I think I'm finally getting out of this last depression after 3 ½ years.
Got complex PTSD and OCD or some shit about 7 years ago!
Be kind guys!
Money don't matter.
Looks don't matter.
Flow just fucking matters.
I think I'm finally getting out of this last depression after 3 ½ years.
Got complex PTSD and OCD or some shit about 7 years ago!
Be kind guys!
Money don't matter.
Looks don't matter.
Flow just fucking matters.
give us your crypto then please
Fuck off faggot I recently became rich and money has solved every single one of my problems
Sorry to hear about your menstruation problems
You're not wrong, as a neet, I know this. But proof or GTFO.
I've never been happier than I was as a NEET, the only issue I had was the ever-looming end of my NEETdom.
Filter your water.
Don't take drugs/medicines/herbs/essential oils
Eat wholesome, nourishing food.
Perform intense exercise 2 or more times a week.
>Too dumb to cure self
>Answers are literally in the literature
what happened bro?
You guys have to lighten up!
how much weed do you smoke
Do you have bad posture?
Never basically.
I do codeine though.
I can assure you that depression and poorness can reinforce each other very well.
So money matter
Funny thing. My last gf left me for a piece of shit like you. The dude had a one room apartment that was filthy, no job(just side hustles and scams) and was about as intelligent as a nigger. Sat around and smoked weed all day.
She called me up a few weeks ago and wanted to talk. Fuck that whore.
Eat only meat, water fast and dry fast
Buy a gram of yellow powder dmt on dark web with clean BTC or XMR. Buy a $30 scale for milligrams. Measure 5-15 mg's first time and smoke it in a meth pipe or between layers of weed, i suggest the oil burner method. It might just be a silly trick but the way that drug can change your perspective is unreal. I've tried every drug but nothing made me feel what it means to be alive as much as DMT. I doubt many people would commit suicide after a DMT trip
You aren't living your life right then. People that say money doesn't make you happy have never been truly broke in their life.
I've been there before brother, the thing you have to keep in mind is a lot of people around you aren't very rich but they're very indebted in their lives. So to them keeping you miserable is a way of profiteering.
The best way to deal with these negative individuals is to eject them out of your life and focus on self-improvement and more positive relationships. Keep track of how loyal people are. Remind yourself of the stunts and shit they pull. And remember they are expendable to your life, but you are not.
We dont give a shit. We have out problens to take care off. Fuck off being depressed sonewhere else
OCD can be hard to deal with, I used to have it during childhood, if you want to talk about that or somethin leave me a discord.
I got you brother
>a millionaire posting on a bride kidpanning kazakh forum
post proof or fuck off
Thats why you’re depressed: you’re taking a depressant.
Also, have sex incel
Waaaaaaaaaaah. I’m poor AND depressed. Get over yourself asshat
What's wrong with this elephant?
Lift some weights you onions boy
Another millionigger who doesn't spend few hundred bucks a week in a good psychologist.
retard, i told him he could cure himself. literally on scholar.google.com
grats on the money but you seem uneducated. you could try that. spending time around smart people could give you some clarity
you tried NAC? look it up big boi
He skipped leg day
are we supposed to believe that is the OP?
what is clean BTC? is it really necessary? XMR is totally private right
Do you have kids or have plans to? This will instantly cure your lack of enthusiasm.
Also, try psilocybin and CBD. Ayahuasca would also do it in one go if you're able.
>herbs/essential oils
You've been lied to. Significantly.
Otherwise, you are certainly on the right track.
Decalcification and building testosterone are great ideas. Also, eating one giant and wholesome (as you've said) meal a day is your best bet.
However, that line in question would best be reworded as "don't consider pharmaceuticals".
This is also why you're depressed. Smoke some pot. You'll definitely want something with good CBD content, too. That shit's amazing for us.
this is a bait
No you cheap nigger.
You need another person with mental health, life is not a DIY faggottry all the time.