What do you mean taxation is theft, how are these poor black people going to eat!

>What do you mean taxation is theft, how are these poor black people going to eat!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't use roads then dumbass

sweety don't worry
this depression that we are entering will clean up the gene pool

>What do you mean taxation is theft, how are these poor NEETs going to eat!


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Fucking communists. How can they not see that corporations are always good and well-meaning?
You are either a Hoppean Ancap or a marxist. No inbetweens.

canadian spotted
literal white man cope
muh goberment protects me from them corporates

Rather see blacks placated and comfortable instead rioting and causing havoc. If that means mine and more of your tax dollars go towards their welfare and foodstamps, its a small price to pay because the alternative is them causing havoc in society.

Every government is oppressive. Period. People are entitled to do whatever they want because private property.
If govt censors you, that is evil. If a corporation (e.g zuccbook) censors you, then it might be kinda annoying but Zucc has the right to overrule your free speech because he owns FB.

another white man cope
lets feed the parasites
that will pacify them

This. Thank you based wagies.

if it is rational to rebel, rebel
if you are a nigger it is rational to vote communism

you cannot blame people for being rational

because you are pathologically altruistic, you are not acting in your best interest cuck

>what is tragedy of the commons
if you believe taxation is theft you are unironically an idiot

They wont.

You are a commie and do not have the right to have a opinion. That is what you get for disagreeing with my worldview.

*tips fedora* Another victory for individualists!

your world view is not rational
because it leads to your extinction

you have vestigial trates to care for you fellow man, but the nigger is not your fellow or a man

its unsettling that people have become so retarded that i don't know if you are baiting


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What happens when they demand more and more and more?

>user: Yes taxes are good, they pay for our roads and give general welfare to those who need it!
>also user: holds decentalized cryptocurrencies and didn't report gains to the IRS

then you cross that bridge? there won't be an argument to raise taxes once you've covered the basics

Why are these so funny to me?

>being bossed around by a group of people who never invented the wheel

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The dark days of always hacking away bush and brambles to get to work are behind us thankfully. All praise the state.

They don't need an argument, happens every day here in the US especially on the west coast where I live. Oregon and California specifically, I hear all the time how Oregon politicians keep trying to pass new tax bills such as increasing the fees for economic cars to cover the tax reductions they get from gas, small watercraft without motors now need to be registered, grocery taxes on soda, etc etc.

Even normies are fed up with it, what can we realistically do about the (((tax))) question? No gas chamber memes pls that comes later

This seems like a well thought out, fair and long term solution.

Fuck pakis, fuck niggers and fuck single mothers.

>2019 and he believes the government is actually doing anything about the potholes


>drives down pothole ridden road-
>pays 10% city tax on top of 15% state tax on top of 15% federal tax
>works 60 hour work week with no pension plan or benefits
>cant have access to affordable healthcare
>his childs school just got defunded so that carlos and his 8 kids can have more foodstamps

>sucks teeth

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Bro you gotta work on your amerilarps, the right wingers are the biggest anti tax people you'll find aside from libertarians. The communists and socialists want the taxes because of the crab in the bucket mentality

Paying taxes is a bad thing and you just listed all the reasons why. Or is this some kind of reverse anti-meme?

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You literally proved our point dumb ass. We pay three separate income taxes and the potholes still don't get filled so why the fuck would we support more of them?

>MFW I live in a country club town with privately maintained roads.

Lol get fucked looters.

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there are so many fucking retards in society that don't realize yet that we have undergone a major paradigm shift in the last 30 years and taxes are no longer a real fucking thing. we live under GLOBALISM now. Don't get it? let me break it down for you -

>you are a working class sodomite, you pay your $10,000 in taxes annually.
>your local politician uses 80% of it on useless bullshit, mainly social support for minorities and poor people to maximize his odds of reelection - maybe plants a tree or redoes a sidewalk here or there
>the rest go to military and medicaid for niggers and spics
>meanwhile the CEO of all corporations and big businesses stash all of their money in offshores and minimize their tax obligations
>even moreso, they do the same for their corporations (re: Amazon paid 0 in taxes last year meme)
>the amount of poor people grow, the tax pool shrinks
>this has been going on for decades, retards still dont realize and proceed to bootlick for their government

You dumb cocksuckers, look around. Wealth inequality is growing BECAUSE THE RICH STOPPED PAYING TAXES WHILE THE WORKING CLASS CONTINUE TO DO SO, and not just that but as we see on Jow Forums so often, fucking retards apparently wake up in the morning and stare at themselves in the mirror and repeat "i am a good citizen, taxes are good" over and over again. Taxes as we know them are no longer a thing, taxes are just a wealth redistribution scheme from the working poor to the deadbeat poor. That's why you keep paying more and more taxes every year but your schools and roads get shittier and shitter. Earth to user, wake the fuck up

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what does this mean

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abolishing slavery was a mistake, at least they had jobs and food

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Exactly, which is why we need to remove 99% of government regulation, introduce a 5% flat tax and let the free market do it's job

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posting this for the newfags



Don't also forget that the growth in government spending has rapidly increased, alongside technological productivity.

