What are your shitcoins going to do for you when we are all starving to death in 20 years? We are in the middle of the biggest collapse in human history. Homo sapiens will be extinct soon enough.
Collapse of the planet
No.we.wont nigger
my shitcoins mooning would allow me to purchase property in a cool climate as well as guns and silver. It would also allow me to spend more time learning horticulture and fostering community relationships.
Crypto is a means to an end.
If apocalypse comes then I'll probably just die, sounds better than living in the Fallout game world or whatever the fuck you are talking about.
Global warming is fucking everything up. We aren't going to stop our emissions and soon enough we'll be running out of arable land to feed our unsustainable populations. The gross excess of post industrial society is going to lead our species to an early grave.
okey buddy, but I have enough non-perishable food, water, toiletpaper, gas to last over 50 years comfortably, and I have a bunker that can only be destroyed if you demolished it from the inside, or the tectonic plate cracked just at that point.
Fuck off real life FUD
What about everyone else who can't afford that? I respect your approach and want to do the same, but I don't even know why bother working on skills or qualifications for a society on the brink of collapse. If crypto can solve my lack of money I am going to dedicate myself to insulating myself and the people I love against the future.
plant life wont die even if a nuclear war occurs, it will always find a way.
Most of humanity will be wiped out, yes, but it wont go extinct, only backwards in tech/capability
It will be incredibly hard to farm for sustenance, I think only a hunter gatherer lifestyle will be sufficient to survive. If all the ice melts that contains methane we can get into bad feedback loops that will rapidly increase the temperatures changes as well, and in that case we are probably fucked no matter what.
No it's not, cant wait for my Tropical paradise up here in the north, U.S will be a desert land like the Saudis xaxaxaxaxa
theres already a way to combat this, literally, just grow cockroaches.
You only need a plastic box, dirt and 5 cockroaches, then you just put them in a plastic box and wait a week, then take over 50 cockroaches out and redistribute them to more plastic boxes with dirt, repeat for infinite high-protein/nutrient food, you only need to refill the dirt once a month with a scoop or so.
The only negative thing is that if you are squemish and not a man, you wont survive because you are weak af and are unwilling to cockroaches, which can taste good if you cook em right, aka fry them in butter/oil
1-2 months*
What do the cockroaches eat? I'm down for anything that is more sustainable than fucking cattle.
anything really, from dead plant life to shit.
We can just funnel our toilets to the boxes and they will eat it as sustenance, and reproduce in massive quantities indefinetly
there arent many turkish ppl where i live tho. Where can i go to hunt them?
in turkey, or france
>eating bugs that tastes like your own shit
didn't expected any valuable answer from Jow Forums
>what good are your shitcoins when you havent promised your soul to our lord jesus christ
this is you
this is about survive and not what taste better.
Do you know we feed some plants with shit as well right?
Chickens eat cockroaches, cockroaches eat human waste, human eat chickens and the cycle continues...
Do you know plants feeds on the nutrients of the shit and not the shit itself? eg. dead cells, bacteria, fibers, etc.
We've been 20 years from collapse since 1900 and we're still here faggot. KYS
>not understanding how basic decomposition works
>not understanding that every plant that we use as food is fed with fertilizer which IS literally shit
>not understanding how metabolism works
there is zero shit left in that cockroach after it has eaten your shit to grow.
Do cows taste like grass?
how do you get rid of the biomass left in their digestive system? Gut every roach one by one? Kek
milk from cows actually grazing in open air has different taste than cheese from industrial farms and diet can definitely affect the taste of the meat. Look up "Alp cheese" or ask /ck/, dumb urbanite.
I'll have my bible, 100k rounds of ammo, 25tons of food, and over 10k Mangas and comics to read.