How do I profit from insider info?

Hey guys, I have info on an upcoming UFC fight. It's this weekend. How do I profit from that info besides betting? I suck at gambling.

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lol throwing fights in ufc

Anyone else not able to go longer than half an hour without weeing? I honestly can't conceive of the life most people have where they get hour long bus journeys, or give presentations to crowds for a long time. If i did that I'd be weeing all over myself! *Psssshhhhhhh!* It would be streaming down my legs and i would be so embarrassed!

I guess I'd drink loads of water so it was clear and i could say something in my pocket spilled, but then I'd also need the toilet EVEN MORE. It's a hard one.

Give us Info now

After all, if you tell us a lie you can make more money on the opposite position. But what if we can tell you're lying? Now we're in some ultra game theory shit.

Your best move is to be
>1 post by this ID

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He’s betting on the nig

>sad eyes in the promo shoot.
If it's rigged that's probably true

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you have diabeetus

Not one decent response..

sell tips

oh and dont bet alone with inside info. join betting groups

The black guy is going to pummel poor little white guy isn’t he ;_;

some of us here might have a good answer for you but you gotta give us something first

Just like ngannou pummeled stipe? Oh wait

Where? This isn't a regular betting tip or whatever though. Shouldn't it be worth more?

Do you have any links?

It depends if you think the info will have any baring on the outcome of a fight. If its just "oh x guy got knocked out in sparing last week" then its probably not worth caring about

The only thing I can give you is what I know and that's basically the info lol

It will have a massive impact on the fight

Does anyone have a betting discord or anything where we can talk?

spill the beans dana before i come to vegas and slap your slaphead

I'd probably go ask /heem/

I'll give the outcome away for $100 in BTC, which is peanuts. If no one will pay me for it, I'll give it away for free to build up credibility, but for other info I want way more as this is stuff that's not known to the public

we all decided, just now. We ain't paying.
So spill it Danuh

We ain't paying this time, but if your info is solid then maybe next time

I haven't even placed the bet so it will probably move the line. Hang on, let me place a small bet first and then I will reveal

>insider info from UFC
>not getting insider info on WWE instead

Where you gonna bet on WWE?

Anywhere you would bet on sports. There's quite a few high profile WWE employees betting high money some 30 minutes before showtime every PPV for years. It's called smart money by the WWE fans, it's basically spoilers for the event if you ever want to get spoiled.

how the fuck can you bet on WWE. It's all pre-planned. What the fuck, that's so rigged.

how do i get in

Gambling is the only option nobody is going to buy information from some nobody on Jow Forums. Youd have to dox yourself to make actual money from somebody serious enough. Also, a broken bone is hardly news.

god youre dumb

Yah but don't most places have much smaller limits for WWE?

crypto gambling!

give us the intel!!

wink. org/? r=checkit

Stipe hasnt changed his game and will lose again. His camp doesnt challenge his ego. Screenshot this.

why and how the fuck can you bet on WWE

What kind of insider info?
Private information on a fighter? Personal issues? Injury? The color of his fight shorts?

Without telling us at least what kind of information you are trying to profit off, no one can help you.

Even if you have crucial information about the potential outcome of a fight, no one is going to pay you for it, because the information may leak before the fight anyway.

If you do not want to make bets yourself, then you need to tell us what the information is in order for anyone to give you advice on how to profit from it.
Since nobody knows whether the information you have is true anyway, no one is going to steal it from you.


Fixing sporting events is illegal because the person doing the fixing is trying to profit, or to help someone else profit.

As long as the people betting on WWE matches have no knowledge of the result - they aren't involved with the organization or have received a tip from someone who does know - I don't see why it would be illegal.

It would be sort of like when people bet on the Super Bowl Halftime Show - betting on whether Madonna will wear fishnets or Katy Perry will close with Firework. Obviously that answer is predetermined, but people who don't know the answer can still bet.

Statistically out of all championship rematches the winner of the first match is 80% likely to win the second.

do what you want with this information.

>i have inside info
>but i suck at gambling

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Cormier will KO Stipe again.

Who gives a fuck about low 80 IQ subhuman animals fighting in a literal cage

>untrained, unathletic, Incel Neet calling people making 500k-1mil per fight subhumans.
You really showed them buddy!

Yeah, and that's why the insiders bet too, how will the agencies know that they're working for WWE?
You can see it every PPV, right before close a few hundred thousand dollars will roll in for the winners. Shit can always change because of Vince changing his mind, but it's pretty rare unless you're betting at specific finish (pimfall/submission/count out).
The wrestling "journalists" use the smart money to post spoilers this way.

I mean, a lot of them are women beating, cheating, doping taking subhumans to be fair. There isn't a year without a male UFC fighter getting arrested for abuse or attempted murder of a woman.

Is that any different than the general population?
What about the NFL good goy?

>a lot of them are women beating, cheating, doping
Every sport has these people?

So, can you just bet right before close on the one that get's a rush of capital before close?

Or do they literally do it like right before close, so you don't have enough time to copy them

I have no idea, I never bothered to try it myself. Check it out for yourself I guess.

all of that shit is scripted.
the insiders bet based off of the script
why are you guys even talking about this?... wtf

How do normies get the script?

by working for WWE or knowing someone that does.
Is this a serious question? what the fuck is up with you guys?

>what the fuck is up with you guys?
fuck your dense, we are asking how WE can get a hand on these scripts. No shit the people working there have inside knowledge, noone is disputing that?

how could you idiots possibly care... literally at all... about WWE?
how is this a legit discussion on Jow Forums
is summer still not over yet?

>how could you idiots possibly care... literally at all... about "making money"?
No clue user

looking to bet half a btc on diaz this weekend if the odds are decent

this is massive nonsense, it's called "late steam" and it's just as right as it is wrong.

Probably, he is getting old though, but that seems to effect heavyweights less.