We now owe more money to produce more expensive things

the rich are rich because they are smart enough not to pay taxes
because taxation is theft and those that avoid it make it
(YOU) uber cuck soiboi

remove taxation and suddenly the common man has 5x what he used to have, because he has more income and things cost less

> "why yes i have read Rawls, why do you ask?"

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The government has grown very large, and hasn't taxed enough to pay for it, so he has somewhat of a point

>the rich stopped paying taxes while the working class continue to do so

why don't we just eliminate all taxes and put in a 10% VAT? problem solved.

All of the northern European countries praised for their free Healthcare and college get taxed at levels much higher than the US. It works for now because they still have a lot of productive (white) people paying taxes. In the US, on average, only white males pay taxes. Hispanics are a net deficit, blacks are a net deficit, all women are a net deficit. If you keep increasing the number of blacks and Hispanics while still requiring the same level of money extracted from white men, they will be taxed at even higher rates than in Europe which is already 50, 60, I've evn heard 70% in Belgium.

"just give em most of your money so they don't burn down your house and kill you"
t. Mafia

Gtfo commie.

Governments don't exist to help you, they are centralized platforms for power and money

There is no efficient or correct manner as how to the government should or could work, because you're trying to use a system predicated on irrational beliefs.

>mfw nfw I pay more taxes than amazon despite making barely a fraction of their profit

You say the rich but its the middle class who get absolutely ass raped. Worst ratio of hours worked to tax.

The jews HATE the middle class. The proles aren't a problem, bread and circuses. However a somewhat powerful and intelligent middle group poses a problem to them. That's the precisely foundation to the kalergi plan.

this literally doesn't even address the problem. the problem is corporate corruption and offshore thievery. We need to crackdown hard on that, not make it even easier to do by removing all existing regulations.

the (contemporary day) rich became rich through industrialization, which was done on the backs of common man labor. When it was time to do their part by reinvesting into the society that made them rich, by upholding schools, renovating factories, etc, they simply packed up and left - their money moved offshore and their factories went to China. That is why we have disgusting post-industrial cities that look like some shit out of Mad Max. Again, I am not a communist, but reality is reality - and if the businesses fucked with the common folk this way, the common folk should NOT be bootlicking. My previous posts were not aimed at the OP or anyone pro his point, but those who say that paying taxes is good.

Fuck, talking about taxes makes me seethe so hard.

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you get bankruptcy when 560% of the total budget goes to pay the interest rate on the loans
what if ... what if we had negative interest rates, then the goberment can do whatever forever
and monero will be a million a pop

Herman Caine's 9/9/9 was bullshit but it's a better plan than what we have now, I'd much rather suffer from that

A VAT would address the problem you said.

>Middle & Lower classes overburdened with tax? Payroll, property, and income tax gone.
>Rich and Powerful avoiding taxes? You literally cannot avoid a VAT if you want to participate in the US economy.

What it doesn't address is problem you didn't state, which is that you hate people who are more successful then you and want them to pay for all your shit. Just admit you want a gibs based society and move to Venezuela.

typical communistic rhetoric
in the past, it was them, reeeeeeeeeeee

listen up, I don't care, fuck off, let me be or get shot
we are talking about what is right and what we want, what happened does not apply

Sorry, I basically classify only 2 social classes (rich and poor) with my analyses because the middle class has become such an obscured and marginalized , not to mention shrinking , class that I don't even consider it to exist anymore. I consider middle class to be anyone making 100-300k (depending on city obviously, america is very large and diverse). Anything less than that is working class. Anything under 50-60k is working poor. Some might argue this but the reality is that price of basic goods and housing in the last 30 years have absolutely skyrocketed.

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Logic of a late teens sociopath.

You're such a smoothbrain. In one post you basically understand that public employees in the US are largely inefficient to the point that they fail to maintain our roads properly despite high tax rates but then in another post you're explaining to us that we need to nationalize healthcare which would by default effectively turn all medical professionals into public employees now incentivized by the same system that lead to city workers leaving dangerous potholes unattended. Lmao. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

cognitive dissidence

Removing regulations, and heavy subsidies and Medicaid which are the reason healthcare in the US is so expensive. 50 years ago you didn't have to go into debt to go into a hospital because medical services and equipment were not expensive due to regulatory bodies and the insurance market was a highly competitive thriving scene. But your answer instead is we should nationalize healthcare so that instead of going into debt when we get cancer we instead just die of staff infection because the African government diversity hire (see the TSA and DMVs) they put in charge of the medical staff is grossly negligent like most bureaucrats in the USA generally are

Adding regulations* not removing

You're preaching to the choir here m8. Unfortunately normal people are so braindead they'll defend it. I work with absolute cuck basedboys who unironically want everyone who they disagree with to be censored, specifically the NRA and also wish for more taxes on the rich and when asked why the answer is always "nobody needs THAT much money!!!!11" as if that even fucking matters. Who decides how much money a person needs exactly? But if you ask them that question their brain short circuits and they just repeat things they heard on some dumbfuck media outlet when what they said isn't even applicable in the context of the conversation

Normal people only enjoy hearing themselves talk and having someone who's willing to listen. They don't care about any of it deep down, their only interest is going home and bing watching game of thrones for the 12th time because they've been effectively brainwashed and demoralized into thinking their life situation will never change, which coincidentally is WHY their life won't change. It's this bizzarre catch 22 that most people fall into, but it's impossible to dig them out of their own mental blocks.

