You were already warned. You had ample time to sell

You were already warned. You had ample time to sell.

Attached: 1563608826566.jpg (595x799, 88K)

this guy was bearish when BTC was $3500.

Also, he blocked me when I tried telling him he was wrong back then.

fuckign hate this guy

im feeling sleepy

Zoom out, log scale

Great analysis OP *golf claps*.

I specially like how those talking heads casually gloss over the fact that silver in the 1980s, uranium in the late 2010s, and most commodity bubbles were *not* in any way connected to the forefront of a revolution in the way capitalism works.

...unlike crypto. Price action without context means nothing.

>But muh dot com bubble
The dot com bubble reached a market cap almost 10x the size of the crypto "bubble", so it isn't really comparable. You can do some mental gym to justify that if you want, that's ok.

yeah what about when bitcoin bubbled at $45 and then bubbled again at $1200

OP is gay

I love how there is always an excuse to how crypto is different.
It's not, and will have it's decline and rebound just like everything else.

DAILY REMINDER this chinky chonk got REKT shorting BTC at 3k

Yeah, I don't buy the "bubble" argument because Bitcoin has had multiple bubbles, these bubble incidents that OP is talking about only have 1 'bubble'

Ohhhhh! so THIS is what you guys meant in those other threads by “echo bubble”
I thought it was something about Jews

Attached: 38D5259B-68F1-411D-963A-8006E17C190C.jpg (1182x754, 52K)

LOL same. BTC is kill

Attached: 1535743164172.jpg (649x604, 28K)

Bitcoin will hit $500 in early 2021, screencap this

Bitcoin will hit $500k in early 2021, screencap this

I am confused how does a bubble with the time scale that’s 10 years + compare to one that’s a year and a bit.

Doesn’t really make sense to me.

i am financially uncertain

which one of those assets had their "echo bubble" right before halving the stock to flow ratio?

crypto moves faster that's not the problem.
the problem is totally different supply and demand structures.

Silver is used in many tech applications, and the economy at large has an incentive to keep the prices low.
Bitcoin, on the other hand, doesn't matter how many people are mining it. The supply grows at a fixed, decreasing rate.
pic related. The production of silver quickly tripled after 1980 to meet the demand.

Attached: supply.jpg (560x401, 48K)

This legitimately convinced me to sell, congrats. The last time I saw a crypto-to-meme-chart comparison I was like "no way could it possibly turn out the same now that people are expecting that to happen"... it ended up looking fucking identical. The world's about to have a recession anyway and I don't want to be the last one out when people are selling their bags just to pay their overdue bills. See you guys in a few years. Maybe ETH and BTC will be capable of more than 20 tx/s then.

I can confirm sub 2k

Attached: D0B172F9-F4F2-4B35-BFFB-341C72D77BDC.png (750x1334, 176K)


You still here faggot?
I thought we kicked you after you 24th wrong call

This user gets it, there's literally no difference between a rock with limited industrial uses and an immutable open ledger of all finance controlled in a liquid distributed manner which also allows automation of contracts. Fucking idiots you can't ecen hold your bitcoin in your hand what's the point?

this idiot literally CANNOT comprehend hashrate
he is one of the many retards who think crypto = exchanges
I'm adding him to my screencap LOL