Why are Americans so poor?
Why are Americans so poor?
They're getting the last bit of wealth extracted out of them before China becomes the dominant world power.
>superfluous double use of the word "that"
fucking dropped
Taxes are too fucking high with income and sales taxes you're left with maybe 50% of what you worked hard for
>Why are Americans so poor?
because no matter how much they print, there actually is no money
there's a difference between printing currency and producing value
people fail to see the forest for the trees and don't realize until it's too late
You don't understand how retarded poor people actually are. 99% of them wageslave because they can't stop buying shit. They get up at 7am and work 12 hours because they have to have wear designer clothing, have to have iPhones, have to live in downtown apartments, have to eat out for every meal, have to drive a luxury car, have to have big screen smart TVs in every bedroom, and have to buy weed and beer every weekend
On the flip side if that, they get fucked with high taxes, a housing bubble, and loss of purchasing power, so the result is that the middle class gets fucked in both eyes in a daily basis
My wife is a middle school teacher and almost all the kids that are on free or reduced lunches have iPhones and their parents drive newish Audi's.
It's why things like UBI are horrible ideas and will only cause inflation. The problem isn't the income, it's the out going money that is siphoned away due to government policies and consumerism
Who the fuck wastes money on vacations? Better to invest.
>Who the fuck wastes money on vacations?
they can't afford to even take time off from work
vacation doesn't necessarily mean travelling (no matter how much roasties and basedboys attempt to equate it to that)
because they're stupid, period. they deserve to be poor.
If the burgers buy SENT they might have a chance to escape
burgers only buy stuff from coinabse taht its approved by their government and shilled by ccn.
they can't afford to take risk on low cap shitcoins
and even if they could they don't understand risk managment so they would loose all their money going all in on a single coin like LINKtards
All I can say...
America is in reality a third world country, more on par with Mexico/Russia than it is to Europe, when it comes to quality of life, health, etc.
Because they spend on useless shit like vacations.
t. American
Rent free
Because cost of living is much higher then is shown.
Phone - healthcare - rent - insurance - car
27k a year on cheapest I can get for all, then add food (I made mushroom risotto last night for 2 people for $17 for in groceries at the discount market)
Let's say that it cost $5000 a year in food then too. Not a lot left over from my non-college salary. A few thousand a year.
>$27k "cheap" car
>Fag food
lets be honest /biz americans bring down the quality of this board, they are the satyiest anons.
also they don't understand Jow Forums is an international community and americans are not the owners or landlords of Jow Forums but they are at best a cancer parasite
Because weve been in an economic depression for 20 years. Now its just a few rich jews cannabalizing what was left of the economy
There are two ways to get people to accept being poor without having to keep them down with force. The first is to do what Europe does and provide an abundance of public goods so that poverty isn't miserable squalor. The second is to do what America usually does and have a robust ladder for social mobility so that someone can reasonably advance from the bottom if they want to. The American system is currently breaking down because the people at the top are too greedy to pay to keep the ladders intact or switch over to paying for public goods.
Things are very likely to get nasty soon and nobody is 100% sure as to how it's going to go.
"vacation of me, but not for thee" - peter "gold kike" schiff
I fucking hate American posters they are so smug and they think they own the world, while they are just slaves tied to their national identity.
They are getting replaced by migrants soon so we will get rid of the amerimutt problem once and for all
>The American system is currently breaking down because the people at the top are too greedy to pay to keep the ladders intact or switch over to paying for public goods.
companies and extremely wealthy oligarchies hold humans hostage and use them as levers to control the (((government)))
if you're a large company, and the government wants to tax you and cut into your profits then all you have to do is threaten to lay off your employees and move your company to another country that won't tax you as much
now all of the employees you fired will begin lining up for unemployment and become a further burden (they no longer pay taxes, they will now be receiving public money)
of course the government is leveraged to shit already and can't afford more social handouts so they cowtow to the hostage takers (aka large multi-national companies and conglomerates)
>They are getting replaced by migrants soon so we will get rid of the amerimutt problem once and for all
degradation and derangement will be the words of the day when that takes place (you already see it happening)
Based Spain . They knew what to steal. GOLD. From Mexico to Philippines they hijack that shit.
The Leaf, everybody.
nah you mutt ,have fun eating your kraft singles and mcburger and dying at 40 years old of coronary disease.
american culture is literal cancer, you created countless conflicts worldwide and destabilized entitre regions in the middleeast just so that you could keep your fucking living standard.
you have the blood of millions of people killed in your regimes changes war on your hands by just being american, even if you weren't the one directly pulling the trigger.
by staying silent you are killing thousands
I didn't spend 27k on a car I spend 27k on my rent, insurance (health + car) & car ownership.
It's literally called bargain market where regular stores dump their shit they don't want to sell.
Also it's college not collage. I think you aren't an English speaker so I forgive you.
Funny to think muhh Murcian nationalsim is still a thing in 2019? I guess its all the incels have left... There is 9 million unemployed men there. You'd think they would realize that identity has failed everyone...
