Can someone help me with adding a message to the Bitcoin blockchain? I literally just need the bare minimum of satoshis to add text onto a transaction. I have no clue how to go about doing this. What kind of wallet software do I need to add a message to it; I figure you can't do it through exchanges. How can I go about getting a few satoshis without linking my identity to a exchange with KYC? Like is there a shitcoin getting airdropped I can trade for a negligible amount of Bitcoin?
Can someone help me with adding a message to the Bitcoin blockchain...
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the message
I think it's easier with ETH, can be done right in the browser
If you want to do this with ETH, you'll have to convert your message to the hexadecimal format (there are online tools) and then insert into the data field
Elizabeth II will die October 2019
Hillary Clinton will be elected 2020
Time is a loop, I remember these events
I don't really trust ETH, but I wouldn't be opposed to doing it on both.
send me 10k satoshis to a adress and I will sned you 8k anonymized with coinjoin, are you up?
If I had any satoshis I'd just do it myself, lol.
> How can I go about getting a few satoshis without linking my identity to a exchange with KYC?
nigger, nobody will give you free money, I can give you anonymity, but you have to pay for it.
One satoshi is like one percent of a penny. I'd hardly consider that "free money".
Bump n dump
>How can I go about getting a few satoshis without linking my identity to a exchange with KYC?
crypto ATMs
I don't like how they ask for your phone number. I don't have money to waste on a burner. What's the minimum you can put into a crypto ATM? I'd like to just do $1 lol.
If your message is that prophetic even $100 is not much money. You can wash it with shapeshift or changelly. And pure anonymity you can mine something like BTC or a shitcoin and exchange it to BTC and create new wallets and post the transaction to the blockchain. Assange did it. At that point your message will be eternal given the blockchain survives.
You could mine it on the PC you have right now. You know, mining? The thing BTC is based around?
I'm broke as shit and money is a huge issue in my life. I completely acknowledge that it's retarded for me to be penny pinching if I actually have something important to say, but I can't help it. Money has always been an issue in my life and I was a penny pincher even as a child. Yeah I was definitely thinking about mining some shitcoins, but I don't think my computer could even handle that.
I only have an old cheap ass laptop. There's no way I could mine Bitcoin. Don't you need to have enough storage to download the whole bloackchain and aren't the rewards only in full Bitcoins after a long ass time of mining?
join a mining pool
like you said, you don't need much. could probably make a dollar a day at least
That's a good idea, thanks. How do I do that? Can they just do it though my browser or do I actually have to download some stuff?
you'll need to download a client
it will use your cpu/gpu for hash
but i don't mine, just trade, so i don't know much about it to be fair
Well thanks for the idea, I'll probably end up doing that.
no worries
one schizo to another
what's the price of bitcoin going to be next year?
Low of $200, high of $16k-ish, I think. Bitcoin is definitely on my radar, but arbitrary numbers and dates are so hard to remember. I know there's definitely one year with a February/March around $200 and there's a summer where Bitcoin hits $16k again. I'm pretty sure there in the same year and I'm pretty sure that it's next year. But the problem is that these memories don't have timestamps of any sorts. It's not like I'm constantly thinking about what day it is and what's happening on that particular day. So I have to bounce memories off each other to try to figure out a relative time line of how I think things go in order and when they occur.
tether implodes
good to know
I have 0 memories directly related to tether, so I'm not sure what happens with it. You're probably right though, I doubt they can sustain themselves in such volatile times.
anything else? do you remember which horse wins tomorrow? do a marty mcfly and win some money sportsbetting.
I don't know shit about sports. Betting on that kind of shit seems just as arbitrary and impossible as remembering lottery numbers. Like what if I do end up remembering which horse wins a race, how would I remember which race it is? If I'm going to make money from these memories, crypto is my only hope. I have some decent memories of it, but I also remember that I've tried it countless times and failed because I've been slightly off. I keep trying to time shit perfectly because I'm broke as shit and don't have money that can just sit on the side if I'm off by even just a little bit.
I read through this:
you are from another timeline. That is the answer.
I doubt it. I've lived through this shit countless times. It's the same timeline over and over again.
hey you're the guy from x that i asked if i was accidentally on biz because you were talking about blockchain. what's up man, you're a roadman too huh? everything is cyclical
take your meds schizo
I believe you, I was stuck in a loop myself for several years. Every year was an almost exact repeat of the previous. Shit was weird af.
