This is it guys. I lost my last penny in Bitmex. My plan was to be rich till end of 2019 but somehow bitmex was against my plan. Too many bad trades in a row.
So I will be starting to work in a shop to sell food again and if i save up like 2000 dollar again i will use that on Bitmex again. Cant be the truth that i lose everytime. So i will place 1000dollar Long one time and the other time 1000dollar short. one of those trades will make it. i am sure. Have you also made those experiences on Bitmex?
Final Liquidation
Stop gambling you degen fucker.
I’m in Asia now, meeting up with some guys and they’ll intro me to MITX fella’s. If you do your research you’ll love the project. It sure beats giving you money to Bitmex.
Also, Brad if you read this. Thanks for the introduction.
Maybe get a course first?
You dumb people making dumb trades are my heroes because i can grind your money :D Thanks for the profit. You losing money means that someone else is making the profits haha
I am enoying life so much.
Buy the right bags user.
>>Entered FTM at 0.0035$
>>Make 500% on xAkro event on xFutured
>>Shorted the Nasdaq 10x
I lost nearly my whole portfolio on bitmex. I was like you.
>just 0.1 BTC more
>next trade will recover it
>wow I made 200%, now I figured out how this works
but the truth is you will lose everything everytime. I didnt visit bitmex since 4 weeks now and couldnt be happier with it
> this
stop acting like a moron, op
Dude, both my parents were economists, I have a double BSc in physics and genetics, and I trade crypto. Don't try to beat me, I'll take your money and spend it on gadgets.
Can you do a trade that generates exactly $2000 profit, and then post on here about it just to rub it in how op has compeltely fucked himself?
Because I'd find that funny
>what are whipsaws
Why would you even bother trading without the right mindset. Better buy some quality projects like BNB, BPRO ,and just hold
sure user...sure.
I literally just had to deposit 0.01 btc and just trade up to 200 contracts with using cross margin and stop losses to realize that thia wont make me any money.
Why dont you earn some money and use it for Mitx? Even Blockchainbrad joined them already. Dont be the last man in Jow Forums buying those coins. Crying in the end then?
Lol COTI just announced that a "group" was causing the recent dump and the lockups will get better. So it will pump in price soon?!!?! So just get COTI because of this fact..
>someone losing money =/= someone else gaining that money
wake up fuckhead, its not a zero sum game
that's your problem, you either need to up that pussy amount of contracts or up it to 0.1 btc.
see pic
Jewish people know how to make money. Why do you guys waste time with shitcoins like BTC and dont take a look at good stuff like COTI? Check out their VP etc. Hot jewish girl with nice jewish times. 10/10 would rape and kill.
When i started trading i also got liqued sooooo many times. I hope you learned something. After wiping like 4 accounts i changed my tradingstyle and went successful. (more or less :D)
Should have just stuck with futures contracts on xFutures instead of the rigged system over at Bitmex. You know this monkey is trading against you right? Instead of wasting your money you could have made 7 times what you had if only you participated in the IOU’s of Akropolis. You could've made money with Perlin IOU but you also missed that one.
same, i got my accounts wiped 3 times (0.05, 0.1, 0.03) , then started actually started making money, i think losing money at the start is what separates people. Some people will give up after first account wipe , some will go again before succeeding , others are just degen gamblers.
use bybit or bitseven, my 3 accounts were all wiped using mex. switching was best decision i made this year but also decent shout in post