There is literally nothing we can do to fix society now, it's irreversibly damaged and will continue to escalate until the inevitable major disaster kills off a large enough amount of people for the dumbfucks of society to start caring again. Think WWIII or another civil war where their children are being drafted to fight for bernie sanders and the jew crew

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It is shrinking i agree, but the elites will rest easy with the working class once they have stratified to a two class system.

At that point media will cease pushing a 'rebel against the rich white man' message on people and start pushing a 'some people are naturally born to lead and there's virtue in poverty' message. And just watch the public switch their beliefs on a dime.


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if you hate taxes so much just move to Somalia

>yes just let it happen goy, don't resist give up and let retards cuck you at every pass. Taxes are good! Who will pay for tyrone's liquor and support that fat landwhale's 6th welfare child?!?!

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>tax is bad bcs niggers!!!
so, taxes are good if you live in a country without niggers?

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Based bugchaser

move to cuba

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No you retard, taxes are only good when used properly on the basic minimum things a government should use them on which are:

>Defense of home and country
>Basic disaster provisions and rescue operations
>Other emergency services
>Infrastructure maintenance
etc etc. How much of a cuck are you to unironically think taxes going to welfare and the jewish defense force are a good thing? Are you incapable of distinguishing a good and a bad use of your own money? Because it IS your money, and the majority portion of taxes are used on those niggers and welfarians you're defending

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cuba is the only country in the world with taxes and no niggers? thanks for letting us know pal

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strawman: the post

amerimutts really have sub 50 IQ

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>Incapable of even understanding the point he was trying to make
He's telling you to move to a socialist shithole you absolute buffoon. This is some sad lack of self awareness

>can't think of a response
This projection is next level

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>if you have taxes you are a socialist!!!!!!!!!
wow, didn't know that every single country in the world was a socialist. thanks for informing us mr. 40 IQ amerimutt!

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If the government didn't build roads business would. No one would go to a restaurant or store that's not attached to any road. No one would buy a house from a developer not attached to the road. These roads would probably be better maintained too, since there would be more investment in their usability.

Incomprehensible cope with your lack of intelligence projecting it onto everyone else, and ad hominems now, well done you've proven my point. Don't worry, your 60% tax rate in whatever european socialist shithole you live in is going to a good cause im sure.

I wonder how many muslim rape gangs you've personally funded, but are too dumb to even recognize it as a bad thing? Good job

>not a shithole
what did he mean by this

shut up commie. you support socialist military and socialist infrastracture. hope you get the helicopter ride soon commie mutt

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Bullets are cheaper.

I'm pretty sure this post was meant to imply that people saying taxes are good are retarded, just like everyone that replied to it.

>Can't even read
Pathetic, you eurotards aren't even worth the time anymore

shut up brainless commie mutt

US military is the largest socialist welfare system in the world. only a 30 IQ brainwashed mutt like you would support it

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>be europoor
>voluntarily destroy your country with mass barbarian swarms
>live under sharia law
>get your children raped at diversity camp
>have to wait in line for three weeks for medical care
>projects frustration over his low iq onto first worlders

at least you get to pay your taxes

>be amerimutt
>go to mall
>get shot
>go to concert
>get shot
>go to church
>get shot
>go to cinema
>get shot
>walk outside
>get shot
>you are still alive
>crawling on the street
>a nigger comes and rapes you
>a mexican watches from the corner
>call the police
>police arrives
>get shot by police
>somehow you are still alive
>get to the hospital
>that will be 800,000 dollars sir
>die from bleeding

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In an ancapistan society, how would it remain homogeneous if companies are naturally driven towards outsourcing and bringing in migrants who'll work for dirt cheap?

Your free market ideal will never work and to have a homogeneous, ethnocentric society you need a strong border which requires a strong gooberment.

Can any Jow Forumslets explain this to me? I know people tend to cite Lichtenstein as ancap working, but I don't think I'd work on a bigger scale like America. All the shitskins would flood the country and then get buttblasted that they can't succeed or get gibs so they riot and burn everything to the ground

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there would also be way less traffic because they would be in a far more efficient layout, because they would develop to suit the market

Guarantee you're from the UK

try not being a retarded neo nazi, huh, problem has been solved.

be happy that they dont eat you

This thread entertained me.

how do I not be a nazi? just pretend multiculturalism works?

What does this itallian - abbo hybrid represent and why does he love USA shirts?

its the average amerimutt, just look in the mirror

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>40% of paycheck is confiscated every pay period
>roads are still shit

Oh shit you got me, I guess thats why I never have sex huh.

Boulder Colorado here. In 2016,voters passes by like 70 percent a sugar tax on beverages.

In 2018, the city put a vote to return the excess money they made from the tax, since it was way over the expected amount. By 65 percent, the city voted to let the city keep it to use for "healthy eating education". I fucking hate the people who live here.

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