Yeah, that thread is when I thought of adding this shit to the blockchain to undeniably timestamp it. Even the thread I linked where I went into detail about these memories mentioned that I've been posting on Jow Forums and Jow Forums as well as /x/. I've said some shit on Jow Forums as well (because obviously the 2020 presidential election shit is quite relevant there), but that board moves so fast it gets swept away in an instant so I don't really bother with it much.
No thanks :^)
I think maybe that loop you were in was just a period of time in which you could remember the loop. Because I'm pretty sure the way this shit works is by the entire universe being in a loop from the beginning to end of time. So this smaller loop you were in was probably just a time in which you remembered the general loop.
Maybe. The experience was basically like first time experiencing was like a first time experience. But then everything went on repeat after that it seems. So you can remember vaguely what happened and then as you experience it you can quite clearly tell that its happening again exactly like you experienced it before and sometimes you can tell what's going to happen next. I had about 3 years of repeat before I ''broke out''. But I do sometimes feel like it's a ''bigger repeat'' or loop as you call it.
I can quite clearly remember myself trying to find a way to stop the loop, I even reached out to some people telling them how I'm in this loop and how everything is repeating itself year on over. I was desperate. It was a living nightmare simply because it was also one of the most enduring times of my life so far.
I always believed that the experience of time is an illusion and that you're really outside of time. And that being why some things you feel like you've done before. Or why you might have a dejavu. But that experience of a loop is something different.
Yeah, that sounds pretty similar to my experience. Time just loves to loop around the shittiest time of your life. I guess maybe during those times you're just paying more attention or something. The majority of my memories of the loop are from very unpleasant experiences. I mostly just talk about the big public events because those are the only ones that can actually prove to others that this shit is in a loop. No one cares about the time when I'll have to put my dog down or when my mom will have to have brain surgery to remove a tumor or the multiple times I'm going to be on the verge of heat stroke while wageslaving. None of that shit is proof that the universe is in a loop to anyone but me, because no one knows my life.
It went on for 3 years and there are like these ''milestones'' from which you can tell you're in the loop. Not everyday is like that. But like once every month something happens exactly like you already experienced before. And it just keeps going. But trying to remember it in advance is hard but once the moment is there, it's usually not difficult in predicting or remembering where it goes next. And it can be scarily accurate.
The weird thing is is that it also involves people doing stuff on repeat or in a loop and that they're not aware of this, to them that year is unique unlike you yourself who experience the years as if there groundhog days.
>Time just loves to loop around the shittiest time of your life
Huh wow this so weird. I really thought it was just me being crazy af. I dismissed the whole thing untill you brought it up just now.
Yeah, that's how it is for me too. I don't remember every day of my life. It's just that I have memories of milestones, as you put it, which confirm I'm still within the loop. What really sucks it seems like some of this shit is completely within my control, but it's not. Like, I don't really care that events involving other people are loops because other people are going to do the same shit and I'm going to react in the same way. I just really hate it when a milestone is something that I'm doing alone. Like how the fuck don't I do something different if I'm supposedly in control of the particular situation? Why am I still stuck in this pattern of repeating the exact same shit, down to the second, even though I know I'm in a loop and should theoretically be able to change my actions?
Well yeah I know what you mean. I got stuck on the same thing trying to change something only to realize that that's exactly how it went last time.
And this is a theory I heard maybe 7 or 8 years ago. But if you perceive these things as dimension and you're looking downwards from higher dimensions into the realm we are now operating in. Time isn't actually real, and everything that will ever happen has already happened. You're basically performing actions just for the sake of performing them because that's how it was set out to be manifested in higher realms. But it needs to be manifested in this realm to happen. If you follow me?
So it already happened. But you still need to come down to the physical world to manifest them into action.
this is either the most elaborate pajeet begging thread ever (just a few sats, sirs? it's less than a dollar!) or op is larping. Clinton 2020, really? she lost 2016 by a landslide and there are no universes where she could have won because she's a nuclear war hawk.
Yeah, I know what you're talking about. There's this clip from a tv show that gets mentioned a lot when I talk about this stuff.
