I’m tired of fudding. Anons you have until the end of August to buy LINK or you will miss the ship. I promise it...

I’m tired of fudding. Anons you have until the end of August to buy LINK or you will miss the ship. I promise it. LINK is being sold at a discount. Just look at the fucking 700K dumps. Think about how much money market makers are willing to throw at a company to get the most profit possible. The market makers are willing to drop the price of a project/company just to get others to sell so they can buy back at a cheaper price. Unironically, Jow Forums holds a relatively large amount of tokens compared to the public, you don’t think this is connected? Jow Forums has a bad rep and can’t be allowed to let some retarded nazi brainlets get wealthy. Get them to dump and buy back @ a cheaper price point. Hence FUD. There’s a reason why there are the marines, swingers and nolinkers. Marines or “iron hands” will make it they understood the risks and rolled the dice regardless of how much LINK. Swingers are the cannon fodder, some will fall and some will rise. And then there’s the nolinkers. Soldiers that have fallen victim to a life of waging and slaving. Once this thread is archived, the fud will begin to intensify. And remember KEK wills it.

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didn't read;not buying

You’re just tired of holding. This thing is going to trade sideways for 36 more months

TL;DR. no one is pumping your worthless bags. enjoy sergey 700k dumps per week for the next 2 years

Agreed user. I'm buying link today.

I agree. I saw a car with CLK-777 licence plate today. We are close

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SENT is the ticket to freedom.

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Jokes on them, I didn't think link was legit UNTIL it went to $4 and have been buying up like crazy at this ~$2 range, so they are helping one Jow Forums frogposting Nazi get rich at least. Hope none of you sold. 4th industrial revolution btw

>tfw my brothers a retard like you who needs massive price confirmations before buying
>told him to buy a hundred times from 16 cents all the way up to $2 and he didn't want to take the risk
>finally decided to get some when it went past $4
>he bought when it dipped to $3.40
>now he's salty it's back in the $2 range
>he refuses to buy the dip and is mad at me
>mfw he's a fucking consultant at Ernst and Young

How can someone be so retarded yet smart at the same time?

There are no lines to read in between you fucking faggot fuck. I'm tired of you gay "Link Marines" shitting all over my board with your crap for the past 2 damn years. You had your pump and your chance to sell but you bagholding retards are so emotionally attached to this unpatented scam ran by a slavshit nigger and a company out of the Cayman Islands along with a hundred other red flags any other sane investor would look over carefully and understand that it is complete fucking bullshit. You retards are investing in a project that's finding a problem for their fucking solution!!!!!! THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS YOU RETARDS!!!!!!

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This shit could've been good 1 year ago, try harder faggot
>t. 20k link

>How can someone be so retarded yet smart at the same time?
He can't, you better hope retardation don't run in your family because your brother is fucking brain dead

>LINK is being sold at a discount.
if i had a dime for every time ive heard this id actually be somewhere

Words of truth OP.

Bornless one
As darkness bright
Found not in tongues
Found not in light
Bring down the rain
Drain waters of Styx
Faustian luminary
Redeem blaspheme
Like a day without the dawn
Like a ray void of the sun
Like a storm that brings no calm
I'm most complete yet so undone

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same fagging...yep youre going crazy just like me

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Oof, did you show him the breadcrumbs? LINK is perfectly positioned to be shilled to normies, a lot of them think blockchain is good tech but dont like the current state of crypto so I just shill them link as blockchain tech. Either way keep trying my man, I am a brainlet that needs massive price confirmation but I'm also not gonna miss out on the rocketship just because $2 is the new floor not $0.50 anymore. T. 2k linkies so far and working overtime ever week since blastoff for more

imagine being this fucking new

>>he bought when it dipped to $3.40
>>now he's salty it's back in the $2 range
>>he refuses to buy the dip and is mad at me

don't let this get to you. we need people like your brother to prey on.

snapped a pic of the this whole thread for my cringe comp

Snap a pic of yourself too, it would take the crown!

Yes but he didn't have time to go into detail with them. And he keeps coming up with retarded FUD like "what if a competitor comes out that's better" or someshit. I think he's just highly risk averse and it's causing him to make retarded fucking investment decisions. He was in uni all 2017 and 2018 too he was busy and I couldn't barely get time to shill him on Link or explain away FUD, but he'd just use the excuse that he's poor and couldn't afford it. Funny thing is, he spend $1000 on Link last week, but he could have gotten the same amount for $40 back in 2017.

