What is this pattern called?
What is this pattern called?
buy the dip, moon soon
>buy the dip
I did :(
The bright side is if I had a time machine to 30 minutes ago I'd be a paper millionaire
The Great Joosting
I get the whole concept of an exit scam. I mean, a man gotta make money somehow. But you do it all at once and dump the coin to 1/1000 the price it was 2 seconds ago? All in one shot? Seems like there's gotta be a better way to go out than that. Like maybe sell a little at a time. Instead of making 1btc you coulda made 30 as the price slowly dwindled down. Wtf?
relex dear
Hold me Jow Forums. It's pumping. I have like 6 million of these. It goes back to where it was that's something like 130 bitcoins. Am I rich? Am I too good for your guys now?
Oh fuck /b/ros, it's still going. I'm up like a bitcoin now. Only 100 to go! You could be witnessing history in the making. Is this clownworld? And the sidewalk clapped
Here's my sell. What do you guys thing the chances of this going through are? Should I lower it down a little? I just started crypto last week so I'm counting on your guys for answers.
come on dudes. I'm struggling here :(
bruh. if i was pumping this shitcoin I wouldn't have revealed I have 6mm of them ready to dump at any moment. I'm looking for some help here. Do I hold and hope for a legit moon shot or do I dump my bags?
"Taking a poop" pattern
HOLY FUCK haha what is going on
I'm guessing bold face exit scam. Fuck it though. I bought a bunch of this shit. Maybe it goes my way and I buy an island.
when the dump is happpen ??
It happened about an hour ago all the way to 2 sats. It's at 20 sats and rising as we speak. Already a 10x. It was at 2000 sats earlier today. I dare say it might be time to buy.
Now it's at 30 sats!! Why do I even bother?
cash out before you lose everything you fucking retard
>pro tip: you won't and you'll HODL until the bottom like every other idiot on this board
There is only once to live. Maybe this is my time. Maybe not. Still have to give it a chance.
>I actually have a 50 BTC spread around other exhanges and am buying more BTC as we speak
where the fuck is this trading livecoin?
Yep. I looked around but can't find it anywhere else. Livecoin isn't the best exchange around but I've never had trouble getting my money back out and occasionally I happen upon a massive opportunity like this today. 15x already. How far up it goes, who can tell. You do you. I didn't start the thread to pump the coin.
Stop larping idiot
Look at the orderbook. if you marketsell everything it's just 0.1 BTC
>Hold me Jow Forums. It's pumping. I have like 6 million of these.
I really hope you are joking
I don't know how you are going to sell this lol. Better start scaling your 6 million in now.
0.1 BTC is $1000 and that would have been from a ~$75 investment. That's a lot of money for some people on an international forum. But that's just where it's at now after a massive and complete dump. It could go anywhere from here.
Again, I'm not here to pump the coin. I just thought Jow Forums would find the chart funny for meming purposes. I just happened to buy a whole lot at the bottom by accident and should it *happen* to go somewhere it could end up being really nice. Will that happen? Probably not but for true broke fags, there is already money that could have been made.
Not joking in the slightest. The guy dumping was selling tons of it at 2 sats. I got a little, uh, zealous but, hey, do that 10 times in a row on 10 dumps and if one makes good you ride off into the sunset rich. I'll take my chances.
>I don't know how you are going to sell this lol. Better start scaling your 6 million in now.
Haha. Yeah, I know. Like I said up thread, I have a 50 BTC stack elsewhere that I mostly made scooping up massive deals. Sometimes I hold bags but occasionally it pans out. We'll see.
Descending death dildo
>I have like 6 million of these.
For real?
How did you even find that much liquidity to buy so much? Did you buy up a sell wall? How much BTC did it cost you?
>do I dump my bags?
You can't. Did you even look at the order book? There are like only 800k cnb worth of bids on the buy side of the order book.
So you'll only be able to sell less than a million of it before dumping the price to zero.
>>I have like 6 million of these.
>For real?
>How did you even find that much liquidity to buy so much? Did you buy up a sell wall? How much BTC did it cost you?
I was at the very bottom so I didn't have to spend much.
>>do I dump my bags?
>You can't. Did you even look at the order book? There are like only 800k cnb worth of bids on the buy side of the order book.
>So you'll only be able to sell less than a million of it before dumping the price to zero.
I wait :)
However, it looks like trading has been halted so I may be outta luck. Oh well.
congrats on the catch anyway. ballsy moves like this can end up paying off big sometimes
>6M @ 2 sats = 0.12 btc
>claims to have bought them for $75 bucks
Looks like a headshot
kek. so OP was the guy exit dumping this shitcoin and was posting here to drum up buyers hoping they too might catch a spike down.
this kek
Reading is fundamental. I said if even a poorfag had bought in at $75 and sold at the then current price of 30 sats they would have made around $1000. That is not how much I spent nor did I say I spent that much.
This is why Jow Forums will never make it. Especially you two girls.
Nope, I just thought it was a funny chart and posted it for keks.
What if someone just mis-clicked?
Or some aspiring bot coder made a little mistake?
This kind of shit happens.
I myself once eat up a whole orderbook - just for giggles.
The best way is to wait 2 years and sell 700k every few days
Sorry, was not meant for you.
Exactly. I have caught a few of these and it works often enough to be quite lucrative. I've made hundreds of thousands over the last couple of years this way.
The tight rope
keep shitting the street sanjay
Is this reverse psychology?
I'm not buying your shitcoin OP