You shithead bulls just wont give up, will you? We've already been down to $10200 tonight and we are going sub 10k tonight, THERE IS NO STOPPING US. STOP TRYING TO PUMP BACK TO $10400
You shithead bulls just wont give up, will you...
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yes please I want to set a long
Ive already been liquidated once tonight, there is no fucking way you're going to set a long without also getting liquidated.
Nice try, pump back to 12k coming. Bakkt fomo will bring us to 15k days before launch
ahahaha, thats not going to fucking happen anytime soon. we're going back to sub 10k tonight.
Ah, back under $10300. Now I feel confident again. Lucky to have some rich bobo with a fat 100 BTC stack to dump on those retarded bulls.
>Bulls burned through it
>Another 92 BTC stack appears instantly
ok im starting to think this is something bigger. Dumping 1m stacks on the market one after another cant be good
da fuck you mean bobo, nigrow we do a so called scam wick to 9200 before 12k. watch and learn nigger.
>4 x 92 BTC stacks in a row
There will be no other btc bullrun.
Btc is netscape in the late 90s
Fuck off bobo
no. were going sub 10k tonight and you cant stop it.
you retard bobos have been repeating this same thing but replacing the numbers since we were at 5-6k
didnt read, still shorting
I remember you fags screaming that we're going to sub $1000 for months in early 2018. And here we we are.
It's time to accept that you're wrong about everything and that's why your parents hate you
didnt read, still shorting
Retarded mumus think people are going to BUY bitcoin when the upcoming recession hits.
this fucking crab market is going to be the death of me
>wont break $10200
>wont break $10400
just kill me now and end my suffering.