Post in this thread if you're against flags

Post in this thread if you're against flags

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fuck off pajeet


Flags are against the core tenets of Jow Forums culture

So are pajeets

checked, fuck off pajeet


i'm a white american and i don't want flags. flags attract the reddit crowd. just look at pol, it's reddit 2 now

We wouldn't have to resort to this if pajeets would stop fucking scamming. Money has been drained from retarded anons listening to those disgusting uncanny valley shill threads.

We have a financial incentive to use flags to identify coordinated shills more easily to determine what is organic and what is not. I don't even care if it results in factionalism as long as we can identify those disgusting scammers

You are glowing, discord tranny. Go back to your shitcoins chat

tick tock pajeet.


i would argue there's nothing wrong with survival of the fittest. that's Jow Forums's way. the "best" threads, with the most replies, stay, the "worse" end up bumped off. if you can't tell a shill from a non shill then you deserve to lose money. DYOR and quit bitching

Everyone saying that flags would solve the pajeet scams.
Meanwhile I'm just here thinking that's exactly what pajeets want so they can use a VPN to change their flag to another country like the US to pose as a legit shill and scam stupid anons even more

>if pajeets would stop fucking scamming
They are incapable of stopping. Cheap see-through scams are in their DNA. They're the most retarded scams that no one with even a double-digit IQ would fall for, but the pajeets just keep shitting them out.

please do the needful

>Money has been drained from retarded anons listening to those disgusting uncanny valley shill threads
This is a good thing

>We have a financial incentive to use flags to identify coordinated shills more easily to determine what is organic and what is not
This is why we need flags, everything else is just virtue signaling.

I'm living on a small island so posting my portfolio along with the flag would almost certainly get me doxxed.

Then don't post your portfolio?

White Anglo Saxon Protestant here. Flags are for poofs - the people who actually belong here don't need no flag to know who's jeetin'

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>implying Jow Forums hasn't been all but a subreddit for almost 2 years now
how do i downvote this

If you can't figure out who's a pajeet already, you're doomed to failure. Also, flags won't solve the problem. curryniggers and other undesirables will still post here and losers will still bump their shitty threads just to point out their flag, as if they couldn't already tell by the content of the post.

no flags. anonymous image board. summerfag cunts.

It would just turn into int with people responding to peoples flags rather than actually discussing meme coins

I thought Jow Forums was about anonimity. Flags are just a step towards area code, towards biometrics required to login to Jow Forums to post.
I'm sorry, I thought this was America.

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Glad to see there's still some oldfags left. Based

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Indian shitskin containment thread?

I mean I've been on Jow Forums boards since 2007 and i want flags more than anything here.

VPNs/VPSs make flags pointless. I'd rather not give extra legitimacy to all the SENT posting scamming faggots just because they use USA-based VPSs/VPNs, because that is EXACTLY what is going to happen

Why can’t we all just be honest we’re all pajeets and love curry sir

Try using a vpn. Ill wait.

I don't see why flags matter on this board. A Canadian isn't going to trade less retardedly than a Euro or American.

flags make pol worse, they will make this place worse, biz works as a discussion forum because anonymity forces one to strictly look at the content of a post to judge it's quality rather than, for example, the origin of it's poster, if you need flags to spot pajeet scams please leave

Don't you see that you're the typical redditor who can't function in the sea of piss that is Jow Forums? You can use the same rationale for the introduction of reddit karma.

They won't. this is a finance board not a country centric shitfest. Besides, if you can't tell a pajeet post then youre a newfag who needs to lurk moar its a whole new layer to learn investing


>I dont care abt flags or gf4gs they belong to /pol but i would mind seeing some meme flag here for the lulz

Flags would derail every thread on here. Also, biz is only good BECAUSE of the scam coins. It filters out retards and makes sure this place doesn’t become Jow Forumscryptocurrency or whatever the reddit version is.

Flags r 4 fags mmk

VPNs are banned retard good luck finding a range that isnt. Give us flags.

pajeet here, I HAVE RIGHTS

The pajeets are already derailing threads left and right and fucking up the catalog with a hundred shill threads everyday which is a total eyesore. Flags would remove any credibility from their threads. Just because you can wade through a stream of shit doesnt mean you should. Trial them at least.

flags are ok just not on this particular board

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Unironically, you are the glowing faggot here, shining with bright with insanity in every thread.

Flags only make sense on /int. Here, it would only create a civil war between Murricans, Youropeans and Azns. Nothing good would come off it.

Fuck off, newbot. Bring in the flags, expose the organized shills.

It's a two-edged sword.

I mean flags would derail every thread in a blink.

Then again, it would help to understand ones position.

Other boards have flags and they do just fine

No, it literally wouldnt. It doesn't on Jow Forums which is a board literally designed around international disagreements.

The only reason flags would cause any issue is if certain nationalities are disproportionately behind spam, adverts and scams. Which is only an argument FOR flags.

The hilarious part is OP's correlate to this thread which just asks the same but for a photo of the hand as well. Literally one response anti-flag there. HMMMMMM.


flags are essential

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also based

I'm against flags.

The reason why Jow Forums is better than other sites is anonymity. On the other hand you can use the filters if you don't want to see the threads. The risk of using flags is that it becomes a kind of reddit where Americans are going to make fun of other ethnicities. The irony of this is that Americans are usually the most retarded of this board, they are the typical ones who believe that bitcoin will go to 100k and, ultimately, it would destroy this board.

