We're fucked

We're fucked.

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I think fucked is a bit of an understatement.

Unironically like to know this as well

continue with your tale of apocalyptic woe plox

I'm not, but boomers are. Can't wait to watch all these pricks lose everything in their 401k

Idk what this means so I don't care

Recession could mean cryptos will become more bullish IMO.

everything except treasuries tanks during a recession

Well, we don't know how the crypto market will react in a recession, because we have never had a crypto market in a recession before. My money is on slightly bullish, nor bear market for cryptos.

I just posted about this on Jow Forumspersonalfinance and they said everything is fine, that I should be thankful even for a nice chance to buy the dip. Why are you guys so wound up about this?

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Yeah, I'm not sure what to expect. If credit gets tight, I doubt it would be a cakewalk for crypto.

if you're thinking 10 years out and are comfortable with a 30% - 50% loss in your investments in the interim, he's right

This is fine for anybody outside boomie investments.

Literally the same argument from 2008. Yet look at the effects it had.

>94% employment

>this is what liberals actually believe

also, with greenspan basically saying "expect negative interest rates" [1] combined with the fed saying "we have no idea how markets will behave in practice with negative rates" [2], the fed's capacity to pull us out of the upcoming recession will be... interesting

[1] marketwatch.com/story/ex-fed-boss-greenspan-says-there-is-no-barrier-to-treasury-yields-falling-below-zero-2019-08-13
[2] libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2012/08/if-interest-rates-go-negative-or-be-careful-what-you-wish-for.html

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It means that a recession isn't just possible, but it's going to happen with 99.9% certainty. The main difference is, this time around the FED literally has no tools left to combat what's coming.
>inb4 they will just print more money
That will not work this time around because it's not just one sector that would require bailing out, it is multiple and much more widespread than in 07-08.
Add to that the currency/trade war we are in and the market instability across the globe, we are in an extremely rare perfect storm economic scenario.

They can't allow the stock market to crash because it will crash the pensions. Public, private, all of them. Even now, after one of the longest bull markets in history, in both stocks and bonds, pensions are terribly under funded. They will continue to print money to prop up assets. As much as it's a total scam, I'd say buy the dip until the dollars are worthless.

Brexit will be the cherry on top in this

Is this the boomer stock equivalent of deluded crypto bag holders?

Delusional. A recession is far more than just higher unemployment.


>94% of all workers would still be employed
Hello, communism department?

Fucked? If you day trade, sure. But this time next year, it will be fine. Recessions suck, but considering most of the poos and NEETs who post on /biz have no clue what one is, and think it's the end of the world, I don't really take anything posted here seriously.

The period right after Trump was elected was like back in the 00's, when even the Sopranos had the easy stock market story as part of the plot. Like back then, you could pick any stock, and odds are you'd make money. Then 2008 fucked everyone up.

This time? It won't be as bad as 2008. Most people won't even notice. Day traders are in for rough times, they might need to get jobs. But overall, the economy is strong enough to shrug a recession off fast, and get back to growth. But if you're a typical /biz poster and think that the stock market is the economy, the next 12-18 months are going to be very, very scary.

2008 was a completely different scenario, dipshit.

This right here. Its going to lead to some seriously feisty times frens. Get your goggles ready

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>this time it's different!

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Yeah it was, it seems like you're not seeing what the current scenario is, hint: It's worse than 2008

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>it's not just one sector that would require bailing out
Name one sector that anyone, with any credibility, or even without credibility, that has any discussion of a fed bailout happening.


>Recession could mean cryptos will become more bullish IMO.
Exactly! When people lose their jobs the first thing they do is to invest in shitcoins

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Inb4 it goes sideways and then straight up again

Student loans
State and municipal debt

2008 was from the collapse of Bear Stearns which led to the collapse of mortage...oh, why bother explaining, you wouldn't understand, and worse, you intentionally don't want to understand. Because then you wouldn't be able to shitpost "kike" and "jew" all day, right?

>Name one sector

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Ok you are the smart economist. I'm all ears, type away and let the world know why you are right.

LOL. Yeah, that's what I thought. Come back when you have more to go on than bullshit Democrat presidential debate talking points.

You will see wagie, I'm gonna make it real soon and you're gonna look real dumb.

Yeah, didn't think you could name any, and all you can do is throw insults around. It's /biz, I don't expect more than that.

Bitcoin was around in 2011-2012 when Europe was widely expecting a recession.

I have a feeling that Bitcoin is going to act like Gold. It pumps on inflationary expectations and dumps on deflation.

In the last month or so it certainly has been moving in tandem.

Look at the glow on this guy. Keep posting for your overlords and trying to convince everyone that everything is going to be fine lol.

Are you not paying attention at all?

count your cans, you are up for a ride, big one.
You have no idea...

what do bros?

