Jcho told you all this was an echo bubble, you didnt listen

jcho710 has the best prediction record on twitter, you were told for months it was all going to come crashing down, where is your bravado now?

Attached: 0B2E22B1-A878-441E-888C-68059DE8BCD7.jpg (905x694, 96K)

This FUD is good. Just bought a 100K

Holy shit silver is $17 rn, zoom out you mouth breathing incel

>on twitter
go back

Stopped reading, op confirmed faggot

The angry cope from those who read about the echo bubble here but ignored it because they got emotional riding the bubble.

I made $30k with crypto in the last three months with zero investment. Have sex incel.

best prediction record on twitter? like when he said to sell at $4K. $5k. $6k. KEK.

this guy is a piece of shit paid shill for anti BTC.

buying cruzbit anyway, so no matter.

Can you Twitter and redditor go back to your hole and stop coming here with your poison.

It's far too early to call this a complete breakdown back to 3k.

Sorry anons aren't lining up to listen to every doomsday or moonboy narrative that gets pushed


>BTC dumps
>This is it guys. BTC is crashing. It's over, you should've listened to us
Chill out retard. BTC hasn't crashed just yet

>jcho710 has the best prediction record on twitter
Publicly rekt his entire signals group predicting BTC to 100 USD. LOL.

Why you are so mad? Nobody can predict the future

Crypto bulls and Germans during the time of the Nazis, remind you of anything?

Attached: 5089CB49-D468-45A8-B970-DBC9E777EAFC.jpg (2048x1227, 456K)

Hitler did nothing wrong tho

the fundamentals are different retard, matching a pattern on another pattern doesn't mean shit.

Hitler was a pile of bones soon after while the truthful allies who warned about hitlers teachings were still alive and well.

COPE.If you are still talking about fundamentals, then you are basically one of those deluded Germans parroting Nazi propaganda.

Wasn't this the guy that told everyone to open shorts at 3k because we were 200% going to 1k?

Good i can keep accumulating then

Key differences being
1. The bubbles are on completely different timescales
2. BTC has a hard limit, silver can be mined virtually indefinitely
3. Silver has substantially outperformed since that echo bubble so it means nothing outside of short/mid-term concerns

How about Uranium?

Attached: 21D8DCF2-1591-4CDD-BD57-0C28A7BDC3A4.jpg (1200x380, 71K)

THANK GOD we aren't speaking German.

you're one of these cunts that was waiting for 2k BTC and got fucked by the pumps in spring, aren't you? See you at 100k, faggot.

What about it? Echo bubbles can and do exist, sure, but so what?


>8 replies
Hello jcho you dumb skank. Not giving you any impressions.


sell low, buy high. OP is a retarded nigger.