Hasn't happened in any of the other boards with flags. Unless the occasional 'leaf' is too hard for you to get past.


but there were be more transparenccy in threads. For example you see some typical shill thread and some Thread bumpers who answer this thread, then you can see if they are the same flag which would mean that they are typical manipulative scam.

kys pajeet


No, we don't. This is Jow Forums. Not Jow Forumschan .. If you get off on flags, keep enjoying Jow Forums to your heart's content

Never owned a reddit account in my life. I just want your pajeet filth to be present for all to see. Maybe your kind will stop spamming garbage all fucking day when everyone can see what you truly are


also cant flags be circumvented with vpn?

said the indian

Hey for the 100th time vpns dont work on Jow Forums

Oh for fucks sake.. how many more times? Next you'll want to see my face and passport. This is Jow Forums faggot. Anonymous.

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No, the fuck they don’t,
because this^

>SENT posting scamming faggots
i.e., SENT actually working
Which bullish. kek


This, we need to seperate the wheat from the chaff, which is done with hundreds of street shitters putting their logos on hot white women. If you can't stand to dig through the mountains of shit to get to the diamonds then go the fuck back to where you came from.

If you can't stand to post a photo of your hand then you need to hop on back to pornhub for us cumbrained biljar.

Show your hand. You must be a pajeet if you don't.

Here's the ankle of an amerimutt wagie you fucking room temperature IQ mongrel. Just because you fell for BRAP doesn't mean we have to bring the entire board down to a level that you can understand.

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... waiting

Asking others to show hand for non-pajeet proof, yet not willing to deliver yourself?

Fuck flags and fuck jannies.

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I'm against fags

Please no flags sirs. Racism is for the Jow Forums.


Because im a busy white man Mavinder.
Day of the Flag soon. Tick tock.

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>We have a financial incentive to use flags to identify coordinated shills more easily to determine what is organic and what is not.
My fucking sides hahaha. If you can't tell apart a shill post from a legit one you're retarded. What else you want, crypto "experts" that give you buy signals and advice?

Idiots like you are the reason pajeet scammers keep coming here, they see easy money from stupid people like you.

Truth is, your IQ is just not high enough for you to make money from Jow Forums(nel). If we implement flags, next time you'll be complaining about scammers in general, if we implement usernames and post history you'll be complaining about crypto being a scam.

You're just unfit to make money from extremely volatile assets that require extensive research to make a profit of.

Unironically, I would suggest you put all of your money into an index fund, and ride out the next recession with a 50% loss, otherwise you'll lose it all in here.

> the only reason to want flags is to spot scams
> scams are so easy to spot anyway
> flags will make the board too easy

A weird, rambling series of non-sequitur statements, irrelevant to any of the countless arguments for flags. Such dizzyingly stupid a post that it outs you totally as a pajeet.

No screen, no timestamp? You oughta know better. You are a pajeet, and I thought I was kidding.

Flags would ruin this board.

Im phone posting with my kids asleep on the sofa next to me so im not going to go writing on paper. Go reverse image search it Biljar you brown idiot.

See how that feels? Even as a white man user? Post your hand or else pajeet.... I delivered, you did not. Go back to Jow Forums and cuddle each other. No need to do it on Jow Forums...

>no flags. anonymous image board. summerfag cunts.

Fucking right

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Excuses are nice.... what would you have told if I had refused to take a pic of my hand? I would have been the pajeet. Don't lie about it. No matter what excuse I had brought. YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE. You are not really honest and white, Go back to Jow Forums and mingle faggot

Incoherent ramblings of a blown out subhuman. Sad!

Excuses are nice.... what would you have told if I had refused to take a pic of my hand? I would have been the pajeet. Don't lie about it. No matter what excuse I had brought. YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE. You are not really honest and white, Go back to Jow Forums and mingle faggot

And P.S. if that is really your hand, you are punished as is...

Be stron, frens.

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Rahul you haven't posted your hand. This is dire. Flag requests have you panicked.

>scams are so easy to spot anyway
You see this shit? This is how I know you're a retard. I never said scams are easy to spot, your victim mind just made that shit up kid lmao.

I said that your IQ is not high enough to know the difference between a scam and a legit project.

You can keep kicking, screaming and throwing a tantrum. Biz will never have flags. You can either accept this or get the fuck out, this decision is entirely up to you. You'll lose money either way due to your low IQ.

That was me. If anyone says no, I will take another. You incredible HYPOCRITE. You are just scared of your own wishes... on Jow Forums it is enough that you show a us flag, you are one of them, yay... now here, with the whole hand proof thing, THAT YOUR ILK demanded, you chicken out, you fat fuck.

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> "I never said scams are easy to spot"

> "If you can't tell apart a shill post from a legit one you're retarded"

At this point i don't think your problem is that you're a subhuman, though probably still the case. Your problem is that you're quite genuinely mentally disabled.

Dealing with Jow Forumstard demanding things... useless
Knowing I could crush his head with one hand... priceless.

Which by the way is another reason I got bored of Jow Forums .. most of them are not even worthy. Making themselves feel good in an eternal circle jerk. I would go as far as saying 80% are fat useless half breeds posing as something they are not

Sirs i am against flags, i've to feed my family shilling shitcoins here, please allow me to save india!

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>implying this board isn't already ruined

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Hello Sanjay. Post away. I will never buy your shit no matter what you say. Maybe Jow Forums hards might? Apparently they are scared

Get a load of this pajeet. God I can't wait for your salty soijack posting, shitting up all the American threads while we laugh at you

VPNs are banned you fucking idiot pajeet.

I would rather not spend my time reading the words you sharted out of your vindaloo, sirs.