Hedge Fund insider here

Our company is currently having our eyes on a crypto project that would be very valuable to us.
Roll trips and I'll spill the beans for you pathetic bunch of losers

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's a trip

Nah suck my balls larping faggot

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Rolling for ftm

Traps are gay


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cruel fate

Reckon you're company is quite pathetic, considering you're here every other day seeking validation

all in ONE confirmed trips




Ah chucks.

We know it's LINK

it means you're new
lole no, we don't want to lose money on garbage

We are a hedge fund company. Chainlink doesn't have any properties that interests us and our business model. Our goal is to generate revenue for our customers through specific trading algorithms.

What a shame. Seems like you fools aren't deserverving of my advice, see ya :)


is ampleforth


sergey nazarov

Let me guess. It's one of the current shitcoins being shipped heavily here, eh? Go back to your mom's vagina and kys.

spill it bitch

Give me the deets


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I already know what you will say.

Fuck off pajeet we all know that u work at McDonalds

this cuck was cucked by an Asian

it's cool but now, and we are not interested in heavily manipulated volume.
I don't think it has ever been mentioned here yet because it's so under the radar

roll first fags. I am losing my patience here, you all got 15min max before I'll leave and you will never know it

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>hedge fund insider
>doesn't have any secrets



Post bank account balance, and I might take you seriously

If it's not NEX then your hedge fund is shit. Also check em

Let me guess faggot hedge funder - vxv?

allright I give up
See ya fags as I walk by the local soup kitchen.
Never gonna make it

>We are a hedge fund company. Chainlink doesn't have any properties that interests us and our business model. Our goal is to generate revenue for our customers through specific trading algorithms.
You might want to look into chainlink faggot

why would I need to do that? You'll just going to accuse me of having manipulated it like I've been before. It's basically impossible to prove yourself without doxxing yourself and I am not gonna do that of course.
besides my currency is not USD

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fuck off we're full

Dump the beans.

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and I doubt you know how a hedge fund works. We aren't buying much shit and holding it just because it's potent. We make our customers generate profit depending on algorithmic trading.
ChainLink is a smart contract oriented platform. It doesn't offer any algorithmic benefits in terms of trading

lol wat (You)

Let me guess: you and the other boys from the tranny club are trying to shill basic attention tokens?

Fuck you shitcoin slinging pajeetd and your shilling bullshit. Do you think for a second a hedge would'nt put you under a NDA to keep your wormy little lips sealed and your greasy fingers from spilling the beans?


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I know what it is, and I'm not saying. It has been mentioned here before

Minimum buy in of 25k buy the looks of things. Am I right?

>what are whistleblowers
leaks happen all the time of big companies. The smart leakers manage to stay undetected

yes, suck my feminime dick fuccboi

>Minimum buy in of 25k buy the looks of things. Am I right?


I aint saying nigga, maybe mines better than yours, I did give you 2 clues though.


XTZ, we know faggot

roll because i'm curious




just rephrase what you intended to say so I can understand it

Please tell me op, I need to make it so bad, I never want to work again



I'll wait till the public sale to do so, you hedge cunts already have an unfair advantage.

rolling again

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Outsider here, can confirm that I'll again be going outside later.

That felt good later fags

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Roll successful.
Ok op, spill your beans.

well if you are that interested in coins, try telecoin

just leaving this here. That's all you need to know
This was the article that caught our eyes.

But knowing how Jow Forums is like, none of you will buy it because you're a bunch of sissies and will just call me a pajeet and move on. Won't bother me though. That's exactly what I want.
See ya next time, losers

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Unironically hedge fund insider here.
I'll drop some info for biztards.
Not sure though if I work for big Jew or regular shlomo, because they can jew each other as well.
However.. All I know though, (((they))) are currently propping up the Asian stock bubble, while avoiding US bonds and stocks like a plague.

shhh, don't let them know. Don't invest in Indonesia and Philippines :)

Not reading all that shit what’s the ticker symbol fag


So I was fucking right in calling vxv and you ignored me faggot. Already balls deep in this waiting for you guys to jump on board

That website doesn't say a fucking coherent thing. Is this another repeat of the bakkt style fake site phishing for crypto keys, Ip addresses?

You’re too stupid to understand the article. Go buy FTM or ONE and let the big boys talk about generating alpha

user it’s fucking Elastic, holy shit how old are you?

The only crypto-related thing I found so far was by going to vectorspace page

they have a link to this: idex.market/eth/vxv

what the fuck is elastic?


I swear none of you deserve money

VXV was shilled quite a lot here a couple of months ago actually. Most people thought of it as a flavor of the month shitcoin at the time. What makes your shill so different this time OP?

What's your AUM and what's your target price speculation? Assuming 4x from here would be 1.00 usd / token. (Or 50M marketcap)


I got in yesterday. project looks amazing