CHAINLINK node operators get in here linkies

hello fellow linkies, i hope your doing great, i suppose maby of you were thinking about staking their linkies, well guess what? you can from now on run chainlink nodes on mainnet and get your node listed on linkpool, also the team are hiring for reviewed nodes listing they recieved too many requests! i know i started making my own node and im already getting jobs on testnet, once i finish setting up the load balancers and all ill move to mainnet and ask to be listed by the chainlink team also.

when are you guys planning to setup your config?? you should start nix, everything is operational and the tutorials are clear!! what are you guys waiting for? when staking is live ill have my servers ready!
here is the link its soo fucking easy to run a node!!

Attached: 1560584963962__01.jpg (246x434, 44K)

no one cares man

you running your own eth servers?

>is this verbose
>unironically types "nix" instead of Linux
>not autistic enough to make it



yeah i'm running two servers, i rent two 4Gb ram + 250 SSD Gb servers for only 20€ / month

How does this compare to just leaving them with link pool? Have basic programming knowledge. Red pill me marine

It costs 15 link to list in linkpool

There's something weird about this thread.

Currently writing a web scraper I’m going to use for a node, and then also going to test a random number node even tho that’s one of the first ones the serg setup.

you will make much much more linkies by running your own nodes, just think about it, you will be competing with even LINKPOOL.

you just need to setup your own nodes with load balancing and all, if you have enough background IT knowledge is fucking easy...

yup it's cool! but i want to become a reviewed node by the team :)

How Cron job?

Can raspberry pi 4 run a node 24/7 without overheating?

I don’t know what Load balancing is but I can follow instructions. Did you just follow that docs page to set up your node? How much are you making?

the last I stopped was trying to connect my database to my node

I gotta get back on top of this

Imagine an army of slackers and neets trying to achieve 99.9 uptime and when their internet goes down and they cant complete jobs they just scream "mummy net down!!!" Until its fixed. Literally zero problem solving skills.

You would be better off outsourcing to a data center, assuming you can cover the costs

where do you rent them?

care to share how you have your load balancing set up for eth node and cl node failover? technical but semi brainlet here

MS Azure

thanks should i rent one server on AWS and one on MS Azure or both on 1 service? I would think renting one server per provider would be safer?