How bad is the economy going to get bros?

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Buy guns, non perishable food, and water NOW

Bad enough. And we'll talk about it TOMORROW.

fucking nothingburger. News cycle has been doing a rain dance praying for economic collapse because muh orange man, market will recover in a week and proceed to moon. SCREEN IT FAGGOTS

stop yelling you might knock over the economy

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No one knows.

hmmmmmm you do have nice digits

It wont.

Once upon a time only big financial players knew that a crash was a good thing, it was basically a sale on every asset possible, leading to massive yields after the crash turned into a boom. I mean the whole Rothschild quote sums it up so perfectly "the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".

But now, everyone knows that. Every major drop since the end of last year has been followed by a major rally, as people buy up shares on discount. The SP500 has had numerous 2 to 3% drops and then rallies.

People cry about the debt levels, but the fact is there is actually a massive pool of money held by households, companies and financial organizations waiting for a bust. Its been building up for a long time because interest rates have been so low there has been no need to pay off debt. Additionally valuations on the whole market at in line with long term averages, so while some companies are overpriced (Netflix, Apple, ect) the overall market is not.

tldr big finance wants a crash for a sale, everyone else is ruining it for them by buying up assets as they depreciate.

can someone confirm this user?

can't argue with those digits.

This and checked. Zoom out. It's unironically nothing.

it's going to be an absolute fucking carnage. empty malls and stores everywhere will be the new norm. degrading quality of basic goods and services. sharp rise in crime and homelessness. consolidation in private security industry and gated communities. the central planners will be taking their mask off and go full soviet style UBI/MMT to prevent riots.

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Debt means nothing if interest rates are near zero. You're turning a mole hill into a mountain.

Additionally there are no major financial instruments like CDOs circulating to overinflated the debt. Derivative based debt investing is pretty much dead ever since 2008.

So I should invest in ring like Nas? Thanks for the tip

>How bad is the economy going to get?
All of the doomsayers are just retarded faggots. Year-to-date over the last 8 months, we are up +17%
See these posts:

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I agree.
Before the internet, no one really knew even what we now consider the basics of finance (ex. Buy low sell high).
Because of the internet, everyone now knows and refuses to sell on any dip.

>j-just keep z-zooming out anons, literally n-nothing..right?

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Not for 8 months.. right when halvening starts

The SP500 accumulation index recovered from the 2008 crash in 5 years.

Like said. No one cares about dips anymore. Never sell, always buy more, you cant go wrong in the long run.

why isn't this gif shaking

takes 22 months on average after yield curve inverts for recession to happen.

yup. been the trend since december. expect it to roll through into 2020 and then tank when a pro-green-deal dem wins the office

>takes 22 months on average after yield curve inverts for recession to happen.

By then gold will be at all time highs and then some.

>An inverted curve means recession!
>Except for all those times it didn't
>But it will in 3, 6, 12, 22, 44, [insert when recession happens for unrelated reasons] months, maybe!
In the entire history of economic theory, no economists could ever predict a recession reliably any morose than a coin flip.

The idea that what has happened, or is happening, will happen again, is one of the most flawed illogical shitty logic ever to grace the world of finance.

An inverted curve means nothing except for people wasting their money on bonds like they always do because they are panicking. There may be a total sharemarket rout caused by fear as speculators flee as they usually do when the wind farts in the wrong direction, but thats fear, and a coin flip chance of happening.


That won’t work if the dollar becomes worthless. And behold the dollar is getting more and more debased every year.

>In the entire history of economic theory, no economists could ever predict a recession reliably any morose than a coin flip.

Gold going parabolic magically for no reason...

Gold is a speculative "safe haven", when people see the market fall they buy gold, and when it rises it drops. Golds price has been volatile as fuck next to stocks.

But gold is a shit long term investment because it cant compound in any shape or form. You are better off buying stocks and holding them. Buying more when they drop in price.

It wont become worthless because nothing unifies opposites like common advantage. The advantage for example of the entire house of reps being wealthy is that when one is harmed, they are all harmed, and they will ensure their own survival over the rest of the countries. The same principal applies to all nations politicians. They are some of the highest net worth individuals on average with millions in assets across housing, stocks, and private equity. They wont let anything happen to those investments.

They will however, let the economy sink so they can buy more.

i was about to dump my 5k in btc but i guess ill hold

debased and goldpilled

>Record levels of debt
>Manufacturing and home building down
>Retail earnings down
>Fed lowering rates
>precious metals rising
>bond curve inverse
>Tarriffs driving up the cost of imports
>defaults rising

yea everything is fine

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Nothing is going to happen

Idk Im just gonna hold and stake this stack of ALGO's and get my block rewards

>That won’t work if the dollar becomes worthless. And behold the dollar is getting more and more debased every year.

>Inb4 muh gold or BTC

Yeah no one using that. It's a fiat world whether you like it or not.

boogity boogity, sell and leave fag

Digits confirm the S&P will be 999 EOW.

