So is a recession coming or not?

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Honestly user I am preparing like one is coming. Better to be safe than sorry. 08-09 I was just starting out and I struggled hard, don't want to do that again.

If you don’t see the writing on the wall you deserve to get rekt like everyone else

>market confidence is high
>this never happens before a recession

Honestly I'm just hoping when SHTF the power stays on. Otherwise me and I would imagine most people here a fucked.

I am just hoping I can build my off the grid homestead in the next 3 years. Do I have Time anons? I think it will hit 2021-2022

recession is not an instant event, it takes time, like months, soon you will notice it in your every day life, prices are rising slowly and then suddenly your rent is up by 20%, the next month by 40%.
Same with gas prices and everything, hunker down, buy TP, gas, enough bleach/soap, canned/long lasting cheap food, a gas run generator, all of these for 2-5 years period, because prices are only gonna get higher now, and this recession is gonna wipe the germany's hyperinflation any day

Any preparation is better then none. Taking a few steps toward independence will put you ahead more than most wagie NPC’s walking around. I’m stacking silver slowly saving a little cash. I even bought some fake gold bullion dirt cheap to sell when the crash starts to leave people desperate.

Don’t get left behind

We're already in it. It'll take some time before the normies realize it and start panic selling.

No shit retard. The dollar to gold/silver ratio goes up daily

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You forgot guns and ammo.

What can I buy on robinhood that will prepare me for the recession

What do you want to have in a recession besides a job?


I hope there is a recession so we can get Drumpf out and a real man leader like Bernie in.

nah, I live in a civilized country, we have no need for guns because of the lack of negroes.

No muslims?

Florida fag hurricane supply checking in

I really fuckin hope not. I just got a job and a wife im not ready for SHTF. A small recession i can deal with, i still need to build my homestead and stockpile supplies and tools and build up my skills.


Speak for yourself tovarisch

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no muslims,
immigrant population is below 1% as in people who have moved in further than the neighbouring countries

Can I follow their advice and sue them if I lose money?