SENT is forming a big triangle formation, right price is testing 0.5 fib level, worst case scenario is testing the 0.618 which where usually reversal and bounces happen.

current market conditions don't favor a breakout, so we could stay inside this formation for 2-3 more weeks.
post your sentinel ta and lets compare them

Attached: sentchart.jpg (1280x615, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I was starting to get worried the SENT shill retards were all done posting since there were no threads posted yet today. Glad to see I was wrong, thanks OP

Attached: real and organic replies.png (1049x442, 61K)

I have my orders spread out around the 35 sats area, yesterday failure to breakout upwards wasn't the best, but I guess it will be one more opportunity to fill my bags

well BTC getting rekt doesn't really help, but lets see how the current situation develops in the next 1-2 weeks, if we plunge more i will consider getting a way bigger bag

I think an announcement could help the price break out upwards, but maybe it's better to leave the market bottoming process develop naturally so that relevant actors can accumulate

hell yea brothers, got get yourself some baaaags

just got myself a lil bag brothers. A nice fat lil baaag. Just got myself a bag.

A bag? Yeah, just got myself one. A nice bag.

Feelin comfy af with my bag rn

Volume on idex looks healthy, if a good sideways period happens we should find a higher volume floor.
Volume takes time to build up as traders get more confidence in this newly discovered asset

You do know how stupid and robotic you sound right?

The whole "uncanny valley" thing really isn't a joke. Sometimes I wonder if you're actually AI.

Attached: bag.png (1837x532, 38K)

well a bigger exchange would offer better price discovery, with time im confident it will come.
right now we have only idex hotbit and hitbtc and some zrx relayers no one uses so not many traders are able to buy.

I wonder where will volume move after idex starts blocking burgers

do not worry muchly sir the 0 volume will remain at 0 sir

Attached: SENT volume 8-21.png (821x602, 35K)

i hope it will move to some zrx relayer, i tried trading on them and the whole workflow is much better , faster and safer then using idex, also UI looks nicer idex UI is total shit

Just finished accumulating. Up to my target of 1mil SENT. Am I going to make it?

Hell yeah brother. That's a nice fat bag.

Muhh Beaxy

well 1m SENT is 0.05% of the total supply, when SENT reaches 100m mcap and above that will be a lot of money.

the trajectory is set dVPN was just the first of many products sentinel will launch.
also when staking is enabled the majority of the supply will be locked, that will reduce the float on exchanges so any buy pressure will have a stronger effect

I'm honestly think the interblockchain mixer is more important then the dVPN, when it will be connected to binance dex it will generate lots of volume and lots of fees from sent stakers

How will staking work ?
Never held a staking token myself

You will be able to stake your tokens with a validator giving him more voting power, in exchange he will give you block rewards and part of fees from service usage different validators will offer different rates.
Everything happens trustlessly, cause it's enforced by the blockchain, so you will only need to press a button to delegate your SENTs

the interblockchain mixer is surely something major, it will allow any blockchain to have the capability to anonimize transactions, so stuff like BTC that has no default on chain privacy will benefit the most from this kind of tech.
anyway dVPN and mixer are complementary, they work best together, if you mixed your coins while leaving your IP the same de-anonimization would be very easy.

Attached: TENDERMINT.jpg (899x820, 51K)

The only thing SENT has to worry about is BTC breaking out to 50k. Even than it is holding justice in SATS and DOLLARs and ETH!! FUD eat my balls, Eat my big sweaty balls. Dipped in SALT just for you.

Attached: download-1 copy.png (561x600, 592K)

I like that sentinel doesn't try to compete with BTC but offers services to BTC holders, I don't like the approach ethereum community took of becoming an echo chamber of anti btc resentment.

BTC will go to 300k this cycle.
it will surprise people to the upside, as the global markets become more chaotic btc will gain from disorder.
smart people will capitalize on this, BTC can't be seized or censored, when capital controls will be put in place to allow negative interest rates, the price of security that BTC gives will be at a much higher premium

only delusional people try to compete with bitcoin.
btc developers are the only competent cryptographers in the crypto space, they optimize for security and decentralization over anything else.
what eth believers think is that transaction speed is everything, but thats a bubble mentality.
the revolutionary qualities of btc are the censorship resistance and that its a bearer asset with no physical form.
anything that compromises on decentralization to reach faster speeds, doesn't understand what bitcoin is about.
hard money with predicatble supply inflation is the austrian economics dream.

“Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.”
― Murray N. Rothbard

“Freedom is indivisible. As soon as one starts to restrict it, one enters upon a decline on which it is difficult to stop.”
― Ludwig von Mises

bitcoin takes away the power of money supply inflation and easy forcefull taxation from governments and sentinel allows any individual to freely browse the web without being monitored, truly fungible free p2p bandwidth is something that the current internet lacks.

sentinel gives freedom back to the individual and it builds on top of BTC strong value protection

Attached: SENTroadmap.jpg (1257x796, 117K)

Well I see you are well versed in the Austrian school of thought, it's clear that a truly p2p fungible bandwidth system can only work on top of free money that is not controlled by the government.
While I'm sure sentinel will get some Fiat gateways at some point, it will be only a temporary solution ,sentinel needs to integrate with BTC and become a btc sidechain.
As the value flows towards the hardest asset ( btc) projects that will see and capture this trend will benefit the most, I think that's why during last month while all other alts got rekt sentinel was very strong

“Here is a principle to use in all aspects of economics and policy. When you find a good or service that is in huge demand but the supply is so limited to the point that the price goes up and up, look for the regulation that is causing it. This applies regardless of the sector, whether transportation, gas, education, food, beer, or daycare. There is something in the way that is preventing the market from working as it should. If you look carefully enough, you will find the hand of the state making the mess in question.”
― Jeffrey Tucker

governments are going to try to make the cost of sovereignity and freedom higher, p2p decentralized tech is trying to do the opposite, everybody must have the ability to have access to secure means of communication easily dchat tries to achieve that secured encrypted communication for everybody on top of fungible bandwidth, if sentinel manages to achieve its full potential , the cost of governments surveillance will raise so much so, that it might bankrupt the surveillance apparatus, it might seem a too ambitious goal, but if you think about it, allowing anybody to easily host a dVPN node and get payed for it solves the problem tor has.
the only reason tor can be attacked is cause there are not enough tor nodes, imagine if tor had 10 times or 100 times more nodes then it has today, that's what sentinel is trying to achieve by allowing people to profit from setting up a node

Btc social consensus happens over the Internet so we can't let governments control our means of communication, imagine if us or chinese officials started to censor every post that disagrees with their position on btc.
Right now government s are not getting involved but it will be only a matter of time before they will.
We must take away governments powers through indirect means

“Ultimately, we need to take control over the money supply out of the hands of our governments and make the production of money again subject to the principle of free association. The first step to endorsing and promoting this strategy is to realize that governments do not—indeed cannot—fulfill any positive role whatever through the control of our money.”
― Jörg Guido Hülsmann

bitcoin is the first step towards freedom from governemt compulsion , already a store of value that can't be easily seized is probably one of the biggest revolutions in human history, but thats not enough we must free our means of communication through encryption and p2p resources sharing.

as governments inflate their currencys away and as the wealth flight to btc happens, the surveillance state will only abuse their tools to crack down on soverign individuals.
there was a recent presentation from us gov going around about how they used search and download history and social media profiles to crack down on crypto currency users tax evasion, if your communications are not encrypted you are not safe

how do you do TA with the fibonacci sequence

you take the range you wanna analyze and usually you use the highest and the lowest point of that range as reference for the fibonacci tool.

then you study past historic performance of the given asset and you individuate the strongest levels, for example BTC tends to bounce on the 0.618 fib a lot

thanks user


no problem dude

Looks like it's forming a big dump formation to me, user.

I am just waiting main-net launch of SENT, then I will never go back from using it, because even though centralized vpns can be safe and secure, there is always the question of "what prevents them from selling the data", and that there is always some corporation that has control of the nodes/servers.

I have the utmost belief that SENTinel will be one of the new corners stones of internet usage, through its dVPN protocol.

I am going to start running multiple 1GB/s nodes in europe after main-net launches to help the integration even faster.

Attached: 0a32ea2d.jpg (1440x1920, 274K)

only time will tell who is right, no one knows the future.
im bullish on sentinel so my bias is upwards, but its logical that people who are not very familiar with the project don't see the chart the same way as i do

Being in crypto and not using a VPN is pure ignorance, as BTC appreciates more a crackdown on holders is quite likely, that's why we must secure the history of our coins through mixers.
Facebook at this point is an extension of NSA people give their informations away so easily, everybody should learn good opsec
follow up to my 2 above posts

they have a use case, so I'm not worried about the price. I'm running a node. Lets see where it goes.


