I've returned from the astral realm. It felt like years. This is what I was looking for. Give it your energy brothers. Harmony $1 eoy
I've returned from the astral realm. It felt like years. This is what I was looking for. Give it your energy brothers...
Spread it. The power this symbol holds is... The master who showed it to me made no promises, but the potential is immense. It's showtime.
It looks like a variant of the saturn sigil fuck outta here with your dark energy bullshit kiddie diddler
Back to /xpol/ or 8ch
Who even knows or gives a fucking shite about this tripe?
>has lines so same
Nice try, but no. There is nothing dark about it. In fact you should feel happy gazing at the sigil, try it and you'll be surprised.
I smoked DMT this week and it told me massive supply coins wont pump until the end of BTC's peak.
looks like I hit a nerve this is basic level shit and anyone into crypto with a brain stops and asks about the symbolism.
>dark masquerading as light
its not my fault you tried to shill your shitcoin starting a thread talking about astral realms keep posting and get rekt
Your shit about language being magical is sin. Sin means missing the mark. You have no idea how to use logic, don't fuck with ideas unless you got the basics of critical thinking. Fools don't need walls around them, I'm lending you a hand
Full of fear, uncertainty, doubt. You're welcome to stay and discuss symbolism, brother. I'm sending you thoughts of peace and harmony now.
And what side hand might that be user? You speak with a forked tongue and purposefully obscured language. Truth speaks plainly. OP fucked up by shilling his sigil and hoping no one noticed.
DO tell us about your master.
Just an old man tending to a garden with a hoe. He allowed me to watch. The symbol was what he drew in the red dirt. Not once did I feel negative energy. I've revealed the symbol so if it is in fact evil, it's too late to stop. But I don't believe it is.
More details user. You are the one that started this thread speaking about astral realms and masters are you not? You asked people to energize a very peculiar sigil so I hope you arent larping and understand the weight of your words. If you are larping just save yourself the trouble and go start over on any of the multiple ONE shill threads.
What do you want to know? It's funny because the only words spoken when I met the master was him asking, 'what are you doing here?'
Like I said more details about your "astral trip" and your "master" who showed you this sigil that looks like stuff we have seen before. You should know what I am talking about.
I never said he was my master. And I see what you're trying to do. Why are you fearful? I'm sharing a gift from an astral being.
$1 EOY
8ch got shoad
>The master who showed it to me made no promises
>its a gift from an astral being just shut up and trust me
Ok so tell us about him. You started a thread asking people to give their energy to a sigil you posted and now you are being evasive, giving no further information about your trip to the astral realms or the "master" that revealed this sigil to you. If you know what you are talking about and not just pretending then you would not be asking "why are you fearful" when pressed for details about this "gift" but you would be presenting those details and many more willfully and openly. The more you post the more you show that you are either larping or obfuscating the truth. Which one is it? Im still here waiting for your answers as are many others. It would be less damaging -in more ways than one- to admit to a larp than to be caught trying to fool others.
$2 EOY
It has been over 1.5 hours since your first post and still no answer or clarification. How curious that is! To anyone that knows this is a clear warning sign...how eager you were to shill your transhumanist shitcoin and how quick you were to fall silent when pressed for details.
For your sake I hope you were just larping. If you weren't, just know you transhumanist chinks will get so utterly rekt you will look back at early 20th century rural China and all its brutality with jealousy. Not just you of course - our own transhumanists will partake fully in the punishment that is to come for their pride. I do say this out of love because even now it is not too late to change user. But if you willfully try to fool others just so you can collect shekels and lead them to destruction then you will reap as you sow tenfold. I am leaving for now because enough has been said in this thread to inform those who want to see.
I'm on the move. Calm down. I find your hostility to the sigil more interesting than my journey to be honest. If you've astral projected enough times, it becomes mundane like any other journey.
You haven't even shared the intent behind the sigil and you asked random people to charge it. Assuming you mean well by this, you're reckless and stupid if indeed some random thing gave this to you and you're willing to put energy into it. However, given the particulars of the shape and the nature of your posts, it seems obvious that you intend to deceive anons with this sigil. Go away and please cleanse your spirit.
I didn't ask random people, user. I'm asking Harmonians. Maybe I am reckless but I've been projecting since I was a child. Over 25 years. I'm not here to talk about projecting though. It's obvious what my intentions are as I've already said: $1 eoy. I swear there are antimagik bots scouting the web for the subject outside of containment sites.
btw you and I both know that symbol is legit and has potential to change our lives. FUD it all you want but it's too late.
user I sure hope you're right about your prediction
>this fucking thread
You guys know the virginity wizard thing is just a meme right? This is just LARP right?
lmao at this retard