Gregory Mannarino is a 32nd degree scottish rights freemason
Gregory Mannarino is a 32nd degree scottish rights freemason
Do masons still hold any power. My grandmother was telling me today that her father was a Mason and used to buy business's, build them up then sell them for profit and buy more business's, and he used his handshake to get good business deals.
Do freemasons care at all about family of former masons or anything? Would I be allowed in?
What kind of nigger tier system vets everybody through a gay club just to avoid them being niggers to each other?
Is that a Gmail pouch?
Yeah it’s where they keep their physical letters.
your supposed to be taken in by a mason annon if ur grandpa was a mason why isnt ur dad
Actual sorry no. It’s the Drafts box.
what happens when the masons trust you after about a year????
had some homeless dude ramble that nonsense to me and had a masonic tattoo.
his grandpa didn't want to keep the molestation ritual alive
*scottish rite
I don't think so. Now they are the center of distractions and fake conspiracy theories manufactured by the real rulers to confuse people from the real enemies.
What a good shabbos goy
Is this what boomers mean by just give a firm handshake? Just join the lodge?
The goal of freemasonry is to build the third temple. It is jewry for non-jews and it should be banned and its participants executed for high treason.
Masons quite literally suck each others' dicks in front of statues they call Jabulon.
They do certain things with some of their fingers when they shake your hand. You're not quite getting it, it seems.
Nah, I don't feel like getting gang stalked by those petulant literal faggots.
get knifed
im invited to be a mason, should I go?
I mean, if this means more $$$ why not?
Do you enjoy sucking middle-aged men off?
no, im not gay
it's like a fraternity for faggots that didn't go to college or couldn't get into a normal fraternity
>t. normie
Well then I would embrace Hellenism when it returns.
you dont belong on biz. die
He doesn't look Scottish whatsoever. This is fucking cultural appropriation and I won't sit down for it.
>Do masons still hold any power.
Locally, some lodges do. But in the end masons are nothing more than any other fraternity. All the rumors and shit are just rumors and shit. But better to be feared than to be seen as a a gay club. OP is probably a mason, they have currently some PR shit running to get more young members, same like every other Boomer institution that is dying do to those generation of cowards and fools thinking liberalism is the end of history and being greedy fucks not making more white children.
Anyway, fuck all Boomer institutions, let them die with them
Frewmasons have hight level astrology, numerology and geometric knowledge, they use that to shape the culture and corporations.
literally who
defend yourself, bitch. kikes stick up for themselves more than you and they don't
dude looks like a dumb nigger retard that needs his daughters raped with an iron
The guy who is calling for a stock market crash for years? I saw many interviews with him.
What knowledgeable anons make out of it?
My grandfather wasn't, it was my great grandfather who was a mason. His daughter, my grandma likely wasn't allowed in since she was a woman, then she became a typical christian, so when she had my dad he never joined the masons like his grandfather because of christfag beliefs. My grandma is telling me all how masons are devil worshippers and such and I am nodding my head but secretly mad and wishing the mason line could have continued in my family, I would have loved to have those connections. Me and my dad both missed out on being masons because of faggot Christianity.
I listen to him almost daily. I enjoy his insight. He also helps me get my dose of doom.
Freemasonry is really just a golf and whiskey club for boomers these days, and not an especially exclusive one at that.