Attached: 30F74040-6E4F-44D7-9BAE-E294D2B73BC5.gif (450x306, 3.49M)

Bullshit, terrorists should learn opsec, drug dealers should learn some, as for the rest of us, the government can effectively watch what... .1% of the population? 0.01%? If they even intend to... the terabytes of data flowing around every day is the security.

I used to be a bit nervous about dealing with crypto, thinking "wouldn't that be a red flag?" but with its greater adoption comes near anonymity.

Now, based purely upon the prevailing stance of governments on this planet trying to regulate what we consume (that is, laws specifically regulating what psychoactive plants, fungi and chemicals we may possess) I strongly support projects that loosen the governments access to our data and projects with related goals, as I think the point where a government interferes with what one does or does not consume should be a red flag as it should be an ultimately protected human right of self determination to decide what one does or does not imbibe.

How do you see the chart, user?

Here is what I see:

>Had a huge run up during the 2017/2018 bubble like everything else
>Dropped off the face of the planet and dissolved into basically $0 trading volume (~$2-3k/24hr at its lowest)
>Sat there forever
>Suddenly a random surge of activity which happens around the exact same time all the paid shilling on biz started
>Volume ticking upwards but is >96% wash trading on fake volume exchanges

Seems pretty scammy. A lot of money going into the bot system, can't possibly unload a significant amount (>$10k or so) without dumping the price.

you have to think in % of the supply and not in $ terms, for example try to offload 0.1% of BTC supply on market and see what happens.
sentinel is slowly building up liquidity, also you can check many people are taking their coins off exchanges, look at the volume on idex , its fully organic.
because the sell side is very thin and the token specs are good i think even little buy pressure will move up this coin a lot, as it moves up more liquidity will build up and together with new exchanges listing this should create a market liquid enough for bigger transactions to happen.
yesterday i saw some market sell orders for 0.1% of the supply and the market took it well.
so surely interest around this coin is building, to get higher liquidity it will take time, but the foundamentals are solid.
so im speculating SENT will get on bigger exchanges, you might disagree but thats the nature of the market, the important thing is to have skin in the game in what you say.

>if you want privacy you're a terrorist or something!

you are free to do what you want, but don't be surprised when the crackdown happens, basic opsec is something that can be learned easily and stress free

Hiding in the crowd only happens if the crowd is hiding, if your whole traffic is unencrypted even if everybody else traffic is unencrypted too, your easily searchable, they can just run some big data analysis and search for specific data profiles

If you have specific goals like terrorism, drug dealing, tax evasion (not disparaging, I have all of those goals myself), then privacy is available. For the rest I think it's foolish to assume it will be the norm, criminology pays in different ways.

loom at it from a different side, by using privacy preserving tech, you are bankrupting companys that thrive on selling data and creating id profiles like google facebook etc...
so there is an incentive to use privacy preserving tech even for people that don't care about hiding their data but care about big tech monopolies

A rounded bottom seems to be forming at 21 vits, will monitor during all tomorrow too, if it stabilizes in this range or bounces i will get some, otherwise i will buy at the 0.618 range

>Opens TA thread, very little TA posts, only high level concepts

Surpringly I'm not disappointed, good content OP, anyone who talks about the Austrian school has my support

yeah we are right on the 0.5 fib it could be a good place to bounce, either way on the 0.618 fib there is also the confluence of a strong trendline so if it reaches that point it will bounce for sure

lots of the austrian literature spans away from economy into deeper philosophical questions about freedom, the role of government in people life, property rights, and education.
sentinel is a deeply ideological project and without solid foundations it wouldn't be able to exist.
sentinel roots are in hard money, most of the sentinel community is early BTC dopters that still live by the cypher punk ideology of searching for freedom and rebelling to the state

Nice to know user, let's spread those nodes, I'm currently running a BTC full node, everybody holding BTC should run a full node otherwise take over attempts might happen

im running a BTC full node too, i don't want chain analysis to know my utxo history when i make a transaction, and id like that stuff like the segwit drama doesn't happen again so full node is a must.

