What do you call this pattern Jow Forums?

What do you call this pattern Jow Forums?

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the bleeding waggies

the perfect opportunity

Ah i see this coin is forming the rare $0yflag pattern

bullflag zoom out

Double digit shitcoin formation.

The Harmony ONE launchpad

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going to rebound somewhere user, why not try catching the knife.?


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The "we've reached despair"

the dip you thought you'd have wished you'd bought but when it came you decided to not

Money in da bank

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A spring.

Oh my sweet summer child

The Red Waterfall.

dissolving the soviet union

>tfw opened a comfy short at 0.021 BTC
I don't know why bobo's are obsessed with shorting BTC, literally short any alt and make bank

Because it’s impossibly easily to get absolutely raped at any given moment on an alt short. Literally a dolphin can wake up one day and decide to market buy and it’s over for you

Bitcoin is much harder to move

t-the bear trap...

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Kek wow. The it's over pattern.

It might be called >weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee splat

the cutting off my nose to spite my face pattern

China stopped buying onions

hey hey...

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zoom out retard. also buy high sell low. also have sex

literally "death spiral"

Triggered eth fagalist detected

the Perfect Time to Short pattern

the "bye bye shitcoins" pattern
zoom out? its at a multi year low with open air below it. literally ZERO support left for this shitcoin


Point of maximum return

stay poor

ETH 2.0

ONE is unironically going to replace ETH.


I call it.. T-time to buy..!

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why is no one realizing eth is not crashing, it's bitcoin that's pumping.
Eth is where it was in october
narratives are weird

Are you retarded?

ETH is crashing in sats which is even worse, Bitcoin pumping only makes this shitcoin fall more into oblivion

Only bitcoin maximalists care about sats. It's not a good measure of anything. Wealth is measured in usd.
Nobody is even selling into bitcoin anymore, that was replaced by usdt and usd.

max bagholder cope, your sats evaporated you could have so much more

kek I'm sure there's some stock that made much more during that time
that's not enough to make me measure the price in units of that stock


except eth gets its value in dollars from its btc/sats value, enjoy getting raped when btc tanks to 5k faggot

also based


The "zoom out incel"

Max cope. Love that this fag would rather see bitcoin at 5k then ether at 1k

look at volumes on non-washtrading exchanges, eth/btc is a small fraction of total volume.
Most of it is due to bots doing arbitrage between eth/usd and btc/usd

Bitfinex: 19M ethusd, 9.8M ethbtc (usually it's below 2M)
Coinbase: ethusd 99k eth, ethbtc 28k eth
Binance: ethusdt $52M, ethbtc $38M
Verdict: eth trades on usd and ethbtc moves based on usd demand of eth and btc

november 2018 is all the proof you need retard

Do you even realize the current price action proves you wrong?
The correlations are high because many funds trade market cap weighted indexes of top 5 or top 10, but they break when there are too strong coin-specific impulses

Imagine not knowing

blah blah enjoy the bags nerd

I'm going to enjoy my staking income, it's going to be over 100% annual return at these prices.

Pissing it up against the wall

The Bullshit, when the "bulls" pass "the gains" onto FOMOers

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