Yeah, +17%.. after being down 20%... We are still below the 2018 highs. Seems like US stocks are in a rising wedge right now, if stocks bounce soon we could see ATH but there is like a 90% there will be a stock market bear market at least, if not a recession.

Bad, but unless you’re close to retirement just hold onto your stocks. The bad times will come to an end and you will be rewarded for your patience like always. Just try to tie up any lose ends with debt if you don’t have a steady job already.

can someone convince me that the economy is doing bad?

>>Record levels of debt
Irrelevant interest rates are low
>>Manufacturing and home building down
Neither are down significantly
>>Retail earnings down
Because Trumps dumb trade war, actual economy is fine
>>Fed lowering rates
Makes debt irrelevant
>>precious metals rising
Irrelevant panic base reactionary movement
>>bond curve inverse
Same as above
>>Tarriffs driving up the cost of imports
Again, irrelevant, gone the moment Trump stops being a retard
>>defaults rising
This isnt 2008 and you have no idea what caused that crash. Defaults were necessary but were not led to a economic collapse, it was the CDO market which caused the disaster.

Everything "wrong" with the economy is because people are waiting for Trump to stop being a little retarded bitch and end his trade war. The moment it goes everyone can go back to business and forget this moron was ever in office.

Hes such a fucking moron hes had to hold off on 10% of his tariffs because all his friends came to him telling him he was a moron and that it would hurt their retail sales. Days after saying video games caused all the mass shootings he holds off on the tariffs on video games and consoles because of this.

What a fucking hypocrite jew. Why Jow Forums supports the king of jews is beyond me.

rough times ahead

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>>Record levels of debt
>Irrelevant interest rates are low

Imagine being this fucking retarded. Interest payments bottleneck spending and defaults pile up leading to institutions tightening lending.

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Dow @26.5 EOW

>t. Keynes

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Money is an illusion

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well the upshot of the impending communist revolution is that most of the people i hate on this dumb board are going to get shot by a firing squad along with me

Do you even understand how debt works. It doesn't matter if you have a hundred thousand or tens of millions in debt if interest rates are close to zero.

> It doesn't matter if you have a hundred thousand or tens of millions in debt if interest rates are close to zero.

Yea it further over inflates asset prices making them unobtainable to ordinary people who already have no savings.

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The tariffs are red haring. People are so quick to blame the market drops on ONE thing that happened to happen around the same time. When trump delayed the tariffs, retards bought back into stocks thinking that is what was bringing them down. But it wasn't and now stocks are dropping more.

Stocks have been turned into a ponzi scheme by continual low interest rates which make stocks the only think people can invest in for decent returns. The rich are cashing out right now which is why you're seeing massive IPOs of big companies trying to sell the peak. The bubble is collapsing.

Interest rates are low because there is a lot of deflation due to global trade + expansion of USD share of global reserve currencies. The federal government never spent enough or cut taxes enough to address it so the fed can cut rates very low. The federal debt is just an artifact of the money supply and is nether good or bad by itself.

FUD cycle

>Yea it further over inflates asset prices
Oh good you really have no idea then. Valuations are in line with long term averages you absolute moron. Go back to economics 101 because you are literally spurting buzzwords hoping you're right.

the btc dump from 20k was conditioning the world not to over react to the epic dump we are about to see in the real markets

>The rich are cashing out right now
God I love the insane fluff Jow Forums comes up with.

Stock performance over the last couple of years has been through stock buy backs fueled by low interest rate loans you mong lol

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kek if you zoom out it's literally the top
kys retard

boomers and their pensions are going to get rekt

unironically the greatest wealth transfer in history is incoming

You don't understand the relationship between long/short interest rates and the credit cycle at all you goddamn candyass.

>empty malls and stores everywhere will be the new norm
it's already the norm you fucking retard. it's been the norm since the end of the 2008 recession.

pls be real I'm financially unprepared

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>corporate debt just a quarter away from defaults starting
>when this happens tons of businesses will begin shutting down
>this in turn will leave hundreds of thousands jobless
>consumer retail debt is the highest its ever been - jobless will default
>bankruptcy will skyrocket
>govt debt going into overdrive - inflating the debt away is just a matter of time
>hyperinflated USD by the end of the 2020s
>a new currency system is created

millions will be dead before this depression is over and crypto will be the ONLY safe store of value

sounds like the case of the COPE

over the last 4 years the USD has inflated another 14%
you are fucking retarded.

>on avg fiat currencies only last between 20 and 200 years
there have been THOUSANDS of fiat currencies and every single one of them has failed.
its literally one of the oldest running scams engineered by the jews

every fucking month. media blows their load on orange man bad here comes recession.

my gold ID trumps your retarded meme magic

>there have been THOUSANDS of fiat currencies and every single one of them has failed.
And every person ever born will die, what's your fucking point? None of this shit is real. Dollars, gold, BTC, yen, wampum; it's literally ALL shit we collectively agree to pretend has some magic inherent value at the end of the day.