I kind of hate it because even though the scene is serious, the fact that it's on such a dumb tv show makes it seem like a joke.
I don't even want someone to give me the sats. I wanted advice on how I could collect a few from getting airdropped shitcoins to trade or something. In fact, I'd prefer if someone else just straight up did it for me, because I'm still not really sure how to go about doing it even if I had the sats. So I'm pretty sure I end up not doing it at all, because I don't have any memories referencing it.
I'm not even a fan of Clinton, but she did win the popular vote in 2016 so no I wouldn't call that losing by a mile. Plus if you actually read the thread I linked, you'd know she doesn't even have to run against Trump because he drops out just a couple months before the election.
Although I am very interested in how she's supposedly a nuclear war hawk. Care to elaborate on that part? I normally die in 2022 so I don't end up seeing her presidency all the way through, but I do remember a bunch of news saying that tension with Russia is very high and nuclear war could possibly be on the table. I figure it's mostly just fear mongering, as per the media's norm, but it does still worry me. I would hate to figure out how to live past my normal death, only to die in a nuclear holocaust soon after anyway because this cunt can't get over her hateboner for Russia.
There are Bitcoin faucets. I can't recommend any cause I never use them. But I do assume you'll be stuck doing that for a couple of days before you're able to withdraw anything.
Regarding that video clip. Yeah that roughly sounds similar.
Good idea, thanks. I'll try to find one with a low minimum withdrawal.
its easy as shit on bsv, just visit
you will need a moneybutton account however
BSV is going to die when Craig admits he's not Satoshi. I really just want to do it on the BTC blockchain because it's the only one that seems like it'll last a good while. I bet even when it goes out of use, people will have it saved as a novelty or museum piece.
Hey man, do you happen to have any drug experiences? I've read a few other people talking about the loop shit, although not to the degree that you and I have experienced, and it seems like drugs keep being involved. I'm wondering if people like us are just drawn to drugs or if drugs make people like us. I personally have smoked weed and did LSD before this shit started happening, but I was completely sober for a few years before it really came into detail. Plus I had a lot of weird deja vu experiences as a kid, so I can't really tell if this shit was bound to happen or if I "unlocked" something with the drugs.
Yes I do. I used weed, shrooms, cocaine, methaphetamines, never LSD. I've always had dejavu's regardless of drug use. I haven't used any drugs in a very long time and don't feel much of an appettite for them. I don't really care how drugs fit into any of it. It's probably a bit of both.
Look for a btc faucet dumbass
Well it is interesting to note that drugs are involved in some shape or form. It kind of makes me think like we're the modern shamans or something.
Yeah, we figured that one out. Got any advice as to how people actually encode text into the blockchain?
Look for cripple on ripple
Bitcoin cash Alice in Wonderland
Swarm on eth
Btc idk
Bsv Alice in Wonderland***
Ripple is a hard no, centralized as shit and can easily be manipulated.
Bitcoin Cash just doesn't seem that important, but it may be an option if I can't figure out BTC.
ETH is fucky. There was already the divide between ETC and ETH. Now ETH2 is going to make shit weird. I don't trust it.
Hard no on BSV. Craig is not Satoshi and that chain will die off much sooner than the rest.
Thanks for the advice anyway. I may have to resort to one of these if I can't figure it out.
did you make all these posts and lose all your money in a previous loop? Maybe at the end of your loop you met a genie and keep wishing to go back and do it over again differently
I'm broke as shit. I can't make money off this shit because I don't have money to put into it. I've tried, but I keep fucking up in every life time because I freak out if I don't time it perfectly, because the money I try to put into it is also the money I have to pay my bills with. So if I don't buy at the bottom, I'm fucked. I actually don't lose money off it, I never end up putting any skin in the game because I keep missing the bottoms.
But yeah, I'm sure I made these posts before. Exactly the same, at the same times, down to the second, and every typo included. It seems outright impossible to change even the smallest things. If I try to change something, it turns out that I tried to change it before and I end up doing the exact same thing I always do.
type something you wouldn't normally type faggot
There's nothing I wouldn't normally type. If I think of something I wouldn't normally type and type it, it's something I would normally type.
>down to the second
> I normally die in 2022
>repeating the exact same shit, down to the second
Pick one.
