Just learned that my parents are only paying for half of my college tuition and that i will likely be about 30 thousand...

Just learned that my parents are only paying for half of my college tuition and that i will likely be about 30 thousand dollars in debt by the end of college. Should i just drop out once my boomer parents stop paying or is college worth the debt? and if it is worth it, is there anyway that i could get out of paying back the debt jew?

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Depends. Is it a fucking degenerate art or psychology degree? Then no.
Do you have direct connections to the industry or ability to sell yourself with some experience in the field at least?

Don’t go for a blanket degree or else you’ll end up working for $17 an hour for a job that is irrelevant to your interests.

You sound like a spoiled brat.

Join army or Air Force national guard
Easy as shit and you’ll get almost free school. My parents only had 15k for me and I got through with only 10k debt going to one of my states more expensive public schools
If you can pass a piss test it’s a no brainer. For the army job, you’ll get a nice backup skill if you pick wisely; I’d recommend something like consturction

lol stay mad boomer ill never pay your fucking social security

right now im going into premed, but i think i might change into some kind of engineering degree

damn i have a friend who's doing exactly what you just said, i wish i kinda wish i took his advice and joined him

Do the first 2 years at a CC. Problem solved. Ya, I think a piss easy bachelors is better than none. You could always do some TESOL thing and teach from home and with experience, they make quite a bit an hr. Maybe try to become a teacher. That's the only reason I'm finishing my degree. Cush job. Nearly 4 months vacation. Etc.

Typical jobs? Holy shit, they SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

you are FUCKED even with an associate's degree (unless it's in nursing in a metropolis city, dental hygienist, and a few others).

This job market is ASS. You NEED a bachelors at a minimum unfortunately.
>Don’t go for a blanket degree or else you’ll end up working for $17 an hour for a job that is irrelevant to your interests
That's better than most jobs. Most jobs pay fucking GARBAGE. Like 12-15 an hr.

Why would you waste your parents money and drop out once they stop paying? You’re literally throwing money away since you won’t have a degree and your parents will still be out $30k

Refer to
Study something that will make money and work your ass off, get internships and make professors like you. Don't be a fucking thread and smoke week every day.

If you can't handle that then join the chair force or go to community college for 2 years. Buy LINK.