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We've bottomed out , get the fuck in for huge green dildos this weekend

gizem already helpme to setup a node, gizems and bbq

Nah, shit is going to go down. 70s next week cap this

gizem is a fucking lesbian you retards have you not seen the state of her hair you desperate cuckolds

I fucked up big time on this one. Fucking all in and $3k down.

Why are you still holding?

Wait for coinbase pump then get out at 110 sats

Cos it is ATL, cos CZ will pump it eventually.

Sounds like bagholder cope

I'm ready to make some sweet gains, finally got my 1 mil bag loaded up

even if it doesnt pump, one day it will come back to 120 sats at last.

I'm not very worried.

good we going to $.005

I havent been in green since 2k18. Made all the wrong calls in 2019, fml. Now Im scared selling atl is just another bad call

Harmony can't and never will rise. Because numbers. It's a scam. Not even a good one. Pajeet tier.

fine by me, I don't mind having more time to accumulate

Because numbers? Are you retarded?

>one day

Attached: ws8Vf-zf_400x400.jpg (400x400, 31K)

Because numbers = Look at market cap, volume, and what the company are trying to propose. It is an impossibility. Simple as that.

Like I said, not even a well set up scam. Pajeet tier.

Trash PnD and you should feel like trash for putting money in the worst dumping of all of crypto

Did not mean to tag.