There is not a single one solid power/weigthlifting gym in my city (Warsaw - 2 mln people).
Would it be a good idea to open up a serious gym with a lot of power racks, platforms and benches with safietes and minimum machines/cardio shitters?
There is not a single one solid power/weigthlifting gym in my city (Warsaw - 2 mln people)
Sounds like you'd have a captive market, hard to believe though. Dyel? Who will help you run it and where will you get the start up capital?
Also will you call the gym "leaving Auschwitz"?
arbeit macht gainz
Are good looking people good on the inside? What about some good looking but dumb and arrogant chads/stacies?
I'd just put every novice on SS and intermediate/advances lifters don't need help anyway. I'd hire 3 retired medal-winning weightlifters as PTs.
The question is if people would be interested in serious lifting though. 90% of gyms are planet fitness type of gyms where you won't make serious gains.
This is what generic gym looks in Warsaw (and pretty much whole poland)
This is what I would open
There's always a market for them, worst case scenario you incorporate some shitty crossfit sessions
id rather kms
Based, remember to hang polish flags and play the national anthem each morning
call it the swollen hussars
sounds good
so user, how is this problem currently solved - are the potential customers going to some amateur gyms hidden in someone's basement or to normal gyms and just not using 90% of what the facility is offering? would they even make a switch?
how the customers are looking at it? maybe they want go to shitty gym just to look at girls? (this is what happens at local gym in small town) or maybe they think they need all those other cardio machines to have "complete" training? (hope you will not have to invest a lot to educate customers...)
wouldn't people serious about it be already in some club or organization that can provide more relevant training? would it be worth the effort to get some backing from those organizations?
not really much to offer. but wish you well
The big problem is that powerlifting is called "trójbój siłowy" in polish which roughly translates to threeway strengthskirmish and is fucking gay. That makes advertising for threeway strengthskirmish diffucult as even crossfit sounds way better
Those are some really sensible questions and as of now I could be only guessing the answers. I will come back in 2-3 months when I do more research on this topic by going to different piece of shit gyms and talking with gyms moving serious weigths.
just go with "powerlifting" then? market it as some new trend from America or something?
Jesus until now I didn't give it much thought but trójbój siłowy is the worst piece of shit name anyone could come up with. Lets look at word powerlifting at first. Its about lifting fair enough, we know what lifting is and we have POWER thats some sick wording right there. Politicans have power, powerfucks are nice, superman had some neat powers. Now we look at threeway strengthskirmish and we wanna throw up, that's how awful the name is.
sounds more like triathlon to me
t. pepik
Thats a reasonable way to think about it but there is this "ing" in powerlifting that doesn't go well in polish language. We use english words like
you get the point. Hardly any of english words in polish ends with "ing". I dont wanna be a bitch and just look for excuses so I'd admit theres definitely a room to brand regular strength training as something new from US as you said like powerlift or something I will come up during taking a shit probably, I would still need the advertising power of nike or adidas to make it into a thing though
The problem is polish wording for lifting weigths. In english if you say
>yeah i lift
it makes perfect sense and sounds good but in polish if you say the same thing it would go
which sounds fucking stupid as the have the same word for lifting and picking up so you have to add ciężary to podnosze to even make sense.
Imagine every time you say lift you have to say lift weights or you dont make sense. Thats how retarded lifting vocabulary is in polish
I see, how about using "Starting Strength" you mentioned earlier? it has a nice ring to it, hope it's not trademarked
on the other hand maybe you will not advertise using only billboards etc... like do (aspiring) power-lifters in Poland talk to each other? maybe you could just be know as "that new place worth checking out" and go with some generic but respectable name? and grow using word of mouth
anyway going back to more serious issues such as businesses being economically sustainable, I've read somewhere that typical gym makes most money from people who buy a membership up front for a longer period and stop showing up? and then there are deals with companies who offer gym as some sort of perk to employers (who also mostly don't show up)
is this really true?
The most important thing is that currently the great (and i really mean great) majority of people who go to gym to poland have almost zero knowledge about lifting weights. Even personal trainers spout ultimate bullshit and do some really stupid decisions like putting 100kg 60 years old overweight woman on high cardio crossfit piece of shit training instead of prescribing her long calm walks and eating less - which would be enough.
If people started doing starting strength program by Mark Rippetoe they would see results training to trainings (as in beginner phase of lifting you progress on all lifts every training session) - looking good is a problem here as to look good you have to consistently lift for 2 years with very good diet and sleep and that takes a lot of work and dedication. We are currently brainwashed with roided guys promoting some niggermagic wheys and vitamins that do fuckall but steal your money and at best be neutral to your body.
On the other hand strength training is a foundation for everything. Whether youre an old lady who has issues with her spine and back
>do deadlifts and squats lady you WILL feel better in 3 months
young lad starting to go to the gym
>you do squats and deadlifts and bench and after 6 months you will bench 100 kg, squat 140 and deadlift 180 - then we will think about curls my boy
Thats a great question and I dont know the answer because I'd have to audit the companies and talk to the employees to know whats the membership owned/membership used ratio but I've heard the same.
I've done a fast crunch on the numbers with practicaly zero knowledge - I'd need 65 memberships to cover the expenses - if that is a lot or not I do not know.
just look at this holy fuck this old american lady squats more than 90% of gymgoers in poland xD
I don't think you can compete with planet fitness, and the powerlifters already have their little cliques and private gyms. If anything you can open a little gym with like minded friends, and through the network effect their friends and relatives will join, and maybe you can build a reputation and expand.