Also, how would your actions not be influenced what you know and your behavior not thereby changed every time if you are able to provide information about the "fact" that you are stuck in a time loop?
Well as far as I can tell, I always die in 2022 and everything is exactly the same. I would like to remain hopeful that shit can change. I have these other thoughts, they're not nearly as burned into my mind as the memories I'm sure are going to happen. I can't tell if they're just wishful thinking or an alternative path I can take if I don't fuck up making money off crypto this time around.
Because remembering I'm in the loop is part of the loop. I had these memories last time and the time before that and so on. I don't ever remember anything from a "normal" life in which I don't have these memories. So all of my actions because of these memories are the same ones I always perform.
Furthermore and lastly, your predictions are just relatively reasonable predictions.
The Queen is old, you admit that this is probably not provable in order to gain people's confidence because you realize that they would notice this anyway.
You make a prediction that may or may not be more of a gamble that states pass laws that presidential candidates must release tax information to be listed on the ballot.
Whether or not that is possible or a good prediction (I'm not really sure. I'm not exactly a lawyer or politician), this could easily be what someone believes to be a reasonable guess about what might happen in the future.
Kind of like that one 'psychic' lady I was listening to years back on the radio who said that the US government would change to a structure where there would be a senate and all that, but no presidential office.
She predicted it because she believes, for whatever reason, that this is a reasonable prediction.
Oh, but actually I should clarify, they're not really that reasonable. Its a balancing act between making people amazed if you are right, but making it relatively likely that that would happen. You have considerable wiggle room for unbelievability, not only because you are an user, but because people will forget wrong predictions and remember correct predictions.
So it might be a little insane or at least insane sounding to say that states would pass laws like that, but people really, REALLY don't like Trump and this does sound like something people would talk about and consider.
If you wanted to convince me, you'd need to make several very outlandish predictions.
Based schizoposter, do you remember an economic collapse of sorts happening in the immediate future? How bad will it be? What event will mark the beginning of it?
For example, predicting the rise of a technology none would have even thought of so easily, mention several major out-of-season disasters, mention the numbers on a power ball outcome...
Actually, one thing you could do is go on /tg/ or /qst/ and roll some dice. In the future it will have already been the case that you have deliberately and solidly remembered the outcome of the dice as best you can, so if everything is repeating, you can say what you will roll before you roll it. You would have to do this several times.
Or maybe come up with some other utterly random thing to predict the outcome of.
Interesting idea I thought of: You could play a game of DnD or something and predict every one of your major memorable rolls, given that assuming you take my advice in the future, you will have written them down each afterwards to remember it even better. After all, the stakes are higher to prove it.
DnD should make for more memorable rolls since you would actually be trying to accomplish specific things.
Rip brexit
Well that fucking blows. I thought this was already outlandish as fuck. I don't have anything more impressive to say than what I already have. I thought the specifics of it would really nail this shit together.
Hillary isn't even running in the primaries. Which makes it impressive in itself to "guess" that she will announce her candidacy next year, basically after all the debates are over. Not only that, but then she wins the nomination, that's even more impressive.
Trump seems too hard headed to ever just give up a chance for reelection. I would think him dropping out for any reason whatsoever would be an impressive "guess" as well.
Not to mention that "psychic" you're talking about said something general will happen eventually. I'm saying this specific shit is going to happen in 2020 or not at all.
Dude, that shit would be absolutely impossible. You're basically asking me to memorize a series of random events and recall them 20 years later with accuracy, basically after having amnesia since I don't start out my life with these memories.
I don't play DnD first of all. Secondly, if I could remember shit that accurately, I'd just go for the lottery and not worry about trying to impress anyone with stupid shit like that.
We're about to enter a flash crash. I think the dow was down like 40% by the time I was thinking about the queen of England actually being dead, so late October. I know it's back up and actually hitting new highs by the time the presidential election happens, so it's obviously over pretty quickly. No major economic crash that actually affects day to day life, though. As I've mentioned earlier, I die in 2022, so maybe shit goes down after that, I dunno.
I have no clue how Brexit goes.
Is there anyone else that wouldn't be impressed if my "predictions" come true? I thought this shit was in the bag. Like how the hell am I getting such a stickler before any of this shit even happens? Is this shit seriously just going to be completely torn apart by skeptics and no one is going to believe me at all, even after I made very specific claims that actually end up happening? What a huge disappointment.
