Women have been naturally manipulative and cunning since birth...

Women have been naturally manipulative and cunning since birth. The way these wolves in sheep's clothing circumvent men is astonishing.
>keeps sex life discreet by keeping clever secrets
>will leave you in the dark for weeks/months if they find out you cheated
>will plan a divorce/separation for weeks, months without showing any signs of emotional/affectionate withdrawal
>won’t be honest with you only for your ego’s sake
Imagine if women used their convincing tactics in business & finance more often then they do in their personal lives. It would place them on the top of the food chain.
How can we adopt the female cunningness?

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>puts this much emphasis on women
She's a women, and that's all she'll ever be. Stop making it so obvious you were raised by a single mother.

Stay in your lane bruh.

Female cunningness is a byproduct of someone realizing the inherent value they get by doing nothing and just being there, spoiled rich men also have this kind of cunningness

Imagine being this much of a beta incel

Plese neck yourself

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>doesn't know woman came from a mans rib to be a companion for man

women go much deeper than "just a woman" user.

Men that are great in business are simply borrowing a lot of lessons from female social manipulation

> Imagine if women used their convincing tactics in business & finance

Won't do, the only reason that women outperform men in social skills is because thats the only thing that they can do good.

metallicas debut album

>women are manipulative and cunning
>they find out you cheated

How to truly dominate women:
Get them pregnant and they'll be stuck for life having to raise a kid that has your genes.

>while you pay for it

>How can we adopt the female cunningness?
We don’t
We control them through fear, intimidation and domination
If you don’t run your wife’s life in this manner then you are acting unethically

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>Imagine if women used their convincing tactics in business & finance more often then they do in their personal lives. It would place them on the top of the food chain.
>How can we adopt the female cunningness?
There's always a price to pay in nature. The female IQ is lacking. There are 8 times as many men with IQ above 130 than women and that is where the top of the food chain is.

This. These are the “””””people”””” giving us financial advice

Stabbing people in the back isn’t good business. Sure there’s fags like Steve jobs andbezos but there’s also Costco Gary vee, Trump- all who made it by fairness and hard work

Not in this world bucko. Child support payments and having to have your kid around alpha male Sean, the baby Mother fucker.

Fear, intimidation and domination doesn’t work well in business. Especially if you’re a gangster. There is always someone tougher than you in that game (gangs)

>milliondollar wine business inheritance
>millions of dollars inheritance
>millions in play money

every single one of them wears glasses

Weird how these dudes all bought the same glasses. Also they all have the same weird nose - maybe inflammation from rhinitis.

How did their parents make money?

I'm pretty sure going bald is actually triggered by high testosterone


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>alpha male Sean, the baby Mother fucker
>a literal cuck is an alpha male
What did he mean by this?

Nah, its genetic.
Your hair folicles have to respond to the testosterone byproducts, if by genetics your folicles have no receptors you wont lose your hair.

There's good women and bad women in this world. IMHO men are equally to blame for this fucked up social situation. The average male in the west is frankly emotionally infantile and acts like a manchild. Men don't want to take responsibility. Men don't want to work. Men put pussy on a pedestal. The powers at be are trying to socially engineer us to be fucked up and it's working.

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they all look like me wtf

Yeah, I'm sure she'd make a killing if only she could parallel park without totaling 3 cars in the process.

Some sage advice from a true wizard. He’s not wrong.

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Self sabotage. Their kryptonite is a man telling them to fuck off.


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