How much LINK do I need to fund a war against racemixing?

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You should fund research in futa on female procreation instead user...

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>I saw that girl I like that doesn’t notice me again today with someone brown >:(((( help me Chainlink!!

What the fuck. Is this shitcoin the most Jow Forums coin there is?

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i'm a blonde aryan with a brown gf and 100k link

Day of the rope is coming soon faggot

back to Jow Forums incel

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Yeah, the day incels rope themselves because they can't cope anymore lmao

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kek what a nerd

Seriously ask yourself why you care so much

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Fuck u OP...you will never stop me from banging Asian beauties. It's nit my fault white women are most ly femi nazi fat bitchy whores.

Back to plebbit, cuck.

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aren't racemixers on the average ugly degenerate eternal party normie cunts?

I thought we were doing this to fuck asian chicks.

Why wouldn't you care about a suburb turning into St. Louis?

have sex

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Have kids.

I will have mixed kids why you incel dies a virgin

Sounds like someone doesn’t get ass :(

I already have two blonde haired kids. Now go dilate.

of course you do incel, you made them with your right hand?