RSR - Reserve

Get some before it's too late user.

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is 2 million enough to make it

I’m accumulating steadily, but let’s be realistic. This one is a long way off from delivering

not as far as you'd think. do more research

I'm not buying your vc scam no matter how many threads you make, kike.

I could only afford 12k, I'm in for the long term.

you'll make it with 2m but try to shoot for 10m if you possibly can that way you have fuck you money and will be very rich much quicker.

What are your rough price projections?

finally got my 2m today

.01 eoy, .05 eoy 2020

Shut up mate I want a positive take

10c to 1$ by the end of 2020 is my take

what do you consider long way off ?

it should deliver 2020 eoy, not that long

shhh user, biz doesn’t deserve this ... yet.

TF is this picture?

The ads they're currently running on Argentinian television

How am I doing so far?

yes you should by link fag

Forgot pic

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Reserve your rights to financial freedom.

Any reasoning behind why this coin will be greater than any of the other 2300 cryptocurrencies out there?

It's doing the needful

hello sir where may i find airdrop for this coins

Your mom

Rare pic of OP doing his favorite thing

Attached: designatedshittingstreet.jpg (629x454, 200K)

user you're going to be poor very soon.

loved the white paper just bough 1M. if it goes to nothing so what i invested what i'm okay with losing


It's getting late.

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Attached: 1565054138482.jpg (1170x1048, 245K)

Attached: RSRpepe.jpg (680x680, 102K)

Attached: rsr dynamic.jpg (3300x1599, 455K)

Just got my 1mi today, straped in lads. LETS GET RIIIIIIIICH

This hold is so boring...when is this shit going to move more than 10%