Someone give me a bullish case for this market

>no new money entering
>endless numbers of bagholders waiting for someone to pump their shitcoin
>overinflated market caps
>90% of trading volume is fake
>every pump is shorted to oblivion
>tether NYAG investigation
>BTC potentially propped up by fake tether money
>PlusToken ponzi
>mt gox redistribution
>ETFs keep being denied
>BAAKT delayed for years, with no guarantee it won't dump the price of BTC
>regulatory uncertainty
>global economy trending towards recession (nobody will buy speculative assets)

99% of my net worth is in this shit and I've seen years worth of wagebucks disappear in the last month. I genuinely don't see any reason why things will get better, yet there are dozens why it will get much worse. Would love to hear an alternative narrative

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>>BAAKT delayed for years, with no guarantee it won't dump the price of BTC
theyre going live in 4 weeks OP
but yeah crypto is fucked
we are all retards for buying into the meme

honestly blockchain will be the next major tech revolution. Does that mean your shitcoins will pump? Not necessarily.... but this happens like once every 20-30 years maybe, so you either take the risk or you don't. If 99% of your net worth wasn't helping you escape wage cuckery, then it wasn't very much to risk.

Glad you have finally seen the light, i came to this realisation a while ago myself. I'm in regular stocks and boomer rocks for a few years before i check back into crypto with my eye on a few alts.

It's a fully decentralized system of transferring money back and forth that can't be seized or controlled by any 3rd party. It's also an asset with a finite limited supply that is guaranteed to halve in inflation every 4 years. There isn't a single other asset on earth that does either of these things.

I'm also as uncertain as you user.
And I also have most of my net worth in this thing.

If we are to believe maximalists, Bitcoin will keep repeating the boom bust cycle until it absorbs a huge amount of global wealth.

But then, once too many people expect something to happen in the market, it will stop doing it to screw everyone and make the big whales money. Things like alt season cycles.
veryone thinking ETH was a buy at 0.03

I've decided I'm just gonna wait until the next halving. That's decisive enough to see if history repeats again, or it's different this time.

I feel like we've heard this a hundred tiems
doesn't mean people will buy it

I have no faith in the meme cycles. It's confirmation bias. Crypto was extremely nascent with a few million dollars put into it. Now we're a global market. Shit doesn't grow forever. Eventually you run out of people to pump your bags.

How do we profit from its launch?

short bitcoin

crypto is dead, sell everything...


There will only be a handful of things left standing.

>BTC as a store of value (gold)
>Post-Blockchain tech like Hashgraph and HOLO
>Banking disrupters like XRP

Am I missing anything?

bank transfer are faster and more efficient than any crypto right now, the only thing crypto had was the decentralized aspect
but that's all but gone now since mining is concentrated in a few hands

>bank transfers are faster
What world do you live in? In what world is a 1-5 business day delay with only being able to send during banking hours on weekdays faster and more efficient?

nobody gives a fuck about crypto's ability to do cross border payments, centralized blockchains (JPM coin) can do that far quicker, and without price volatility.

this is a greater fools game, 100% casino nothing more
BTC is not decentralised, chinese mining pools can do as they wish with the network, and all altcoins are centralized trash

give up

Our only hope is unironically Libra.

>bank transfer are faster and more efficient

imagine actually believing this.

>Someone give me a bullish case for this market

-QE4 guaranteed.
-Negative interest rates almost guaranteed.
-Declining yields, declining yields everywhere.
-Big Tech is big money and will buy in even if just to park their money.
-Halvenng isnt priced in.
-Recession right around the corner.
-Global tensions means everyone currently hates amerifats and its reserve country status with the dollar.
-Global sentiment is national goverments are broken/useless and fuck paying taxes to fund it.

>Eventually you run out of people to pump your bags.
But the dotcom bubble and the 2008 housing bubble popped at around $10T each.
That's almost a 40x from where we are now.

That means there are still a whole lot of suckers for at least one more meme cycle.

>What world do you live in?
my bank will do instantaneous transfer to any other national /euro bank no extra fees, it take less than 9h for my money to be on CB any day of the week, my friends get their money back instantly when we split the bill during a night out
honestly I don't know what world you're still living in mate fiat transfer at least in Europe have put crypto to shame in the past 3 years

You fucking take that back

Crypto isn't just about cross border payments. It's about having censorship resistant money that can't be inflated away or taken from you. The price volatility is normal for a market so small and will eventually be more stable. Even with the volatility, it doesn't matter. You send, the other person receives and cashes out in whatever currency they like.

this is just hippie bullshit.Nobody in the real world gives a rats ass about censorship resistant money.Forget about the businesses and governments that dont care or want it, go in to your local bar and start spouting about censorship resistant money. Youll get laughed out of the place.Jeffrey Epstein just got whacked by the higher powers, now its all being covered up and nobody in the public cares anymore because its last weeks news.People just dont care and want their comfy life.Centralised insured money gives them that peace and give the powers that be control.