Based BTC node hosters, you have convinced me to run a BTC full node too, will research how tomorrow.

i advise you buy some dedicated hardware for the node, maybe a raspberry pi with a good hard-disk it doesn't need to be an ssd.
also run your traffic through an anonimizing layer at all times, use coldcard with pbst for best security

>sentinel roots are in hard money, most of the sentinel community is early BTC dopters that still live by the cypher punk ideology of searching for freedom and rebelling to the state

rumor has it Satoshi himself is using the sentinel vpn

I will buy a pi they cost only 35 bucks anyway, so OP tell me about sentinel, convince me to research the project, just know that right now I'm 100% into btc so it will be hard to convince me to buy a shitcoin but your Austrian econ talk is something I respect

wow thats some hardcore portfolio you got there, the last 9 months must have felt good for you.

well if you are a strong btc holder, i can tell you how sentinel will integrate with BTC.
sentinel is building its own dpos tendermint chain and it will use IBC (interblockchain communication protocol) this will allow communication between different chains btc included, sentinel will offer all kinds of services to btc holders dVPN dchat mixing and part of the fees from on chain service usage will go to sentinel stakers which will also earn yearly interest.

sentinel is a DAO that can self fund and pursue any goal through onchain governance, a truly cypherpunk autonomous entity.
the main current goal of sentinel dao is to allow people under surveillance regimes to benefit from fungible bandwidth and encrypted messaging

OP why you no reply to me any more sir :( I want you to wax philosophical at me about how I'm a narcissist because I call out scams like SENT and how white people don't actually exist, except actually they do exist but only in Europe

I like your project but that's not enough to convince me to sell part of my btc position for it, I already made a good amount of btc by speculating on low caps during 2016-17 so I don't really need more.
I will use your mixing services if I see they get enough liquidity.
I hope your project succeed good luck

When all is said and done I have to give it to you guys, these SENT threads are some of the most transparent and also the most entertaining shill threads I've ever seen on Jow Forums. I'll be sad when they're gone and all we're left with are LINK threads. Talk about a SNOOZE FEST

all this sounds too confusing, let me make things simple right now telecoin is 1.33$ and there is going to be another air drop. so buy it. see simple and real

I used the sent vpn today, I like it and see it being very useful

you can still get exposure to sentinel ecosystem even without buying SENT by running dVPN nodes and selling your bandwidth to people that live under surveillance totalitarian governments, by hosting a node you can decide to accept any crypto you want as payment , so you could accept only btc and sent

I can't be bothered with managing DVPN nodes I don't really wanna go through lengthy guides and have headhaches when it doesn't work, one btc node is enough for me

I'd be all for selling some of my unused bandwith, but dont want to deal overly complicated setups

on one of the next releases setting up a node will be possible from directly inside the dVPN client with the press of a button (or at least thats the devs goal) so you won't need to follow any guide, in the end sentinel dVPN is a piece of software tought for consumers to easily use

If it becomes that easy to set up I might do it, but what if someone browses illegal content through my ip?

This is what i thought aswell

sentinel will offer 3 types of nodes:
-relay node is a type of node that will be hosted by consumers, this node will only relay encrypted data to other relay nodes or exit nodes, so it never comes in contact with the end traffic.
-tor exit node this type of exit node sends the data from sentinel multi hop relay net directly into tor so that users hosting this will be safe from illegal content
-exit nodes, this type of nodes if the more advanced one and will be hosted by knowledgeable users data centers and people in non 5 eyes jurisdictions

So seems like the relay node is the safest to host, how much would be the revenue?

till main net full monetization is not enabled, so its impossible to tell, it will depend on multiple factors:
your hardware specs
how much bandwidth you can provide
how much users you have connected at all times
how good you advertize your node ( if you advertize instead of doing nothing you will get more users)
what crypto you accept
how many nodes you are hosting
how much of your profits you re invest in nodes

Just type in tax ID

So if I understand correctly this is something that becomes profitable at scale or if you are a vps provider already.
I guess normies can pay their Netflix subscription by selling bandwidth, as I said OP I support your project but I don't wanna spend time learning and scaling up nodes

Come see the reality anons. Come see it. I dare you.

yeah it will work kind of like dropshipping you will become more profitable the more you scale your nodes up.
glad you like the project user, you can use the dvpn for free right now if you wanna try it

Ok downloaded the app, will try it tomorrow

enjoy the free decentralized dVPN user

Attached: pepesent.jpg (490x444, 47K)

Sent seems to be slowly moving up on lowish volume

how does it feel to hold btc right now ?
im confident it will move up the OBC looks bottomed and the 4hr td sequence has terminated


Can you post your btc chart

the analysis i made above is based only on OBV + bolliger bands and td sequential

Attached: obv.jpg (1280x616, 90K)