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how the hell is NEETness even possible? do you all live with parents or something?

Bought a modest home on early gains so I just have to have a little passive income to remain a NEET.

Actually i do, i pretend to have Autism and use ''Good Boy Points'' to get Money and Food from my Mom., the way i get Good Boy Points is by cleaning the house.

What are you going to do when mommy and daddy are gone?

>passive income
and where did that come from? i mean even if you own a house you'll need thousands to run fuel and maintain the thing, plus food isn't free, neither is internet access and neither are hookers. how does this work?

Stay with my young and hard working brother of course, life couldn't be any better.

Based and NEET-pilled

>being this much of a loser
Have sex then reassess

Income from advertisements on websites I run. Its up and down, some years feels like Im about to go broke, other years I get to go on vacations. I try to work harder on it but it doesnt go up so kind of stuck in limbo.

i have an ecommerce biz that I spend around 1 hour per week on that i'm going to make around 65k from this year

also grinding CC spend bonus's to take free vacations. life is good, putting all of my money into crypto

>Income from advertisements on websites I run
huh. there's still money in this? i made a killing 20 years ago with porn banners, but i'd assumed the gold rush was pretty much over.
what ads are you running, and what kind of conversion ratios do you get? and don't the sites require constant maintenance and updating?

Adsense, some CPM banner networks, some affiliate marketing ads. I usually work on different sites, then some die, and the new ones just make the same amount. Im trying to put what extra I have into crypto hoping that goes up so I can escape this cycle.

lol saved

Ecommerce biz? You buy a bunch of vans and have niggers deliver packages?

no, i contracted a factory in china to make a private label product that mainly sells on amazon FBA. they ship directly to amazon, amazon takes care of shipping out my product to customers, I sit back and get my direct deposit every two weeks.

basically yes.

Nice, I wish I could think of shit like that. It will probably be another 40 years of public accounting for me though :-(

ah sad, i almost went the big 4 route myself. i think i would've killed myself during the first busy season though

Is it realistic to consider that amazon will try to cut you out eventually? Considering that they can collect all the data on your sales and create a competitive offering?

yeah, it fuckin sucks, just trynna make enough to live off of passive income right now

I have a patent on my product, they won't be able to do anything.

That seems like a cool way to get some passive income. What are your sites about, user?
I'm now considering doing this with some things that interest me.

Damn. Nice, user.

I have some rental homes with positive cash flow and use savings to make up the difference. 30 year old boomer retired NEET.

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I'm part time NEET lifestyle

>Used my 2017 gains to pay off my mortgage
>No more 30 year debt Jew
>Work 2 days a week
>5 day weekend
>Pays all my bills

Yeah... Feels good bros