>i got 5k in my bank(weak i know)
>all in on BTC with it and make returns?
>already got a 10k linky stack
>keep it bank cuz imma need it?

what would a non-brainlet do

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What about the real estate bubbles in every single EU country along with Canada and the US? What about Brexit? What about China simply not buying any agricultural products from the US? What about the tariff mania rearranging the worlds economy? What about the absolute shit show bubble of tech companies that can't generante profits? What about the people ever dropping out of the labor force while unemployment decreases? All of this happening at once, and all of this while the markets and all analysts expect recession, not to mention the absolute flood of printed money in both EU and USA. But, this is different somehow.

Good job, you completely ignored Agriculture. On top of that, how can you ignore the fact that, Student loans, Pensions, & State and municipal debt as credible if they are the basis of a political platform? Who is "credible" to you faggot?

>Well, we don't know how the crypto market will react in a recession

>Crypto rallied in a bullish stock market
>Crypto will rally in a bearish stock market

you're so stupid

Dont forget the bloated "higher education" facilities shitting out underqualified debt holders who expect 6 figure jobs and are getting rekt barely able to afford student loan payments not including cost of living?

how about alts? Bitcoin will survive this, but what alts do you guys think could come out on top?

>transfer the swaps

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Thats like asking for the lotto numbers user.


No matter how much link do you hold, or how white are you, for the love of god buy the dip once the recession hits. NOTHING is as certain as the fact that jews WILL get everything in place again and convince everyone that they can leave dollar to them.

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Why does this financial reporter have a half naked dude as his profile image?

and dont forget low and mid tier universities increasingly going BK

You got a valid point there.

What are you going to be buying in the dip user

It’s Brad Pitt’s chest from fight club, he’s really into him

> We're fucked!
> Implting you can't make money on the downsides

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Shit I make more a day flinging shitcoins back at pajeets

I'm not sure if 49% of Americans even work or employed. Is there a state for this?

It's called the labor force participation rate.
Go to college.

Opinion discarded.

Stop, my dick is getting hard

>expect negative interest rates
>we have no idea how markets will behave in practice with negative rates
So they basically have no idea what the fuck they are doing and are experimenting with policy because why not. Nice. There is a reason bitcoin was made during the 2008 recession. Comfy bois.

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We are in uncharted waters.

Im going to map my way through these waters to a island full of big booty amazon women. TIME TO COLONIZE BOYZ!

it's still a scam

Wrong person to ask bucko. I'm a nocoiner.

From what I see about crypto though it's all a confidence game in the system that each coin puts in place and the widespread holding of a particular coin.

It's the same as any stock really.

If you want to replicate the megagainz of alts, you can always utilize leverage on the bigger coins that you know are unlikely to go bust.

This is similar to my strategy with stocks. I don't trade individual stocks, I use leverage on indexes to multiply what would otherwise be meager gains (or losses).


you think 789 year old boomers can do anything to govt if they wipe their pensions? pff naive

they can not vote for them

the shadow banking system is just as fucked today, look at the credit markets you idiot
corporate junk bonds will be one of the biggest triggers this time around. even your average s&p corp has shit tier credit nowadays.

Bitcoin wont survive this, just look at it collapsing right now. A purely speculative asset is not a hedge against a failing boomer market.

delusional. simple math and s&d economics prove bitcoin will definitely survive, and probably even moon, ESPECIALLY if we see hyperinflation worldwide.

we're experiencing deflation you knucklehead

read my post you absolute brainlet. i said worldwide.
recession is unlikely to hit america for now.

How much more time do we have before shit hits the fan?

Its not simple math, it simply doesnt exist. A bunch of magic internet numbers does not make a currency. Even tulips have more value because they are real. Bitcoin is dead and you are seeing the ponzi collapse as we speak.

If you want to survive doing the next great depression then you need gold.

why you need votes of people who will be out of service in two years? are they capable of doing anything?

the usa is experiencing deflation
the euro is experiencing deflation
the kroner is experiencing deflation
inflation is a product of a currency not a geography

i voted for drumpf,is this my fault???

kek delusional cope
even peter schiff himself owns BTC, he just FUDs it so he can continue to fill his bags, while brainlets like you miss out.

zoom out

>i also like owning a "currency" where 2% of individuals control 80% of the wealth and where no one is actually using it

>and where sending a dollar (err, satoshi) to someone reveals your net worth, and where all transactions are immutable and public and where the IRS and Police and SJWs have a public audit trail of everything I do

>i like pulling shit out of my ass without any source

You guys are paranoid. Who wouldn't be happy to lend $1000 and get back $950 ten years later?

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wow this is more interesting than any movie i've watched before


>Who wouldn't be happy to lend $1000 and get back $950 ten years later?
is the situation really this dire?

if you live in Europe, yes. coming soon to the USA.

That's the state of german government bonds.

completely normal

won't be as bad as 2008

honk honk

literally not a valid study kek, so many flaws in that

Exactly my plans... buy everything as cheap as possible and when it rebounds eventually i'll make decent money. but you know what they say about the best laid plans so here's hoping a positive outcome

I feel bad for people like you because you genuinely think you are going to get rich off the most obvious scam that has ever existed.

How does shorting even work?

borrow, sell, buy back, give back