>college degree
>32 years old
>work 7 days a week
>11 hours a day
>1.3k salary a month
What did I do wrong?

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You took a shitty job.

How the fuck do you make 1300 per month with a college degree?

You took a really shitty job for some reason

Letting someone decide how much an hour you're worth. Someone determining your worth is slavery. Why would you expect someone to value you?
3 classes

Sounds bad user. Read into xFutures, next xPerl event will make some people richer. You can login with your OKEx account if you have one. Also public staking is open, recommend it to anons. XFT will also do an IEO on OKEx, so easy gains to be made here

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How much u save?


I have a degree in communications..

600 a month, I still live at my parents house.

What job do you have OP?

Nowadays you need to stand out with good work experience/internships at good places to get ahead of everyone else with a degree.

What's stopping you from getting a better job? Is it your CV or lack of interview skills?

He either got a worthless degree that is totally unrelated to his job (but still felt the need to tell us) or he meant 1.3k in euros and lives in Southern or Eastern Europe, where highly qualified jobs still pay like shit and everyone that has a half a brain and a chance leaves their country for greener pastures.

By those stats you are paid less than 4$ an hour.

>degree in communications..
just work in retail bro honestly wtf are you doing

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Oh in spain you can be a software engineer and making 900 eur per month, and its pretty normal outside barcelona and madrid.. i even worked in worse jobs these years, making 450 or 500 eur per month...

wow, an actual slave guys

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If you can save 600, that is at least something.

Saving 600 a month is pretty nice, put that money to work man. Build a portofolio: bonds, stocks, crypto, etc. For crypto just holding some bitcoin is enough for beginners, maybe buy some alts like BNB, or COTI which is very cheap right now.

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I wouldnt gamble his hard earned money in crypto.

lol, just what I was talking about. Wages are so shit in spain it's hilarious. My trade will always pay more than 90% of people with university degrees and I got my certificate in just a year. And that's if I choose to stay here, in countries like germany people in my trade can make like 4-6k per month with just a few years of experience.

If it weren't for the "follow your passion" meme literally nobody would be stupid enough to waste +4 years of their lives in that shit knowing it'll get them nothing in return.

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yuropoor? Time to start looking for a new job fren. Don't fall into a trap of "I'm worth this much because the big nose guy says so."

If you live at parents you might be able to save more and escape your situation one Day. Be Strong op.

Consider adding some BPRO to your holdings. MM is preparing for a huge pamp, cause big news is coming out.

Btw 1300 can be quite a lot in some EU countries.

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Terrible, terrible advice. Markets are ATH right now and BTC is too volatile to use as a store of short term value. OP are your parents having you pay rent? If not, then you should be saving a LOT more. Idk what the living expenses you have are, but you shouldn't be spending more than 300-400 of whatever meme currency you are talking about. You MUST be europoor because otherwise we are only talking less then minimum wage, and no matter how you slice it, that's unacceptable if American with a degree. Communications is. Focus on pumping your savings and being frugal, and work on job hunting. You're gonna wanna kys if you try to gamble it all away in investments amd ,ale a bad trade. I can't promise you will find a position with significantly better pay, but there are certainly jobs that will take a comm major, pay them an ok salary, and won't rape them in the work week. Consider finding a head-hunter - so long as your resume is good, most won't even charge you until you get the job (and then they'll take a small cut out of your check.)

It's a tough road to climb, but as long as you persist, you'll make it fren

buying btc is not gambling you idiot boomer

Teach yourself to code and find a better job. Best advice I can give you. I know high school grads earning 10x what you are because they self taught themselves Python. If you’re posting here, you have time to do that lmao

>everyone that has a half a brain and a chance leaves their country for greener pastures.
That is false. It's mostly gopnik scum that does that.

The jobs might be shitty in your country, but there are so many jobs that you can do online. Buy some MITx, it will get listed on another top tier exchange soon, and the Singapore Government model will be out soon. Sell 50% at 2x to get your initial out, and let it ride the waves.