>uses site made by an american with american interests
>many of the colloquial jokes and topics stems from american day to day life.
>complains because tastes don't get catered to enough
>gets mad when met with the american attitude of go fuck off to your own site then
>whines about american smugness
>doesn't understand smugness intensifies due to complete lack of self awareness
>pulls amerimutt meme as last resort like a cornered rat
>american eagle swoops in with massive cock with BIGASS GDP written on it
>blinds the european
>britan explodes
>guards with fuzzy hats start crying
>freedom rings louder than the statue of liberty moaning from getting the eagle dick
>world is saved once more
>god himself comes down from the skies to handshake every american to thank them for their service to the world
>everyone claps
Economy is shit, the Clinton government has changed more than once the unemployment parameters to embellish statistics. If you use the 90s standards the actual unemployment rates is like 20%
Retarded neoliberals and their soii-enriched guard dogs of r***it literally think the more money you print the richer you become.
they definitely aren't sending their best
the lap-dogs must likely believe they'll be rewarded for their treachery
they'll run like chickens from the dickens when the devil comes to collect his due
and he always collects, with interest
That literally is how it works. Cost of goods and assets can't scale when there is an unknown amount of money entering the market at an instant. So for a short amount of time it gives the edge to the party that is printing the money.
In the long run is causes instability and loss of market/trade confidence but you can see why they do it at the least.
Because capitalism is designed to keep poor people poor and rich people rich. Americans will never admit it because they want to believe they can be rich too but for 99% of them it's never gonna happen.
The American middle class is also completely at war with the poverty class. No political party will ever tax the ultra rich, so the tax burden of the entire country is placed solely on the middle and lower upper class. The middle class is tired of paying for the healthcare and welfare for niglets, single mothers, trailer trash hillbillies, and illegals, all while having very little to nothing to show for how much they wage slave.
Eventually we will reach a point where the middle class tax revenue will no longer support the company, and a civil war will erupt. You will have corporations laughing to the bacnk as the politicians promise a socialists paradise, which is actually a corporatacracy
Renting out properties will really open your eyes to the mindset of these kinds of people. They just won't save no matter what. One property I rented out a few months ago I offered a first months rent free promotion. The tenant was telling me about how they needed to wait until their next paycheck came. Mother of 4, grandma lives with them also. Grandma looks at the backyard and says "we dont have to pay rent for a month maybe we can buy a pool"
>The American middle class is also completely at war with the poverty class
it's working exactly as planned
don't forget the bureaucratic layer that dwells on top of this apparatus
they tow the party line because their lifestyles are bought and paid for from the public purse
>Grandma looks at the backyard and says "we dont have to pay rent for a month maybe we can buy a pool"
famous last words
>gif related
there's a reason they call it (((programming)))
>americans are not the owners or landlords of Jow Forums
Next you are going to go full retard and say that Jow Forums is not an anime website. Why can't you ESLs just make your own rip off of Jow Forums, like how we made a rip off of 2ch? Are you really so pathetic that you can't even rip off an existing product? Trust me, you wont be missed here.
>I made mushroom risotto last night for 2 people for $17 for
Now you are just making things up. You could make 20 mushroom risottos for that price.
>also they don't understand Jow Forums is an international community
>americans are not the owners or landlords of Jow Forums but they are at best a cancer parasite
you sound like one of those UN spooks who wants to destroy half the worlds population
disgusting and disgraceful all at once
He's right. Jow Forums hasn't been american since moot sold it to Hiroyuki. You're the guests now.
>You did this!
What is this "you" shit? Like I am directly responsible for the acts of our ruling class? Next you'll be telling me that I'm responsible for slavery or something...
Don't confuse people for their governments, I'm breaking my back to get by just like most of the rest of the world.
nah i just wanna get rid of american mass murderers, the rest of the world population can keep going as they wish.
you culture is built on death consumerism and war
Jow Forums is not american you retard its owned by hiro
so tired of being poor
the internet is just full of ads, and marketers trying to sell you shit
its impossible to get a leg up in this society if somebody doesn't toss you a bone, in every case of successful entrepreneurship, you can visually SEE how many elements had to come together perfectly to enable little bill from Seattle to make a start up with just a little loan from his bank manager father
I just dont know man, so many people are destined to be poor forever...do they know?
Durr. Look at me, I voted for this. Big gubbament good.
Redpill me on your pic.
>Maybe we can buy a pool
>at a rented house
I can’t comprehend this retardation
Above ground pool its common in this neighborhood lol
god bless america—liberty or death
if you see evil and do nothing about it then you are part of the evil.
first stop identifying as an american that will completely change your perspective, when you will see people insulting america and you won't get angry then that will be a good step forward, free yourself from your national identity.
second do something to try to escape your current situation build a offgrid community, or try to renounce your citizienship and live abroad.
free yourself from the collective eveil of american society get indipendant not reliant on murderous infrsturcture
If you literally use the exact same formulas they used before the 90s the numbers are way worse. but if you point this out, people have a cognitive dissonance.
a cousin of mine made approximately €300 000 as a waiter.
