the singularity has already happened for the ico holders and that everyone else may as well dump this shitcoin.

That's not even the singularity and you are all already priced out. Go figure

>they already spent 32mil
>to create centralized oranges
Incorrect. They bought a company.

the "company" they bought was run by a single person who was a friend of Sergey's, so what you are saying is that Sergey gave one of his friends 30 million