>there have been THOUSANDS of fiat currencies and every single one of them has failed.
Then either you think there are no fiat currencies left (in which case you're severely deluded) or you have a weird definition of "failed" which is broad enough to include success!

Not everyone lives in bumbfuck montana you fucking inbred

except currency determined by math and algorithms is a lot more sustainable and dependable than human greed and kikery

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Every republican president has had a recession in their first term for the last 100 years, Trump will be no different. The goal is to make assets cheap to squire while while the rich can claim huge losses and not pay taxes for the next few years. Trump goes over this in detail in 2008. It's a smart business move to consolidate.

So how bad will it get? It will be good if you're ready to buy, so for everybody with at least 2 working brain cells it will be great. For you and those like you? Bad, like lose your house bad, but you won't starve to death. You may have to take a second or third job.


>except currency determined by a government kill switch on the power grid is a lot more sustainable

>what is decentralization
also, absolutely delusional if you believe any government would do something like that. it would trigger civil war and massive unrest.
imagine being this retarded.

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Have fun broadcasting to your chinese nodes without internet lmao. Yeah imagine that, a whole 3 day long riot until they give up anything for clean water supply.

Please do keep tying Trump to the economy.

>thinking the government and the military are homogeneous bodies
you are genuinely retarded. you genuinely have no clue how any sort of civil war scenario would play out in the US.

in any case, crypto would still keep moving on in the rest of the world, while americans have their fun. you literally cannot delete the blockchain. you can disrupt it temporarily, but the blockchain will always be there once people are ready to return. the same can't be said for fiat, the biggest shitcoin of them all.

how about i tie my dick to your forehead and piss down your cheeks
then tell your mom you posted on Jow Forums

We passed the 2018 highs and hit 3000 on SPX lol

It's going to be biblical.

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stop making homophobic comments you disgusting bigoted homophobic racist nazi. white supremacists like yourself all need to die

It's going to be so bad op that Americans are going to resort to cannibalism and pedophilia will be the norm. Everyone will directly know 10 people who died brutal deaths and your house might very well burn to to the ground. Civil war will happen and the federal government will nuke a city and drop nerve gas on its own people. It's going to be the worst event in history and humanity might go extinct!

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no, recession, i can personally garuntee it

Gotta love Denver international airport.

Versus everything. Ever heard of inflation retard?

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Also depressions are caused then the resources can't be produced into goods and distributed to the people fast enough so there isn't enough to go around.
Stop thinking about finances as some magic number shit on paper and start thinking about what it actually is if you wan't to get a good idea of what is actually important and what isn't .

If meme digits ittl be Armageddon but you will not only survive. You will thrive but only if you reply to my post.

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Worse than anybody alive has ever seen

Years ahead of ya, hoss

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all those stock faggots NEVER tell you about japan. just look at a chart that includes the 80s.

that's what's going to happen, a crash and stagflation, just including most of the "west" this time.

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And at this point crypto seems like the only viable option to hedge against. Should also explain the trump tweet, he's trying to keep crypto in the shadows

He's right. Plenty of shit is undervalued right now. $cgc is like 50% off rn, I think I might buy some.

Lot’s of people are gonna lose money, and multibillion dollar companies will go bankrupt
But there will be no end of the world. It will just be a global Great Depression.
Anyone sayin “DURR BUY GUNS AND BEANS WORLD GONNA END LMAO” are retards though it might moderately happen in the US because of niggers and wh*te incels

We are on uncharted territory. Since the 80s we have been kicking the can down the street each time there is a credit crisis, and each time we did that the can got heavier and heavier. In 2008 we were so fucked that we had to use forbidden techniques to kick the can further and now we are in a scenario where we may be fucked if we let it happen, and attempting to kick the can again could end up being a pyrrhic victory.

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It's been months since the last time we talked about this shit. also the media loses alot of money in a market crash so trying to scare investors makes no sense. Your Jow Forumskike shit makes no logical sense

>The idea that what has happened, or is happening, will happen again, is one of the most flawed illogical shitty logic ever to grace the world of finance.

Recession will happen again and that is not shitty logic. Or are you saying this time it's different and we'll go up forever?

What is going to cause the recession though? Small to mid-tier companies profits declined a bit, but nothing worthy of cutting employee hours or mass layoffs. All the rest of the fundamentals seemed to be going alright. I mean they aint great, but they still moving forward.

>10K market crash
>Fed QEs into oblivion
>Dollar hyperinflates
>Trump defaults on all debt and returns to the gold standard

Then the party really starts user. Start exercising for the draft now.

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Hopefully it will be a complete meltdown worse than 1929, economy is way too bloated and needs a good reset. Unfortunately, it is more likely to just be a slow and gradual decline over the next 15 years or so with an occasional recession sprinkled in.

Been hearing this shit since 2011. Still waiting for the "big collapse".

'Any day now', for an unknown number of days, and then it will happen all of the sudden.