I know that feel senpai
>masters in EE from one of the best unis in the UK
>take home £1.8k a month after being raped by tax
>in London so more than half goes on rent and transport
I need to break free of wageslavery before I go insane

I walked the same path. I just quit my job 5 months ago. Burned my ships and went allin on EGT on a insiders tip.
Sold 4 weeks back and now Accumulating Coti (cheap AF) as per same insider

If you're going to do this give us your country

OP is a faggot

You know whats up user

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What is this? I’ve been hearing a lot about it recently.

Adding COTI now is a great move, some pool groups had to liquidate some stuff, that’s why COTI is so cheap now.

blah blah blah scam blah blah buzzword blah blah shut the fuck up and get job you cunt

feels like u fuck ass to much

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Is VBA worth learning? I am a finance peon and the boss is talking about firing a lot of my department and replacing us with automated systems. He wants to train up the least retarded ones on VBA and create a new VBA team to manage and build all the new systems. I've been told the company will pay for my training and exams but I'm already doing accounting qualifications. Reckon it's worth the switch? I asked Jow Forums but they are all arrogant autists who said if I was in it for the salary I shouldn't be asking (as if anyone sane gets a codemonkey job for any other reason than the pay)

Wow he says the magic words “get a job”, kekekek what a beta wagecuck

>build a portofolio before the worst crash in decades

I have a property portfolio, you have a blockfolio so deep in the red you resort to shilling on biz. So yes, get a job.

This is why there is Gold in the portfolio. You have probably Been calling the Crash for the last 10 years.

More like 5 and now it's actually happening.

Damn. I drive forklifts and make more then you senpai. $2k per month.

Definitely pick VBA up, especially if big boss covers the costs


>That is false. It's mostly gopnik scum that does that.
lol. You tell yourself that to cope with the fact that you don't have the balls or whatever it takes to make it outside your country.
These "gopniks" are better than you in every way and that's why you're seething.

Yes definitely learn VBA. It's reasonably intuitive to pick up once you wrap your head around how the language is structured. At a bare minimum, if your boss is paying for it, obtain the Microsoft excel advanced certification which includes VBA.
Learning VBA will also expose you to programming and logic, which is helpful when you use other programming languages/ software platforms.

Nah, he is right and you are a fucking retard. I make a bit over 1300 eur net in Poorland and comfy as fuck. Sure I wont ever be rich of that compared to westerners, but property here costs 100k eur and not 1mil eur.
Gopniks make similar salary working dishwashers and manual labor in UK while having over 4 times cost of living and being treated like shit. They do it because they cant make a living in their own country.

Then send some "communications" to someone who isn't paying you a shorty wage lmao

Yeah but not in any moment I talked about low skilled labor. I SPECIFICALLY talked about high SKILLED LABOR in HIGH DEMAND.
The only reason he (and also you) brought up the example of unskilled retards is to cope because you will never have the balls to go to another country and make a good living there. You are stuck in a shithole country and it hurts, yet you tell yourself that those that leave aren't any better by focusing on the lowest of the lowest of those who do. Meanwhile people like me who cared to get some training and went out is earning a very good living, often earning twice or thrice what retards who staid at home do, and we laugh at you all the way to the bank.

Keep coping. Maybe one day you'll grow a brain.

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You went to college.

Saving 600 is more than enough to put some into investments. You need to look at exponential growth and putting it in a savings account won't cut it.

There is no market where you can make and lose as much money as crypto right now. You just need to follow where the big whales are going. Even if you lose some trades if you have a stop loss and add to your winners you can be stopped out 60% of all your trades but you'll still be making money.

IEO’s are also good ways flipping tokens OP but they are getting oversaturated. You need to front run people, be one of the few so you can make the most profit. On the 20th of August xFutures will have an initial futures event where they will sell futures of private Perlin tokens. Last time they did an event it went 7.5x. If you hate money don't look into it.

