The same people aggressively shilling shiny rocks here were probably shilling shitcoins last year

Which means it's unironically over for crypto.
The dwindling faithful are abandoning it for other commodities.

Attached: silverstacker.jpg (854x480, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I do have to admit that these shiny stacker vids are very comfy.

Who cares crypto will go to 1 trillion market cap by next year

To each their own

Even BTC is seen as a scam or joke now.
All of the vendors who adopted BTC dropped it.
It's over.

ok it looks exactly like the bagholders of shitcoins obsessing about their stack.
but unless you actually have a bunch of money, why buy metals? how do you profit?
do you make money of collectibles * currentpricesilver?

no I was not shilling shitcoins. Ive always shilled silver cuz all coins are shitcoins and are scams

Once we start mining asteroids, precious metals will be worthless

You should really learn how to discern the real moonshots from the pajeets. Biz is ahead of the curve for the ones that matter....just wait a year and this board will be plastered with pink wojacks asking why they didn't invest in silver.

what about asteroid mining


Hey look Reddit is here hahahhahahahhaha

Stop buying precious metals, goy. I'm not finished stacking.

Attached: IMG_0340.jpg (4000x3000, 3.01M)

I've been stacking on copper too.

your never gunna make it and i hope your trolling

It'll take decades to reach technological level capable of doing that.

my mud stack looking good

>stack boomer rocks for 4 decades
>still hasn't had a run-up since the hunts pumped it

Remember, it only goes down.

>mfw BTC becomes the only real commodity after space mining becomes feasible and crashes the precious metals market

Attached: 1551829866792.jpg (600x480, 38K)

No just decades, but the overhead cost alone....and then finding an asteroid that actual has valuable metals and isn't just trash...and then when you realize we don't have the tech to put a person on the moon I think we are safe for a bit, kek

encouraging someone to own precious metals won't med with the price because it's largely manipulated in USD.
Shilling a shircoin will pump the price if a ton of people buy it. There's a big difference.

Do you guys ever buy precious metals for gifts?

Attached: Germany Third Reich 2 reichsmark 1936-1939.webm (1920x1048, 1.26M)

it was over for crypto in 2010, and 2012, and 2016, and 2018. BTC is dead? again. It keeps dying but is still 3x on the year.
You idiots can't talk about price without looking silly.

I’ve opened up the eyes on so many goyim here. You wouldn’t see this many silver threads if I hadn’t dumped so much redpills over the course of this year

Literally the opposite retard. Metals can only go up. Gold is the best performing asset of the past 2 decades other than ponzi crypto. Crypto is finished and so is the stockmarket (other than mining companies). Keep coping with digital illusions of wealth retard. I’ve added you to the screencap im posting when 1 oz of gold is more than 1 bitcoin

Pic related, these are the gains on sound money, that LITERALLY CANNOT go down. Enjoy losing 99% on your thin air vaporware ponzi “investment” in legitimately the blink of an eye. I will enjoy the inevitable gold moon mission when we go back to sound money backed currency (as we have done countless times for thousands of years)

Attached: 1C0348DA-513E-4D02-9E39-BEEAF3FB6CB3.jpg (2208x1242, 242K)

Not to try and hijack the thread but can anyone tell me how does a late adopter in leafland buy small quantities of bitcoin (say $200-$300 at a time in cash) without kyc? I tried a Bitcoin atm today and gave up after three tries where it somehow couldn’t resolve the current price or some shit. Would localbitcoin guys bother for such small quantities, and do they want ID now too? Please sirs, I want to get in the game

If you’re shilling crypto of any sort on here you’re a late adopter that bought in at the top, praying he can sell to break even.

You won’t be able to sell this time because the MCAP of the entire cryptosphere will vanish. Your sells will not be actualized and you’ll be an eternal bagholder of thin air.

Just because bitcoin reached 20k doesnt mean it will reach it again. You retards actually think it is all but guaranteed, the even more schizo or you believe it will reach 100k let alone 1mil. Yet you don’t realize that bitcoin doesnt do anything, is superficially scarce, isnt a store of value, isnt a daily transaction currency and is only propped up by fake tether poofs.

Pic related, btc is a ponzi.

Attached: F3192A51-E4EA-41A4-BB8C-87F4BC3169FE.jpg (2048x1039, 285K)

Absolute IQ and absolute state of crypto and absolute state of the majority of this board

Attached: 3153C8F4-4097-4CC3-BDFE-22C1DBEE4EC0.jpg (1025x1196, 275K)

forgot my trip, now you fags know who is BTFOing crypto again

People would kill for that. Keep it protected and safe user
preceious metal's value is stable, it's the that's fluctuating

most precious metals vendors accept bitcoin.

like in 2009? and 2013 and now 2018?

which is a bit weird since it was once possible for Jow Forums to manipulate the price of a low marketcap shitcoin. you cant do the same with trillions of dollars of silver (if it goes that high)

wow, looking at that i'm more and more convinced bitcoin is the future you can't even walk with that stack let alone run with it. you could probably move it by a handcart but that makes a lot of noise slow and vulnerable.

nobody accepts bitcoin for various reasons most importantly accounting. they use payment providers that convert on the spot.

BTC actually saw some adoption by vendors then, like Steam, Overstock, and Dell.
But they eventually dropped it, partly because of its association with illicit activity, but mostly because it took much longer (hours) and was much more expensive to process than credit or debit card transactions.
The '17 Golden Bull Run was probably due to Bitfinex market manipulation and retards like you FOMOing into it:
>Dramatic run-ups in the price of Bitcoin strangely seem to coincide with large exchanges having banking, withdrawal, and possibly solvency problems. This was the case with, e.g., Mt. Gox in 2013, and some have argued was also the case with long-suffering crypto exchange Bitfinex in 2017.

> and now 2018
You know it's 2019 don't you?


Those are fake. You can find verified ones and they tend to be $200+
Silver value + Historical value = not fucking 8 dollars

Hahaha, guys!

Bitcoin is around to stay, it's the only worldwide currency that can't be turned off and the hash rate is still growing making it even more secure.

We are in the early days, is there a Bitcoin ATM in your city yet? If not, we're early. The infrastructure is still growing. Bitcoin isn't a get rich quick scheme - it's a secure store of value outside of regular financial institutions who will print your money into worthless infinite.

Anyone on here moaning about it not reaching ATH is a sad bagholder.

ALTS are shit - BTC is king

Those in his picture are super common coins and 8 bucks is quite expensive for 2 Reichsmark.

>Gold is the best performing asset of the past 2 decades
nice bullshit you got there goldtard, curve fitting data moron.

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