Are you still buying LINK?

how many do you have right now?
what's your goal?
i have 8500, but want to get to 10K
looks like we've found support @2?

Attached: chainlink-combo-logo-860x400.png (860x400, 14K)

I have 3 link. Hoping to get to 4 by eoy.

I have about 23k. My goal is to purchase more LINK.

55k link, i like to brag at newfags and nulinkers because old marines stopped posting, 1 year ago this was a poorfag stack but now i'm chad.
>inb4 an old marine shits on my deluded post

Nah mate, 55k was never a poorfag stack. It was considered mid tier and "respectable" but now it's a big boy stack for sure. Poorfag stacks where 15k and under.

t. Fellow oldfag 59k stack.

Oh and checked.

I got 7.5k but no money left to buy more, feels bad:(

wow, you are coping hard.

>t. 250k mid tier stack

user the top 1000 wallets are publically viewable, everyone knows what's a big stack and what's a small stack. There are very few people with 250k Link. It's a big stack.

t.undisclosed stack

>tfw nulinker 3.8k stack

a big stack is around 750k, minimum. and even then, not really.

>storing all in one addresse for (((fame)))
Original fags remember what happened with bragging early bitcoin hodlers

Ive been buying every week
want to get in before its $10+

Why does no one talk about link other than Jow Forums?

Because no other social platform has the collective brainpower to truly understand Chainlink.
>t. 65k and still buying

If you believe this shit will take off (which you do unless you’re larping about your stack) being in the top 200 or so holders is a big fuckjng stack. Imagine being one of the top 200 holders of ETH or BTC. Top 200 of BTC would probably make you a 100millionaire.

But who knows, you probably are just larping.

How big is this stack?

Attached: (1080x2072, 120K)

I have 300, looking to get 1000 but probably will stop at 500 unless it drops to $1

6.2k here, trying to make it to 10k

life is suffering

i hope I have more time to accumulate

No. I haven't bought in over a year.

I sell for buy RLC

Oldfag checking in

Attached: FBFB445A-486A-426F-B14E-78ECC4095A04.jpg (828x1142, 257K)

They do, but we show up and fud that shit hard. Fuck normies.

ill be buying from $2-$5 limit as much as i possibly can before it gets crazy

Attached: 1564247036046.png (584x292, 210K)

I will buy link up until the day i sell it all

ITT cope and delusion

Too risky for a nulinker like me, put a couple of grands in BTC instead and some chump change into LINK (500). I can't comprehend how some of you can go all in even if it's promising.

This anons, you don’t want any of your wallets easily found

>I can't comprehend how some of you can go all in even if it's promising.

It's called understanding the project.

I had 47k a before google and managed to hit over 50k a few days ago (thanks to selling drugs). 50k was a have enough to not worry about money stack according to assblaster.

Who has the graphic with the marine rankings?


Attached: 5599EF0C-6B80-48DB-A6C5-131F78458FB7.jpg (533x388, 50K)

>t. 2021 newfag

Pls someone post this

aiming for 500 too, currently at 415 but poor as fuck

Congrats crimanon. You're going to make it

So what's the future look like for Linklets like me with a 3.8k stack?

It's not so much about LINK but the whole smart contracts space it has to rely on as a complimentary middleware. I'm worried that it's riding on the coattails of an overhyped fad that will be resolved in a different way than what ETH etc. is offering.

Thank you 65k Chad. It is tempting to swing my way to 100k but there are two reasons why I resist the urge.

1) Taxes (Fuck the kykes at the IRS)
2) Swing linkers get the rope

I don't think there is a more efficient way to settle contracts than automation, user. There is little worry on that front, That is pretty much as good as it possibly can be. Smart contracts are the future, let's hope oracles are too

Quads checked

Is 51k enough to make it

>I want more of a centralized coin

Is everyone ITT mentally retarded?

110 link because poorfag Eastern Euro third worlder.

Never going to make it

Count your blessings. I have 34 links.

Obonly have 1k and I'm working on at least 2k but I don't thinlnill have enough time. I'm happy with 1k though

11k - should be fine. Last buy in q4/2018. see you at 15 after sibos

12k poorfag. Feels bad like I'll never reach 15k. I wanted 20k but then mainnet happened

4K linklet

I bought 6k at 4.25 fml

Attached: 1554032776226.jpg (1365x2048, 396K)

37 link here
t. Chilean

>looks like we've found support @2?
there's no support. The team just decided they don't want to dump their 65% supply below $2. They also decided they are selling aggressively above 2.5 so basically it won't moon until the team has cashed out $500mil+