/smg/ - Stock Market General

RKG containment thread! Edition

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Do we panic sell yet?

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Fuck Baggie

Come now doctor Powell now is not the time for fear

How do I long anime feet?

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The market is in a very precarious position right now because Trump can't cuck any further without looking like a spineless pussy, and the only thing that could save a decline news wise is a trade resolution or an emergency Fed cut.

If China was smart enough to intervene and crash the markets, they'd do it now. Steamroll Hong Kong.

next fedposting wen?

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30%tvix 70% cash. Euphoria setting in, let's go bobo's!!

wtf just bought 10kg of silver


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End of September barring any emergency actions.

Why isnt gold stock going up!? Almost every stock I have is either crashing bigly or stagnant.

You should panic buy. Wait until it dips lower and panic buy again. Repeat until moon occurs then you can panic sell.

nothing is going to stop this recession. the people want it to happen. not even a trade deal can keep this bull market going. the fed needs to think about how to cushion the fall and not waste their resources of keeping it alive.

>70% already
seems a little early

>barring any emergency actions.

next earnings season doesnt begin for another month though does it

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If they do an intrameeting cut, the game is up.

We fucked up senpai

I'm in full panic buy mode, but I'm out of money.

I sold my LMT calls at a huge premium yesterday so I figured I would keep it in cash. I'm an all in type of guy.

>muh indicators
it's not crashing because there's no reason to

Correction its actually Sep-18th

>I'm in full panic buy mode, but I'm out of money.
Story of my life



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I do get paid tomorrow, but too many things need to be paid.

how much lower before the pink wojacks come in?

>TQQQ limit buy from a few days ago went through at 58.50. Trump better not crash this market again this week...

based bulltard

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You the same user who said he got /CHEAPIES'd/ by PHUN?

I bought some expecting it to go up...im already down.

No money in my robinhood account and my transfer isnt even supposed to arrive until tomorrow or at least after full market close!!!!

This gap down is such shit. I'm buying. Markets always run up after the curve inverts before the crash.

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>he hasnt been watching the bond and currency market for the past 18 months


Seems the PES delisting is legit but the news hasn't dropped yet as to why.


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What did I do to you?

Yes, and I can't thank for these -20% cheapies hard enough.

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You were conceived

BLK is looking nice with a divvy over 3.15%

Only a Trump tweet away from a rally. Buy cheapies!!!!11!!

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>implying i had any say in that

Went allin on LEH bros, this truly is the CHEAPIE to end all CHEAPIES. Cant wait for it to go back up

if he is going to constantly worry about the gyrations of the stock market in negotiations he is not going to fucking make china capitulate.

If you pump the market too often, that effect loses it's potency.

We know that China isn't talking until 2 weeks.

The same could be said of all of his policies.

>correction is actually september 18th
what did he mean by this?
also checkem

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10 year yield -5%, dow jones hedges running hot still

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Lol u got anymore gifs like that?

Imma down 5 whole percent!!!

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>mfw been panic buying RVLV all the way down from $40 to $23

Mooning next ER for sure fellow crabbers

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Looks like SPY will test $284 today.

>They missed out on REFR

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>Down $17

Anyone want to redpill me on this? How come its usually at 40cents then randomly skyrockets to 90+?

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Why would anybody buy a 30 year bond @ 2%? Do boomers really have that much faith in the US dollar?

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Yeah because euro so much better
Gee cant wait for fill bags with Chinese monopoly money

Idiot -_-;

euro will unironically beat the dollar on a 5 year timespan starting now

They've gotta pump the DOW soon otherwise it's gonna collapse back down to 25K in short order.

