Diversified account

>Diversified account
>Still get burned a shit ton
What's the most you've ever lost in a day Jow Forums?

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I lost 22,000$ in one day last november on Bitcoin

I still have PTSD from that day

I "lost" 30K in December of 2018 in the stock market. However I didn't sell and since Jan 1 2019 i've gained about $60K mostly in growth in equity, but also from DRIP and increased capital.

My virginity
wasn't worth it

50k when the crypto bubble peaked

it'll bounce back, it always does desu

not when you are all in argentinian stocks

don't they sell produce like oranges and bananas to the west?
sounds stable enough to bounce back

been hodling Link for longer than a year. Ath was around 260k sitting at 140k now. Still feels good

Linker here, the $30k drop my stack has suffered in the last weeks is the greatest financial loss in my life.
Good thing the pumps have greatly offset the loss.

Maybe like $100 on a single stock. Are you a day trader or a long term holder whose picks are in the red?

long term,
I've started since 2008

2008! How are you in the red if you started back then!?

Why would you invest this money in stocks and not make autonomous business instead? It's been ten years, why? You still holding these bags?

I lost 280k in 24 hours and I was only 22 years old. I literally have a patch of grey hair from that day even though doctors tell me it’s a myth that you can go grey from stress.

How much did you take in must have been at least 70k

I'm actually really interest in this. Can you explain what somethings. Like are you worried that you lost that much or are you calm and collected. I'd assume you would have multiple assets and a large sum in other investments.

not everything but a portion was in retail and European financials

You fucked a fatty? Didn't you...


so you werent diversified at all


In political science, the term banana republic describes a politically unstable country with an economy dependent upon the exportation of a limited-resource product, such as bananas or minerals. In 1901, the American author O. Henry coined the term to describe Honduras and neighbouring countries under economic exploitation by U.S. corporations, such as the United Fruit Company. Typically, a banana republic has a society of extremely stratified social classes, usually a large impoverished working class and a ruling-class plutocracy, composed of the business, political and military elites of that society.[1] Such a ruling-class oligarchy control the primary sector of the economy by way of the exploitation of labour;[2] thus, the term banana republic is a pejorative descriptor for a servile dictatorship that abets and supports, for kickbacks, the exploitation of large-scale plantation agriculture, especially banana cultivation.[2]

Not entirely an accurate description, but no. It is not stable and there is no reason for it to bounce back. They were looking real good right up until this recent round of elections, and now they're heading back to defaulting on the debt...again.

Is it still summer?

What kind of fucking trash are you even holding in that account?

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I've made an average of ~10% of the last decade and never pay attention to daily or weekly fluctuations.

These are u/analfarmer2’s SPY calls had he held on it would have been worth something like 2 million. Why aren’t their any insane options traders on Jow Forums?

>22k is nothing because I'm super rich

lmao grey hair cope from the docs

some reddit on Jow Forumswsb bought options, flipped like 5k into 750k in a week. Lost it all the following week.

He threw his last 40k on CGC $33 8/16 calls, currently profitable, doubt he'll hit 750k again

Much more thrilling than shitcoins I'd imagine

I lost 100k in a day.

I'm on WSB too, gotta pay options AND crypto for proper risk taking

When your post-burn is my pre-cum


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