It will bring a lot of new money into crypto.

I feel the same way OP. My sentiment is actually much worse now than it was in Jan. Every day I have to convince myself not to sell and every day it gets harder to find reasons not to. The most compelling reason I can find to hodl is that when my sentiment is low, it's usually the worst time to sell and I end up buying back in higher.

Bitcon is going to $500.

If you are still in the market with all this facts you hate money

agree that censorship resistance is dumb, esp bc btc blockchain is highly traceable at this point

but cross border payments that are instantly(ish, 10min) and definitively settled are useful

inflation/stagflation resistant currency is useful

fixed supply and perceived scarcity gives it value

detachment from any nation/economy gives it value

detachment/reduced correlation to other asset classes gives it value

>There isn't a single other asset on earth that does either of these things.
Or the known universe.

where I am it takes a couple of minutes to send money to someone else.A couple of minutes for cross border payments will come soon.

If an ugly man is in a room with 49 hot men and 50 hot women, will all the hot women want him because he is scarce?Will rich people want their money in btc that can halve in value in 2 months rather than the dollar that will keep their money?

How does detachement from any nation/economy give it value?Id argue it was nuetral until all the important governments decided btc wasnt inline with their thinking, now Id say its a negative as people are far more scared of touching it than pre 2018-19.

The fact that you're a moron.

Breddy gud list, however halvenings are always priced in.

if you want to send $100m+ bitcoin makes sense, banks charge % or flat rate depending on size of transfer, but it can be delayed bc of aml checks

if the ugly man is 1000x visibly richer than the 49 hot men, the women will probably flock to him - stupid ass analogy lmao

detachment from a nation/economy offers value to individuals - obv the state doesn't like it, but if a jap/argentine/chinese/venezuelan can put money into an objectively secure network instead of dollars (which can be compromised or confiscated), which do you think they would prefer? any govt can steal fiat, but it's harder to steal private keys

Bitcoin is instantaneous though. Not talking about that garbage fire BTC, of course.

Hey Roger / Craig! Does making blocks bigger fix this problem?


You fucking autist - instead of improving storage density, let's just tape together a bunch of floppy disks because it "solves" scaling.

Retarded analogy. Something being scarce isn't reason enough to give it value. Each shit I take is unique and worth zero. Bitcoin is scarce and has utility. The latter combined with the former gives it value.

Store of value faggots will be hung.

>some miners failed to compete and won't get paid
>the miners with their shit together get paid
>implying this is a user issue


Bitcoin is the only asset capable of surviving societal collapse. Short of the the internet ceasing to exist (in which case humanity would cease to exist), there is nothing that comes close. Enjoy trying to transport your boomer gold around.

i was replyng to someone that said exactly that, that scarcity alone means value.In the real world it doesnt.I have an old tin can of a brand of food from 30 years ago, it has utility because i store physical coins in it, does that mean I can sell the rare tin can for alot?Im sure there are rare fidget spinners out there right now that you can have fun and spin on your finger but are worth nothing.Same with beanie babies.Thats the problem, everyone is parroting the same old tired lines, to boost moral.Nothing goes up forever.

Bitcoin isn't some collector's item though. At scale it's suppose to facilitate global trade and markets, while remaining cheap to use, frictionless and stable in terms of supply. Also the power Dynamics of it alter our perception of money. There is no power in Bitcoin. No fed, no kikes, no jannies. Just a stable protocol with locked in consensus rules that punish any actors who attempt to violate them. Can beanie babies say the same?

Tin cans and beanie babies are mass produced items with limited data on supply caps. Look at classic cars - limited edition productions have tremendous value while mass produced cars don't appreciate as much. Everyone knows how many BTC will ever be in circulation, nobody knows how many will be circulating at any given point in time.

I'm not going to even bother touching on the value of being longest blockchain and most secure network to ever exist, because a brainlet pajeet like you could never wrap their head around it.

how exactly do you plan to buy/sell $100m+ worth of btc without losing a fuckton due to market forces and slippage?

you can... OTC

but guess what that incurs? AML/KYC checks, and OTC fees sometimes more than that of a bank ( OTC brokers need to get paid)

its all bullshit, smoke and mirrors

there are two types of otc...
>coinbase / kraken / etc - aka "open" otc
>knowing a guy who knows a guy and a few friendly banks along the way
when there's a will (and money), there's a way

When you have to resort to using brainlet and pajeet on here, you are showing that someones debating is getting to you, and you have already lost.Bitcoin doesnt have ti go up forever, theres nothing to say 2019 was not its peak.You can argue that scarcity, store of value etc will make it keep going up, but that doesnt make it personal opinion was that dec-jan 2018 killed btc for good.

I hate that you're right about this and it makes me hate people.

‘2017 was not its peak’