Euro was raped today despite it negative correlation with SPX -_-;
Euro most worthless currency of all time

It absolute joke


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>euro will unironically beat the dollar on a 5 year timespan starting now
Okay baby Soros. I'm sure you're all leveraged up for the moon shot. Any day now. Surely you won't lose all your money.

just short bro

>said the euro bagholders for the 15th year in a row

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A number of things. First off, they are spinning off their fuel subsidiary and everyone gets stock in that company too. Second, they are making good headway with their water purification tech, got a contract with Clearwater, FL to clean algae blooms and it looks like it went well. Third, Turkey and South American countries are looking into their tech.

Pump and dump. Scanners will pick this up. New and undecided traders see this pump up to .94, they begin to buy while they slowly get dumped on. Especially if everything is red.


>Euros are the only alternative investment to US Treasuries
wew, lad

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Forgot to add. Fourth, they have to maintain their stock over $1 for 20 days or they get delisted from Nasdaq, so they are trying to do a 180

What does this chart signify?

How long till i'm a millionaire?

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Because tomorrow is divvies and it's a 1:1 stock dividend (basically you get paid the price of the stock for every share you have). So the price doubled because the value is essentially doubled currently.


If you got in last year, I'd take out your initial investment at least.

>market just resumed descent
Who is this right now?

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I have 600 shares...

Jeez the rest of the world is a shit show. Honestly had no idea.

>lets buy the bunds and OFZ
Said no one ever for past 10 years

Face it, dolla only game in town

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buy dips for cheapies

ES hit -2.62, rally incoming


So glad I held SPY puts overnight, man what a run on those. All closed out now, too afraid of a random tweet from you know who on a day like this. Though it sort of sucks about those IRA contributions I added for my wife and I yesterday.


They need to rally this or it's gonna capitulate.

there's more money to be made by fucking over the bulls

They are in a meeting right now and haven't actually released the fucking news for why yet.

Buy it nya. Retarded panicky freak out. Oh noes the yield curve better sell despite the same scenario always involving a rally before recession actually hits 6-20 months later.

I'm taking a nap. Smarten it up and figure it out. Fucking herd of cats.

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I feel a little overextended in my short position against the Turks. Think I should sell with a minor loss ($69/~520) /SMG/?

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Yesterday's tweet was a classic pump and dump though.

God what a manipulated market.

I'm really confident the bond market is going to collapse in the next 4 hours.

Ok, /smg/ what is the long term gameplan here. Am expecting a 2008 style crash in the next 15 months. (-20% S&P) Cash out now, park in money market. When we start getting down there just average back in.
Extra points to shorters and vix players, but I just don't have the time for that.

they are called Dead Cat Bounces

not everything is grand master plan by the lizard people to fuck over you (yes, you personally)

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Gold is a nice middle play

post the tweet

yuropoor about to be btfo

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pucker that asshole mark. bobo is here to clap those cheeks


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I have around 2k shares and had it on my Robinhood account. They don’t support the stock now just starting today so I can’t even sell it to buy cheapies. Wtf fuck RH I’m starting to think I’d rather pay a fee for each trade rather than deal with this and now what. I need to wait to transfer the shares to a real brokerage? It’ll probably be gone nothing left what a bunch of bullshit

>bond curve inverts months ago
>people just ignore it because muh earnings and muh consumer
lmao every fucking time

its delisted for every brokeage you fucking brainlet retard

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that was the 10 year to 3 month spread. this is the 10 year to 2 year spread. different yield curve.

even germany is shrinking now

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I love it, a major recession is absolutely necessary.

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Real talk. If you aren't going 100% cash then you're an idiot.

FACT #1: Inversion of 10y2ys always signals a recession within about 2 years.
FACT #2: The recession isn't immediate, there's usually a runup of about 15-20% before it starts.
FACT #3: Recession will be around -40% to -50% drop.
FACT #4: It is difficult to time the market and catch the run up.

We can conclude that the only intelligent action is to sell everything now and go full cash. You lose the 15 to 20% runup but will avoid the -40% to -50% drop. You can buy back in a -50% and double your money instantly. This is a once in a decade opportunity. Don't mess it up.