So the entire economy is going to take a giant shit and only Russia and China have been buying up PMs the past decade or so. Just how fucked is the West? Canada literally sold all their gold ffs. This trade war is going to end terribly.
So the entire economy is going to take a giant shit and only Russia and China have been buying up PMs the past decade...
>Just how fucked is the West?
heh you will see the result of the economic genius of the east once again. they will be even more impoverished when this ends.
lol, the Chinese are running a current account deficit.
side note how does a country who's exports account for 70% of GDP growth run a current account deficit?
Idk you tell me. Idk what that even mmeans.
Its over
>exports account for 70% of GDP growth
Your data is grossly outdated.
murrica lose their grip by their own trick
1929 again
they owe more dollars than they have to cover their liabilities. this is a problem if you want to import commodities traded in us dollars(all 0f them).
this is manufactured to get another man into office that they want, like joe biden
>exports account for 70% of GDP growth
>Americans actually believe this
based and goldpilled
the central banks can just make gold silver and bitcoin illegal and seize your assets
>tfw guns are just for decorating
Why were previous generations such fucking pussies and why will we also comply?
the only people exercising their gun rights are schizo mass shooters while the NRA is somehow a spokes person for gun owners and is actively restricting rights
>why were previous generations pussies
They weren't, it just takes a certain amount of pain for the ~15% of the revolutionary population to collectively "do something"
>why will we also comply
Because people still have food/entertainment/kids
I'm really suprised Trump didn't just run for 1 term and let whoever else deal with the dumpster fire of this recession.
you know that chinas "data" is always fake
Jokes on them, I tragically lost my PMs at the bottom of a lake while on a fishing trip
Good, I want Biden in office. At least then the boomers and cuckservatives reflexively get angry when they try to pass shit like Red Flag Laws.
Watch America pull a Trump card out of its ass and reveal that the Grand Canyon is loaded with gold and thus crashing gold prices when the moment is there, winning the trade war against China.
Hilldawg winning unironically would have been better. The right has lost so much ground by "trusting the plan". All we got were neocohen justices, which means literally nothing when Democrats can just add more seats when they retake power.
as a communist i wanna give a huge shout out to every retarded boomer who followed q
its like China and Russia know that US dollar is going to lose its world reserve currency status, and if that happens, US become like banana rebublic and US dollar is then worth of toilet paper
looks like world economy dynamo is going to east, Russia, China, etc area
China, Russia etc build at the moment this called new silk road, China and Russia have been hoarding gold recent years huge amounts
That won’t work this time. We were practically a homogeneous nation where everyone trusted the government. Now we have every flavor of shitskin and 40 million feral niggers. No one is going to turn in their gold.
Commissar Tyrone will beat your gold out of you!
nobody turned it in last time either
You need to look up the definition of banana republic. The US has almost every resource and raw material within its borders or right next door in one of its North American vassals. They also manufacture all manner of industrial and high tech goods. Betting against the US in favour of a bunch of alcoholics and chinks is nigger tier stupid.