He blew everything on parties, drugs and cars. Now he's 30 years old, broke and lives with his parents again.
300000 a year? Lol he wasnt just "waiting" bro sorry to tell you
Libtards absolutely seething ITT
Calm down Pablo, you're not getting in
He made 300K that over the past decade, not per year
because americans have this weird idea of the american dream, which is literally just a dream. they don't have any rights, they are not free, they are enslaved to their bosses and the capitalism. America is the most cucked country in the world. As long as they don't realize this, they'll stay as 3rd worldy as they are
Because they succumb to desires and spend too much money. It isnt that had just save your fucking money. Jews hate this one simple trick!
Imagine being this shameless about being a newfag
If I went and bought your favela if wouldn't suddenly become American land.
Shhh, ignore it goy, the economy is great! See I said it again, this is a great economy, just ignore your problems goy nothin' ta see here!
>just save your money bro
No one ever got rich by saving.
keep tellin yourself that while immigrants become ceos of your companys and spics slowly buy up all your real estate while keeping your boomer real estate ponzi going.
you are just owned cattle, whover brands you owns you
it's shadowstats
basically using the way they used to measure inflation in 1980 you can see how bad things really are
now because IPHONES are getting so much better the government says inflation is only ~2%
they disregard housing inflation almost entirely
I don't quite see how that's related to that post, other than that it used the word "buy".
Calm down, muchacho.
America sucks, so stop coming here.
It's an awful place, we're woken up in the morning by jews with whips and forced to work. They pay us, but then they force us to spend all our money immediately or they'll arrange a shooting to take it through medical bills. There's no upward mobility if you're not Jewish. We're a third world country just like you. You'll gain nothing by coming here. Don't bother coming.
Mississippi has a median income of $3,138/month.
The only countries in Europe that, on average, earn more than MS are Iceland, Norway, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
Mississippi has the lowest average earned income in the US.
Saving allows you to invest your savings, single digit IQ.
Lots of raged out europoors, pajeets, bongs and canucks ITT. Shit id be mad as well if i didnt live in the #1 country
>you culture is built on death consumerism and war
what culture?
you don't know anything about my KULT-URE
Aka Hedonic regression
We are poor because people from around the world come make money here and leave with it. So we, Americans, get the shaft...
Because we don't have any money.
It's grammatically correct
You can't honestly say that, they're not proud enough of their country to let us know.
How much do you have left after paying taxes, rent, gas, car payment and insurance?
It is confirmed that Peter Schiff Post here.
Considerably more than I would have if I lived the same kind of life in the UK, France, Germany, or some Scandinavian country.
God bless. Freedom ain't free.
Meanwhile in reality, half of jobs pay less than $15/hr, the tax cuts were a giveaway to the rich and multinationals, and the youngest generation is majority nonwhite.
The first job I had I got paid exactly $15/hr. I had no experience and only a high school degree. All I really had to do to get hired is pass a drug test and not be a felon. You'd be surprised how many people can't even do that and then complain about how hard it is to get a job.
It’s shocking honestly.
I feel bad because I don’t have any kids yet... but I’m not in debt at all and barely even work anymore.
By that logic bud light isn’t american
They hate us cause they ain't us
Fuck you. You’re getting a drone strike.
No it isnt retard
Our payment might be less but
>32 days paid holdiay
>less costs for living, food, etc.
>better health insurance
>not getting shot
>good infrastructure
>cheap holiday, traveling
>better quality of food
Oh, and I forgot that there is no study fee at university.
>no study fee
hf paying for woman studies cucks
"full time, year-round workers" in France Germany, Benelux etc effectively work about 30 hours a week.
Have fun paying your 10 trillion to Israel kek. Post the medical bankruptcies chart already so we can get it over with.
So what? 99% of Americans (and first-worlders in general) waste their money on stupid shit regularly and don't deserve ease. Why am I not surprised that articles like this one never probe into people's frivolous spending habits? With every layer of spending habits peeled, there would be no sympathy left other than for people who are only getting screwed over because of leftist regulations.
News flash: if you're poor, you almost certainly deserve it.
America is legitimately a third-world country. The only good thing about this place is that we have guns, which we need to protect ourselves from the most uppity niggers in the world that are being trained by OUR government and OUR media to hate us, and even those are going away soon.
I might have to move to Czech Republic to get a job.
This. US is deconstructed. China, Iran up next. Ironically even fucking Canada will do better.
go to a nice white area, build a community and wait for civil war 2.0 and the balkanization of the US empire. youll be ok if youre outside major cities
>Ironically even fucking Canada will do better.
as a leaf, i hope so, but i seriously doubt that
Fuck that, they'll just raze you to the ground just to keep the niggers happy for a few more months.