I already have a very comfy stack of LINK(27k). I just got another 3 grand, would I be better off buying more LINK or buying Linkpool shares?
I already have a very comfy stack of LINK(27k). I just got another 3 grand...
wtf is linkpool?
please keep buying more link like the cock sucker you are
the former
Why do people think LINK will reach 1k? That's a one trillion dollar market cap. My whole country doesn't make 1 trillion in a year.
the time for FUD is over
Honest question. I just found /biz three days ago and I have purchased 55 linkies. But going to $1000 seems impossible. Maybe $30 in a couple of years if everything goes perfectly.
Your country doesn't solve the oracle problem
The oracle problem isn't worth trillions of dollars, user.
You’ve only been here three days. You have no idea what we’ve been through and what we’ve seen. $1,000 is FUD.
You're right, it's worth quadrillions.
Quadrillions is FUD
Derivatives market, brainlet.
Might as well diversify a little OP. Plus, passive income for life? Sounds /comfy/
You would be better off kmsing now rather than later when stinkies hit sub 1$
>passive income for life? Sounds /comfy/
this. even if we assume 0.04 LP only gives 30 LINK a year (0.04/4000*30%*10,000,000)
that's still not bad for the rest of your life.
more link i need more bag holders
Global derivative markets are estimated to have a TOTAL market cap of one QUADRILLION dollars. No I’m not kidding. U don’t have to actually MAKE one trillion dollars to have a market cap of one trillion. Very very different.
Wow, that's crazy. So we might make it after all.