I thought my biggest problem would be that no one would believe that this shit would actually happen, or that it after it happens people don't believe I actually said that it would happen before it did. Not that it will happen and then people just say that I'm a really good guesser.
Do you have an email or something? I would like to stay in touch with you if the Queen dies in October.
What crypto do I buy to pull my family out of poverty OP?
I don't actually use it for much, but I'll try to remember to check it after she dies. As you could probably guess from someone like me, I'm pisspoor at maintaining relationships, so don't expect much in terms of being friends or anything like that.
[email protected]
Bitcoin, but wait until the crash. I want to say it goes down to $100. I know it goes down to the triple digits, but maybe waiting for $100 is why I keep fucking myself. ETH is good too, but it gets kind of weird when Vitalik tries to release ETH2 shit. Like they have to make a whole new chain or something. I don't remember the exact details, but when everything gets fucky like that, it's actually the perfect time to buy. I think the new chain starts off like at $7 and instantly rises from there, like you probably won't even have a chance to buy it that low. I think it goes up to $20 basically immediately, so that's probably a good place to get in.
Also, I think I've just about spent my entire load between this thread and the archived one I linked. So I don't think I could really offer you any additional information if you do end up wanting to talk in October.
Make a tripcode in this thread and use in October once you're proven right so we know it's really you and not some larper.
I have a tripcode. I don't like to use it much though. I made it as a joke because obviously people could think I'm schizophrenic for saying the things I do. It's not really a 100% guarantee it's me anyway. Tripcodes are possible to crack.
I also have a secure tripcode, but what sucks about those is that it relies on Jow Forums's SALT, that Hiro could change at any time if he wanted to, so it's no guarantee I could use the same one again in the future.
I'll see you in October friend
What’s the point? So if you’re right you can say “told you so”?
Or are you trying to change the events your have prophesized, to make it incorrect?
>We’re about to enter a flash crash
Flash crash takes place in a flash, literally. It happens during a trading session, over the course of minutes-hours, not months.
Easy use bitpaste or twetch with bitcoin sv.
Money button account needed, but it's very simple.
Sorry to inform you that you've been fed misinformation.
Time cops here, we got him
probably some sort of proof
>goes to office job everyday for 50hrs a week
>it's a loop guys I swer
>tomorrow I'll go to my job, and the next day too!
See you then.
More of a "told you so". I want to prove that we're really in a loop and these "prophecies" are just a way of doing that.
Well I guess my terminology is wrong. What would you call a 40% dip followed by a 100%+ upturn within a year?
Craig is not Satoshi. I don't want anything to do with BSV.
Being in a loop doesn't exclude you from needing food, water, shelter, etc. In fact my death in 2022 is directly related to wageslavery. After I fail to make money off crypto despite having these memories, I stop caring and allow myself to fall into the same path that leads to my death without fighting it. Just so that I can start over and hopefully do something different next time. I'd rather push the reset button than wageslave for 50 years, that's for damn sure. I'm glad I die young instead of doing that shit. The only reason I don't just kill myself now is because I really want to believe I can get rich off crypto this time around and can live a good life instead of being a wageslave.
>I want to prove that we’re in a loop
This wouldn’t be proof that I’m in a loop. It would indicate the possibility that YOU are in a loop. But who knows, maybe you live through 2022 and the “loop” was merely a repeat, not an infinite loop.
>What would you call a 40% dip followed by a 100%+ upturn within a year?
A mini-bear market. A dramatic over-correction followed by a reversion to the mean. A sharp stockmarket pullback. A prime buying opportunity.
>low of 200
you don't even know how much coins need to be sold to get near that price point
if you knew, you would put something different in your chuunibyou larp LOL
yea, you're a chuunifaggot
I really liked season one of chu2...
I’m never able to get into season 2.
begging for fractions of a cent but discrediting the only blockchain that would allow it. I was just bout to donate to a bsv faucet to help you out. aint happening. You are not looping, you are having deja vus. having them frequently means you have something in your brain. Get it checked, a cat scan might reveal a tumor.... oh wait you are probably living in the land of the free and dont have access to free healthcare... Well tough luck, see you next loop.