Doing it for 1,5 year now. 2 jobs, extra shifts and living off 650 bug a month, and fuck somehow I started to like living on water, potatoes and frozen vegies and a dumpster tour from time to time. Now at 6 figures of LINK spread over multiple addresses because fuck it, not gone pay a single cent to the taxman robbing me of buying power for shitty socialist healthcare I don't need and Boomer gibs they don't deserve for the last 1.5 year


Based and Checked.

>he doesn’t know

Well done user, you deserve it. Play your cards right and thats a legacy building investment, but I dont need to tell you that. I'm hoping to get to 10k by EOY, hopefully I can attend the linklet deck on your megayacht party

stop same fagging

Your on my dick bro, do you want to suck it or something. Drop your proton mail and send pictures you gay.

Wish you good luck marine.
And of course, Marines will always be welcomed fren. Unless you are a swing linker, then you better learn some good jokes or you have to jump from the plank.

neeegro alert
neeeegro alert

>Sir, we're updating our systems to include this DLT software that will cut our supply chain process time by over 90%. We're going to save MILLIONS of dollars worth of lost time and revenue!
>That's great news...w-wait....what's that blue hexagon. Oh...oh god...that's not the same Chainlink that's held by people that go on that anonymous sunglasses refurbishing imageboard, what's it called...uh...4Jan? I dunno, that looks a lot like the 4Jan hexagon. I don't like this at all. Maybe we should avoid this upgrade until we have another option.

People think this conversation actually happens.

Based user checks in with trip-7's
He's gunna make it

But we love that fat monkey Fernando

If you think about it, he could easily manage to gradually dump another 100 million tokens atleast in the next couple of years. A little bit of shitcoin partnering blog post here, autist convention attendance there, and some partnerships announcements here. Everything in 2 month gaps. In 2023 he writes a blogpost that he will leave the project to focus on something else, but without actually exitscamming. He will hire a pajeet to write him a commit bot for github and linkies still wont selling. And literally nobody could do him anything, because he didnt do anything illegal. Marketsold imaginary meme internet tokens on offshore chink websites really cant call them exchanges

>If you think about it, he could easily manage to gradually dump another 100 million tokens atleast in the next couple of years. A little bit of shitcoin partnering blog post here, autist convention attendance there, and some partnerships announcements here. Everything in 2 month gaps. In 2023 he writes a blogpost that he will leave the project to focus on something else, but without actually exitscamming. He will hire a pajeet to write him a commit bot for github and linkies still wont selling. And literally nobody could do him anything, because he didnt do anything illegal. Marketsold imaginary meme internet tokens on offshore chink websites really cant call them exchanges

This is actually good FUD. If I held over $100M in a shitcoin that I created and had a bank account in grand cayman (and probably one in Russia, one in Switzerland and somewhere else), I'd be really tempted to just dump $200k every day and send it to one of my accounts. Get to the point where I have so much money that my grand children would never have to work a day in their lives...

Are you so fucking new and retarded that you still don't realize everyone in this thread can tell what a disingenuous faggot you are? Do you still not know what an ID is? I pray to god this is bait because jesus christ almighty you're pathetic.


So shilling it yourself? Sad
Link, Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin all digital currencies are essentially Ponzi schemes. And the guys pushing this make a living for a few years till the next scheme.

True. Except Chainlink is different. They can't scam, they can't exit, they must deliver. Why? DYOR. Also, you know, I myself was one of the fools doubting Bitcoin when it started. And how wrong I was.


What part of 4th industrial revolution confuses you?

Stay poor.

Have a (you) user, you’re smarter than the rest of these vegetables. Also don’t buy link this shits gonna dump to 1.3 after August

didnt read; not buying


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biggest fucking noob right here


I am not only smarter than them, I use them all, and only 1% of them even know it. And about Chainlink... iron hands, m8

Honestly, this week has been particularly trying for my resolve because I need money, but I know if I can continue to sustain myself in my current situation I won't fall into a lifestyle of excess so fuck that.
I guess this post is meaningless.

Thanks OP just bought another 400 linkies.

t. 16k link holder now

Capital gains taxes are set up to incentivize early investment and prefer people to long anyways. Why are normies so risk averse? I love them for their service though they will buy my bags next pump.

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Is 51k enough to make it