Love is the greatest asset user. remember that

love is the greatest asset user. remember that.

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It's a bubble

>tfw even poorer now

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no girl will ever love me, especially with dubs

no dubs and green id you're gonna make it user. just dont give up.

Depreciating asset

Depreciating asset

Problem with love is you have to love a woman a little bit ugly to get full commitment. Every 10/10 ive ever met has vern so in love with themsleves they arent even capable of anything other than transactional sex for favours relationships. U got to go average with woman and focus on their character and then be willing to watch them age as u do or this love thing will never happen.

DMT is love

Love God first.

Sad but true

Are you a fag or just a wamon?

Fucking kek'd way to hard!!

You misspelled Link you unsociable troglodyte

you mean lust

What if you never learned how to love, user?

Love is for children and you'll never make it

>chemical reactions is my greatest asset
What did he mean by this?

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>chemical reactions
we're reaching incel levels that shouldn't be possible

Pick a book about neuroscience, tranny


*tips fedora*

Do you know where you are?

For her, not him.


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thanks bought 100k

Correct, but only parent-child love, not some roastie that might leave you for Tyrone

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Too many obvious incels itt, never put pussy on a pedestal faggots.

Well until any of this "love" stuff ever finds me I'm focusing on friends and money

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we wuz atoms n shiet

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Also virgin.

You’re not wrong.

In acquaintence once interrupted me at the bar while I was talking to some girls that I assumed may be escorts. He came over to wingman and said, "Yo user, stop talking to these bitches and come hang out with the crew." We were all flabber gasted. The girl asked me if I was gonna let him talk to them like that. Little did they know, he will be fighting in the ADCC this year and I said, "Most guys I could take, but believe me when I tell you, this is not one of them." I went back over and he told me one of the wisest things I have ever heard to this day. "user, you have a good mom, right?" "Yes" "No woman will ever treat you as well as your mom, so why bother with them?" I remind myself of this experience anytime I feel swept away in the hormonal aura of a confident woman now.

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What if your mom is a useless, irresponsible bag of shit? Asking for a friend

It is not an investment, usually ends bad.
Who cares about how or brain make it, the important is how it feels...Oh I remember when I was a teen, it's strike hard.

You can experience love without sex user, even if that feeling is not corresponded. But is beeter the other way.

Hope you find someone, there are more girls in than boys in this planet, most of them are far more shy than the average incel.

You just need to show initiative.

i think you mean RFR.

Brotherly love

jinx you owe me a coke

I can't find it on any exchanges I use, where can I buy love?

The "love" that you're talking about is just a chemical hijack by nature to get you to fuck and reproduce. that's it. you're just a human being so you're dressing it up with all kinds of romantic fluff but it's just for reproduction. faggot.

babbys first materialist phenomenology

You’re that same nigger living in southern Italy from the other thread aren’t you?

Bumping for interest.

Love is unironically very enjoyable
>tfw the chubby girl you had a crush on and asked out sucks your dick and swallows for the first time
>tfw you take her virginity

Nope. It's your health and fitness.

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I never thought of love in terms of a market.

Recession of love. Booming love. I don't even know where we are. Is there an index for this?


After post 90s capital flight from love markets all the big investors are peddling their bags of hate. Smart investors are accumulating love.

I went all in on unbridled hate

I'm broke then

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I was expecting exactly this response. i'm not a narcissist, or a materialist reductionist. i'm not against or disbelieve in love at all. i'm talking about love that comes from sexual attraction. go on and disprove what i said about it.

i meant pessimist or apathetic or some shit, lol forgive me i havent slept

I am the greatest, bitches get wet for me, but I fuck them and then block their number

bullshit. not a single woman thats ever told me she loved me was worth a shit. they are all liars and essentially fucking evil. id rather have money than the falsities of a woman any day.

Romantic love is a bluepill.
Women are incapable of loving men like men love women (which is how they expect to be loved).

When it comes to relationship you should have 0 expectations and be ready to walk out in a moment, not only you can only be positively surprised but when shit goes south you will be ready.
Otherwise you will grow bitter like incels and mgtow.

This, please respond

I show no love for homo fag like OP

so much alpha UND holders on this board

Incels hate women you absolute mong. Only r9k faggots put them on a pedestal. Trust me I know.

Bingo with a zinger ! This guy gets it, pretend to love women just for affection and sex. Remeber they don't actually love you either so don't feel bad about it.
Having a faux relationship is better than being a lonely incel. You're gonna make it !

>love is the greatest asset user. remember that.

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Disillusioned people are the most hateful because they often feel betrayed.
Look at the number of people who lost money on a project here and became rabidly obsessive about FUDing it.

r9k is full of vengeful people, they're guys who bought into the bluepilled memes about women at some point in their lives and when they realize it was all bullshit they feel like they have a revenge to take.

The rational behaviour would be to learn your lesson then move on with your life and try to build something positive for yourself instead of focusing on pussy.
It's not like celibacy hinders your potential, in fact many of the greatest men alive have been single for most of their lives or during their peak.
Happiness and meaning are fueled by achievement, you don't need women for that.

>bullshit. not a single woman thats ever told me she loved me

Suck my cock niggerone not falling for any bitch

nice, just bought 400k

When do i sell?

when bitch got pregnant

>if you're not a stinky incel like us, you must be a tranny!
kys retards

the talmud is the greatest asset user. remember that.

You sound like an incel to be honest

Yeah, it is when you get it. Normally though you just get a confusing mess you arent even sure you want.

My fiance left me because I 'wasn't a good provider' aka I wasn't wealthy enough, love may be the greatest asset but you'll never get to enjoy it unless you also have money

>t. 35 yo used up hag

Love is as bullshit a concept as God.


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love is a fractal therefore real
you have low IQ if you don't understand fractals