Good time to buy?

good time to buy?

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yes link

Why would anyone wanting to turn a profit invest in stablecoin?

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hide thot poster threads

ignore thot poster threads

do not reply to thot poster threads


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pig disgusting tattoos. shit taste, user. not gonna make it.

Of course. Pimping is pretty much always a profitable endeavor. Just be careful about cops and keep your pimp hand strong. Don't let the bitches get any funny ideas.

You didn't answer my question tho

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All in link right now.

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Every whore in this thread so far is disgusting. OP you seriously have cringe level taste. Just KYS holy fuck. Puking in my mouth here. Imagine the fucking smell..

>t. virgin

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So, do I buy BTC now or wait for it to fall?

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why girls are ugly, i looks much better than them

what the fuck is wrong with her body

buy LINK

Buy SNTVT and wait a year.

buy chainlink Sir

Do these women not understand tatoos are a sign you live in a third world country?

>Things incels actually believe

They do look trashy. I’ll be glad when the pendulum swings back in the other direction and things not temperance and homemaking are the way to be edgy and stand out again.

And things like***

Lmao probably used one of those iPhone photoshop apps and over did it

women are brainlets

Im calling 8.7
But it might reverse aroound 9 or 9.4
But anything between 9.5 -8.7 should be a buy
just watch how much levrage you take

if you are playing without levrage, just buy and go out and cut grass in your garden or something

tatoos are gross as fuck

We get it, you have unresolved mommy issues

This fucking guy gets it

Real Boomer hours

Nope, just don’t appreciate women working as baristas and whoring around on the side. I’m no promiscuous or a drinker or someone that’s felt compelled to “have fun” and think it’s a turn off, but we should all have the same standards as you, right?

>Not compelled to have fun
How autistic are you really?

Shitposting on biz, lifting, cooking delicious meals, working, etc is autistic? I bet you go out for “Thursday Thursday” and other blue pilled, normie shit like having a tinder account.

Cope harder

You’re dead to me. Good day to you, sir.

Peak autism

I said GOOD DAY!

Yes, make sure she's disposable and doesn't turn into shit. Fuck, and then rent for more profit.

You keep replying tho

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Normie totally BTFO
>hurrdurr autism

I’ve reached the root of his psychological
distress. He can’t imagine a life without loose women, single parenting, mixed drinks and HPV.

>Implying any of those things are part of my life

It’s not my fault you can’t support your family... maybe try getting your shit together first.

You're really out there. I can only assume you're projecting hard


Millene Suicide from suicidegirls

I deeply appreciate it, user.

Pay it forward, my dude