BlockChan General - Encrypted posting edition

>New feature where you can now encrypt a Thread on BlockChan and only those supplied with the Key and Initialization Vector (IV) may view or post it.
This is designed for if you want to have a discussion in public that can't be taken down or tampered with, but you only want those with the key to be able to view or post.

>Mobile U Enhanced/Cleaned up
The mobile sight was awful and not very usable. This has been remedied.

>Coming soon:
Ability to create your own board

>Why BlockChan?
-Hosted on Ripple and can't be taken down
-Post are immutable and can never be deleted or tampered with
-No Mods/No Jannies
-Just needs an internet connection and works even if DNS is down.
-The only way to stop it is to take down Ripple which is a 15 Billion dollar company
-You don't have to be a node operator like on Zero net
-While payment validations are technically centralized, the ledger is decentralized and thus, for all intents and purposes, BlockChan is decentralized
-Ability to Encrypt Post

Encryption Example:
Key: XfysAu7BDaa1dKdzaOkkPxPTVmIsFUcCOt7O6thMCms=
IV: Ps1cYZHxlQga2dnSeelgfA==

Attached: EncryptedPost.png (1142x998, 320K)

I sent you an email about a new approach for ripple file uploads , let me know.
I know you are balls deep in ipfs now but would be cool if I could get Endgame uploaded in the ripple blockchain, I got I all chunked up and ready to go.

>I know you are balls deep in ipfs now but would be cool if I could get Endgame uploaded in the ripple blockchain, I got I all chunked up and ready to go.
Thanks for your email and help, I have responded. For anyone helping, I would ask they keep their political opinions and thoughts neutral when discussing this project. I can't reiterate enough, my only concern is fighting censorship and free speech


Attached: bunker.png (1883x1003, 257K)

This board is fucking pathetic
Some random Brapper thread gets 600 replies but when someone builds a decentralized blockchain based chan you can post whatever you want dark net style
>0 replies

Attached: pop_pepe.jpg (500x458, 45K)

Where do you think you are? the busiest board is still /b/ which proves the average iq of Jow Forums's userbase drops steadily every year. Go to any board and lurk for a bit and see what level of stupidity we are dealing with. OP keep at it and have a bump.

Attached: ImSpartacus.png (400x400, 66K)

I’m working in a similar project based on IPFS named OpenChan

>Some random Brapper thread gets 600 replies but when someone builds a decentralized blockchain based chan you can post whatever you want dark net style
Yeah, I've been a little disheartened buy the lack of interest, but will keep on keeping on. I think it's a good project and hopefully it will get adopion

I haven't posted it to /b/, wasn't sure if it'd get me banned or not. Wondering if I should or maybe to Jow Forums

Im guessing you've shown Jow Forums? Although its even shittier and dumber than before some interesting anons still post there sometimes. Take it to Jow Forums as well since its the one board that deals with an activity that is under constant threat of censorship, perfect place to store infographics

Attached: sks.png (1500x750, 789K)

I've been following this project since the initial release and subsequent Twitter backlash. What you've created is extremely the point there isn't a whole lot to complain about... Really no controversy at all since the xrp trolls calmed down. And you wonder why no one is posting? People are motivated by fear and greed and intimidated by demonstrable competence. You're the George Costanza using physics to hit home runs at Yankee stadium ... Most folks say "huh, that's weird" and go about their day.

My prediction is that adoption remains low for a while...maybe so long that you move on to other projects. Then, one day, usage will spike, word of mouth will spread and usage will spike again and again. People will wonder who made this thing. Sounds a lot like what sotoshi went through desu.