Is creating and curating a free porn site a good way to invest your free time and creativity?

Is creating and curating a free porn site a good way to invest your free time and creativity?

I’ve been a fan of xvideos for over a decade, what is your top free xxx site? Am I missing out on not trying any others?

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for me, its

That’s not a free site

yespornplease comes highly recommended as it has full length videos

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> Jew detected

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Every major free porn "tube" site, be it PornHub, Red Tube, SpankWire, xVideos, xHamster, EVERY MAJOR PORN SITE, is all owned and operated by a single firm, MindGeek, which is run by Jews. They are NOT in the porn business, they are in the data business. The service is free because YOU are the product. Your entire porn viewing history data is bundled packaged and sold. You can't make money off porn anymore, nobody does. Mia Khalifa came out last week and said she only made a total of $12,000 in porn and that's no joke. There are two ways to make money in porn now, both Jewish. You either buy and sell data on porn users or you make money by buying rights to pornos and litigating the hell put of anyone using your IP. Either way, you won't compete with MindGeek, you aren't nearly jewy enough

I’m sure the data documenting my propensity for hairy bush, creampie porn is plenty valuable.

t. faggot

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why is porn data profitable? Its not like you will reveal it in a public situation neither will regular buisnesses target ads with it.

I think it is sales. They just have to get a few thirsty whales hooked and they make a ton of money.