If you want to make it

follow the early breadcrumbs.

first public mining pool up now :


Pool -

cruzbit resources :

medium : medium.com/@asdvxgxasjab/cruzbit-a-simple-decentralized-peer-to-peer-ledger-2944495b6129

explorer : cruzplorer.bergbau.pw/?type=holders

gitty : github.com/cruzbit/cruzbit

wallets : greenappers.com/cruzall/



Attached: CRUZ.jpg (420x420, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:




This should melt faces, and soon.

always an early moment. this is it.

insiders say this should hit $1 in 2020. doubt it, but it'd be fun.

sorry, $10

it's a pnd scam coin. and qtrade is a scam exchange. qtrade is behind all these anonymous scam coins on their exchange. cruzbit is their latest scam. they hold most of the supply and will dump at some point.the fucking devs name is afgsfgsadfgfgfg


"most of the supply"

brainlet alert. not only is this brand new (only 1M mined) - q-trade aren't dumping shit. also, if this was a PND, shouldn't you buy now? (hint : it's not) - ya retards always ignore early calls.

stay poor. this will moon violently.

plus, the first pool went up. damn you newfags are stupid and wouldn't know a golden 20x if someone acid-attacked ya and made you buy it with the $9 of indonesian currency you got from selling glodok for the year.

What's so special about this shitcoin?
It's just another pow ledger doing nothing but wasting energy

On the one hand, this is just yet another PoW coin with minimal features.

On the other hand, Garzik, don't I know that name somehow?

Attached: Annotation 2019-08-16 115353.png (761x557, 79K)

indeed. you found one of many crumbs.


if you want to make it just get yourself some VID (+15 000% in 1,5 months!!)

go back

Is this Proof of work with no pre mine / no ico and fair distribution?

no pre-mine. go to the links, dingus.

there are hundreds of bitcon clones like this.. they are worthless. i warned you about snow and you are all down 95%

>thinking we all bought Snow at $3. Also, Snow is up 100% in the last 48 hours. It's called market-cycles, doofus, and CRUZ is the next to go.

>thinking we all bought Snow at $3. Also, Snow is up 100% in the last 48 hours. It's called market-cycles, doofus, and CRUZ is the next to go.
it's called the exchange wash trading.. making fake 40,000$ buy to try and trick people into thinking it's next bull cycle. fuck off