How is this supposed to go mainstream at that price?

How is this supposed to go mainstream at that price?

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Amazon is out of control

Haven't you learned anything from shitcoin shills, marketing spam guarantees growth, forever

It isn’t. As it starts to get more traction production costs will lower and so will price. For now the target audience isn’t you.

I bet it is amazing for vegan food but at these prices those kikes can go fuck themselves.

>paying premium for a glorified playdoh with fake taste
BWAGAHHAHAHHAHA i hope i dont choke from laughing while eating real non-american meat, watching limpwristed cucks and soibois collapse over their vegan burger from malnourishement

I bet creating this shit is more harmful for the environment / animals in the long run than not being a fucking sissy and eating real meat.

The current animal industry, basically any animal industry is horrific beyond measure. There is no Argument in this. I welcome this product but at the same price as meat.

Investors like Bill Gates want 5x so they ramp up the price of this.

wtf is this shit. how can something claim to be a plant based meat?

Because meat is a social construct.

in the long run artificial meat will be far better for the environment and absolutely necessary if the niggers keep spawning at these rates. also the animal industry is pretty cruel. but im with the other user: i will buy it if it costs similiar to real meat. fuck (((them))) and their extra basedboi tax.

>I bet planting more plants is harmful for the enviornment

Meat is meat. It is not plant based. That makes it ground vegetable product. I love this push for plant based products over the past few years. You have to be stupid as fuck to buy any of it.

The globalists want us to stop eating meat so we are easier to control. You can bet yourself they will be laughing eating their steaks while we are all eating fake meat and insects.

Kek. Boomer spotted. Can't wait to give your types an aneurysm by eating an avocado impossible burger and drinking an iced coffee in front of you.

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It tastes pretty good desu, much better than I expected. Doesn't really taste like meat, it's better described as meat-ish. I wouldn't pay 25 bucks for it tho

If you want to eat plant based meals, just eat the fruits and vegetables right off the plant. No manipulation of it. In fact, grow your own so you know where it came from. See so many households with enough land to grow, but nobody does it. Time is not a factor. You don't want to spend money on already prepared products, you cut out the middleman.

Do you have any idea how many vegetables you have to eat to consume 20 grams of protein? A lot more than 6oz of beyond meat, that's for sure. And with no onions at that.

>Doesn't really taste like meat, it's better described as meat-ish.
>It tastes pretty good desu

The absolute state of America. Literally onions green bullshit! Bug burgers are next, for any of the bad goyim that refuse to stop eating real meat!

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Soibois will make an excellent source of protein. With central security already having issues to keep the inner peace and demographic shift making the human resource issue worse there will be nobody stopping you hunting, slaughtering and selling avocado and grain fed hipster that don't move much during their live

Yeah, we only plant plants. We're not harvesting or deplete the soil or destroy the habitat of animals for GMO trash.

Based retard



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- pretty much this, the hype sells and inflates valuation, when you go public you cash out and people wonder how such a company with no business model or path to profitability ever managed to get so much traction and valuation
- That's literally what they said about iphones
- that or there will be health effects that we can't predict yet
- because its marketing, no one will buy it if you label it artificial meat substitute or artificial meat product, I prefer imitation meat myself
- are you one of those retards that calls any margarine product butter?
- pretty much this, but in the united states of school shootings, you;re practically banned from having a garden in your own property, you're not allowed to be productive you have to consume
- fuck off with that superiority complex bullshit, europe imports most of its wheat from the US, half the world would starve if it weren't for american ag industry, it really is one of the biggest wonders of the world to even contemplate, let alone see it in action.

I don't want to life on this planet anymore.

it's basically just textured vegetable protein repackaged for zoomer and marked up, right? I mean there's nothing new happening here. I bet this stuff gives the worst garbage gut farts.

Agriculture is terrible for the environment. It leads to deforestation, spraying of chemicals, requires heavy fossil fuel burning machinery, depletes nutrients of the world's soil, probably responsible for the decline in bee populations

>textured vegetable protein repackaged for zoomer and marked up, right?
well... yes, I guess their whole business comes from "we got the flavor!!"

>not just eating real beef
yes goy, eat onions green, you'll love it!

Silly user, don't you know they're catering to the most financially irresponsible of plebs who will swipe their 25% interest bearing credit cards which are nearly maxed out and will stay like they until they're daddies trust fund kicks in once they hit 30 to pay it off?

Don't let logic get in the way of emotion pal

> iphones
never heard of android?
>there will be health effects that we can't predict yet
pea protein isolate, canola oil, and refined coconut oil. no one has ever eaten these before and we're all going to die!
>banned from having a garden
no, most people just don't care to have one because they're high maintenance and low yield.

It's not going to go mainsteam, it is a scam and the fad will die out nust like what happened with CBD.

i don't think Jow Forums realizes how many millenials out there want to start the cow genocide because of cow farts. but they can't bring themselves to give up meat. i haven't tried it but if it actually tastes good enough there's going to be huge sales growth. millenials aren't careful with their money, they already pack themselves in hipster cities with $2500 rent.
doesn't make the stock a good buy at this point, but these products are in a good position.

>that or there will be health effects that we can't predict yet

Retard, there’s no new base ingredients in this product. Everything in it is GRAS. You might as well be making the argument that new, untested pizza topping combos should be investigated for safety.

Iphones have never dropped in price, and the argument at the time that was used was that their price would come down as massive adoption became the norm. In short, its a lie.
No, people don't eat those in general, specially the pea protein is a pretty new processed protein on the mass market and only recently granted GRAS status. In twenty to forty years we will know if it has any adverse effects, you don't know that today because "duh we consume it forever", we've consumed hydrogenated fats for hundred years and it took almost 80 years to find out they are a problem.
>no, most people just don't care to have one because they're high maintenance and low yield.
And in most parts of the USA, they are also illegal, google it.

Right now it has buzz for being in the news, but yeah, I think the hype goes away and it stabilizes. I tried the impossible burger and it tasted like a low quality burger you get at a kids baseball game. It was passable which is impressive.

I think tweaking the taste and lowering costs below animal meat is the only way it makes inroads. While the environmental impact is great if you are displacing anything but grassland, there is no health benefit with eating these.

Gap fill to 120 monday

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>no onions

How do short veganism

They're not even testing this shit before sending it's out. There is no long range data to support fake meat being ok to does that even sound safe?

>Eat your soi Patty goyim,here have some grubworms to wash it down bugman

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Holy fugg, imagine if you put 10 grand on that. Ebin gains frien.

>That's literally what they said about iphones
wtf no it wasn't. Apple always positioned the iphone as a luxury product. and you can get a budget phone with the specs of a 2010 flagship iphone for practically free.
>Iphones have never dropped in price
yeah, because they increasingly become more expensive to make. the original tech absolutely dropped in price.

how do you not know this? silicon technology is the fucking quintessential example of economies of scale.

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once you get used to eating fake meat, they will have new real meat global warming studies and health concerns and price of real meat will go up dramatically while monsanto will pump corn meat and control the entire goy supply line.

>$12 per pound

I can buy 3-4 times as much turkey for way cheaper and it's healthy and natural.

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I'm not even on the vegan fags side, but G_d you're retarded. What do you think animals eat exactly?

For $12 you can buy kilos and kilos of beans rice and lentils.

>europe imports most of its wheat from the US, half the world would starve if it weren't for american ag industry
that's just comparative advantage of America's wheat belt. the US barley exports more food than it imports.

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