Looks like a recession, what can I expect?

Looks like a recession, what can I expect?

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Look at 2008 and multiply the event by 3.

Enjoy your life while u can.


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blacks and arabs rioting in the streets once the gibs dry up
police standing down because they dont wanna be racist
new "solidarity" laws to give even more from your income to brown invaders

Short the things that caused it.

Everywhere is fucked.
The data is fucked

Invest in LINK now or else

Trump's sanctions buttfucked China, so now China can't afford low-quality vehicles from Germany.
Germany's economy is shrinking with no end in sight, looks dire for UK and France, too.
Italy and Spain are a joke.
US yield curve reversed.
Sell risky assets and buy precious metals.

more nig nogs to flood your country for the cheap labor

Sad but true

>police standing down because they aren't getting paid

read today Merkels propaganda that refugee crime is at a new alltime low.
oh yeah ok.

like a year ago or two "out of a sudden" we had a crime drop of straight -10% all across the board.
according to the "statistics" published germany should be super safe. meanwhile just a few km away from me a guy gets salughtered with a samurai sword and a woman thrown before a train by beloved foreigners.

ummmm k. i must be just a fucking nazi with a tinfoil hat.

Ok you Pol fags, putting all that aside, what can an average person expect to happen? Lose job? Higher good prices? Property might be cheaper & if it coincides with link blowing up, could be good timing

*food prices

this guys blog is really informative, he covers a really wide range of stuff, good free blog posts daily

we are likely all going to be poor and hungry as the weather turns cooler over the next 50 years, shorter summers freezing cold longer winters. it's going to be slow, not one day everyone panics and civil war, we have infrastructure still and systems in place, it's not like the fall of the romans where the city gets raided by a foreign army and start rampaging the streets killing everyone

it will be absolute peak socialism
expect euro to fail at some point and the ecb to roll out a new crypto currency to aid them stealing your taxes and tracking your money probably beforehand
everyone will hoard as much as possible
housing will be cheap as boomers trying to dump their extra homes
investments crashing
>partial crop failures due to wild weather swings (we saw some this year, boiling hot one week, cold the next)
>foods, natural disasters, more earthquakes and volcanos (big lake volcano in germany showing signs of life recently)
>meat price spiking
>antibiotic resistant superbugs etc (africans bringing ebola maybe)
>pensions are likely to get wiped out
>worker strikes
>fuel strikes
>maybe wars
>riots by minorities
>cities being abandoned
precious metals are probably a meme and might be confiscated by gubment as they have been in the past, buy junk jewellery etc if you really want, nothing officially registered
loads of junk jobs will go, office roasties etc. tradies and coders will likely reign supreme as will leader chads in whatever they do
all the lefty politics shit will be abandoned instantly as people worry about food, shelter and their family, invented problems like equality will instantly be forgotten

i don't know 100% really it's all a guessing game, technology makes it somewhat different today compared to the past

i am fucking excited,
rolling for mayhem

>what can an average person expect to happen?
Not much. Job security in Germany is very high, not least due to demographics. German government has reduced debt over the last 10y, so can spend to invest in infrastructure. Germans don't overspend like our demented friends over in Burgerstan, so hardly a avalanche of private insolvencies.

Just a normal cyclical downturn. in 3y, things will be just like they were before.

>what can I expect?

Squirrels on Mars. Maybe.

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The return of the Great One

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It's just a rock, goy

Interesting thanks, I good it's slow & not sudden. What's for sure is the only serious threat to social order is hungry people. In the end I think it's a question if how long the world can feed itself in the face of climate change, if the food supply can be maintained, so will the status quo

I hope Germany is well prepared at least in a better position than the UK which appears to be falling apart at the seams right now

blood on the streets

They look a lot more cute than they do on Earth.

Nach New York schwimmen
Swimming buttnaked to NYC

i don't think anyone is prepared or even expects it, everyone is still thinking about global warming, only in the last year or two is nasa beginning to even mention that we're beginning to cool

>implying German taxpayers wont foot the bill again when other EU countries shit the bed

o shit

Hell yes. Cause a recession already!

No worries german here. We imported a lot of goldstücke in the last 3years who are totally fine to work all day (even for free the GEZ medien tell). So we should be fine. Just keep working!

People might start flipping cars and maybe even kill politicians.
And I hate that shit, we can't have that.

Yes, spend your BTC and Gold to Greta. We have seriously fucked the world climate up. Only Germany can save it. Believe!

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>listening to GEZ medias
>prolly also paying for it

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America actually has full control over its own monetary policies and the US dollar functions as the world reserve currency, they're in a much, much better position than Germany. The American government doesn't ever have to "reduce their debt" when they want to spend like the artificial constraints the EU imposes on itself.

Germany is completely responsible for this mess