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If you're doing any actual work you can go get your own customers. Stop asking someone else to get the customer's money for you.

Looks like you're fucked OP
and still making pleb money? Guess you never fought for yourself to be worth something more than what they gave you. There you said you save 600 and that is perfect. How about you start trading and investing? You can learn it from your home. And sure you'll be shit at first but think of the possibilities. You're your own boss and you can work from home. I made so much money on FTM recently and I picked up some BPRO as well and made a solid 2x in a week. You can do it man there are opportunities every fucking day.

No need to be so angry and mean. I have the balls to leave, I just dont need to, and dont really want to at the moment. I dont know why you assume that "it hurts" when Im actually livng good life here. Maybe stop judging people by your standards and projecting.
Yes, you will make more money in a country with higher income, and you will also pay more money. It all balances out and what matters is how much buying power your remaining money gives you.
I didnt read your original post.

Also getting "some" training doesn't make you a skilled labor. You are just replaceable tradie ape.

This looks good user, but many people couldn’t get in

I'm 33 and I don't work at all


All investment is educated gambling. The odds are just always in your favor if you do your proper research. BTC and other crypto is driven by a lot of factors and nobody quite understands them (oh but please show me you do, you little investor, you!) You could easily wake up and another 2017 happened where this shit is only worth 10-20 percent of what you paid. Congratulations! It could also be 20k EOW. The difference between BTC and stonks is that there's good reason and historical data to assume that the market, over long periods of times, will continue to go up. Crypto doesn't have that same set of principals, of course what makes it so volatile.

But no go ahead, please tell me about what a great idea it is to put every paycheck of excess into BTC as a new investor and have no savings built up. I'm sure you're so much smarter user! You've probably made thousands of dollars from pennies from the 2017 bullrun!

You’re not holding MITx, that’s your first problem

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Similar story here in Portugal.

It's an upcoming chink scam that uses paid street shitters (like our good friend Ranjeesh who you're replying to) to shill to the autistic incels of Jow Forums

>xFutures is a chink scam

You save 600 a month that’s 7200 a year. You can invest that money in LINK, MITx or BNB. Also start learning a new high paying skill, discipline is key to riches.

>How the fuck do you make 1300 per month with a college degree?

Its easy trust me.

>I have a degree in communications..
I will always be amazed that people get completely useless degrees, degrees that can be looked up ahead of time to see what jobs they can get and corresponding salaries
You deserve to be poor and miserable

I earn more than you and I have a highschool level education, you fucked up OP

LMAO none of you guys were born rich. Sucks to be a wagie.

What job do you have? I'm a fresh out of school consultant and I make 4k eur a month.

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You can invest in better altcoins at right time when the value is low as present and make profits. Buy some promising projects like Telecoin but has to wait till the right time to make profits.

i wish the eu was broken apart so you people had to deal with your own street shitters instead of unloading them onto the rest of the world

>degree in communications

top kek there is your problem


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>calls xFutures a scam
Try logging in with an OKEx account on xFutures, see it works right? Yea. xFutures is part of OKEx, same team is behind the stuff. Nice to see people calling one of the biggest crypto exchanges a scam kek

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WTF, user!??!

Why did you choose the meme degree?

I make 2,700 a month, doing painting residential houses.

And I do a little bit of uber here and there.
Which comes off to 3,000 plus

>lives with parents
>No degree
>low iq

>tfw finance degree
>banker analyst spreadsheet monkey
>in Florida
>only making 4200 a month
>at 25

I'm such a fucking failure

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You went to college, that's what you obviously did wrong. The worst mistake in my life as well. College is like little league futbol, yeah the agile and those that can coordinate get trophies, but the world doesn't really need another "team player"

Crap dude if you worked at McDonald’s in California you’d make 12/hr plus over time every hour over eight so that’s 150 a day for 31 days
So the LOWEST McDonalds employee would have made 4650 a month before tax