How many bsv to make it? it's binary will i make it?

Attached: IMG_20190816_203050.png (638x372, 46K)

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user it’s over, just stop

CSW could shit in a hat and still his retarded yesmen would applaud


26th august will end this scam, prepare your anus, user

shill me to make it

To be fair, how many people do you know who actually has done that? He's a pioneer

1 trillion bsv to make it

Take the L already. This guy is a complete fraud and it becomes more apparent every day.

well if you buy like 100k BSV you will make it right now, but I would suggest you buy any other shitcoin before this goes lower

>BitcoinSV, once proported as a true vision of Bitcoin, is now known as Bitcoin Seeping Value

He and Calvin should do a video of this.
They can call it 2 frauds 1 hat
Or 2 fags 1 hat

CSW is literally fake and gay
even Jordan Peterson is on the BSV train now

even if this tard proved to be satoshi, he cant just rename an opensource product. what a moron.

Minus infinity, because they're going to be worthless.

But who was patent infringement?

buy chainlink

Hold strong, frens. This is all part of the plan

anyone new to this should read

pic related

Attached: 2C7AA320-D3A3-4DB4-A77D-C10254B3F9BC.png (1175x429, 58K)

you lost nigga your idol going to jail accept with grace and sell your shitcoin bags before too late

weakest fud i've seen today. i'll give it 0/10.

Take us to the promised land BSV.

Attached: wUjCaoil_400x400.jpg (398x398, 18K)

have you looked into the guy who wrote this? a racist German AFD supporter and NEET so perfect demographic for all these BSV retards

All of the fud these past 2 weeks have been weak. What do you expect from a core cuck pajeet shill though? They don't get paid enough for this shit

>projecting this hard
dude talk to the dod! your brain at this stage my be able to deflect bullets, first try it out in your shed tho!

looks perfect to me

This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has

what we have here is an opportunity of gold. a great possible victory if you might think
have you ever looked at a token or coin and thought to yourself that you would have purchased it if it was early btc? i know what it feels like to buy the early stuff - i am a big holder myself actually
and when i look at craig and do my own research into him, he is definitely the maker of btc
all of the signs are there for him to be the true mind behind the excllent product. so if you had this hope in the past, you may wish to consider what you have not been paying attention to up until this time
me? i am all in
if you are smart you will be also
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
And now For a Bonus! Watch him DESTROY a hate!

Attached: cswright-abhiyaan02.jpg (565x180, 19K)

Sanjay Vishnu is the real electric rupee.

not sure if he's a neet but he's one ugly NAZI pig for sure

you're gonna have to keep wondering
also, it's crazy how angry he is about szabo
his swindle revolves around Hal and Kleinman (mostly Kleinman) and then someone points out that satoshi is still alive
he must be fucking furious, his whole larp came about because he thought one of the two guys were satoshi

Yes he can, if it violates a previously dated copyright. IM STIFF!

Just had an argument in a gold thread with a real flat earther. Not sure whether actually believing someone is paying indians to shill bitcoin on Jow Forums or flat earthing is more schizo

says man who named his scam token 'satoshi's vision' for extra credibility, lmao

How much BSV for a hat full of cregs shit?

Made me kek

Why run behind worthless coins ? Instead invest in better crypto currencies like Telecoin and stay relaxed like me.

>a racist German AFD supporter
Nice, just bought 100k!

Dunno. 50?

he writes on his website to deport all illegal refugees out of germany without mercy.

he also adovocates to shoot at illegals at the border and to send warships instead of rescue ships to the mediteranian to stop the illegals from crossing. apparently he has also a lot of hate for Merkel which he calls incompetent, gullible and 'the worst we've ever had'.

how can anyone support this asshole and the shitcoin he is shilling for?!

How could you not? That's based af. Fuck niggers, fuck kikes