I already have a very comfy stack of LINK(27k). I just got another 3 grand...

I already have a very comfy stack of LINK(27k). I just got another 3 grand, would I be better off buying more LINK or buying Linkpool shares?

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wtf is linkpool?

please keep buying more link like the cock sucker you are

the former

Why do people think LINK will reach 1k? That's a one trillion dollar market cap. My whole country doesn't make 1 trillion in a year.

the time for FUD is over

Honest question. I just found /biz three days ago and I have purchased 55 linkies. But going to $1000 seems impossible. Maybe $30 in a couple of years if everything goes perfectly.

Your country doesn't solve the oracle problem

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The oracle problem isn't worth trillions of dollars, user.

You’ve only been here three days. You have no idea what we’ve been through and what we’ve seen. $1,000 is FUD.

You're right, it's worth quadrillions.

Quadrillions is FUD

Derivatives market, brainlet.

Might as well diversify a little OP. Plus, passive income for life? Sounds /comfy/

You would be better off kmsing now rather than later when stinkies hit sub 1$


>passive income for life? Sounds /comfy/
this. even if we assume 0.04 LP only gives 30 LINK a year (0.04/4000*30%*10,000,000)

that's still not bad for the rest of your life.

more link i need more bag holders


Global derivative markets are estimated to have a TOTAL market cap of one QUADRILLION dollars. No I’m not kidding. U don’t have to actually MAKE one trillion dollars to have a market cap of one trillion. Very very different.

Wow, that's crazy. So we might make it after all.