I'm actually starting to like Jews now

I'm actually starting to like Jews now.
>saw opportunities before anyone else
>close ties with family and friends
>no tolerance for bs inside their circle, but completely bluepilling everyone else
>able to make schemes and act strategically reasonable
>early adopters of any given tech
why are some of you wondering how they ended up at the top all the time? their secrets are no secrets, it's all fair game to be frank.

Attached: solar_jew.png (364x319, 220K)

there's more to life than profit you mankind-killing kikealike

The only who hate them are people who can't be them.

100% agree.

dude everyone hates jews and has throughout all of history. they're desperately fucking horrible people

there actually isn't anything more to life than profit if you are such a poor man as you. gl sending your kids to public schools, handing them trash food and sending them into slavery when they've grown out of adolescence, legit no one wants to be you.

If everyone hated them,why do so many opportunists from different races side with them

So what are you reading now? what would you say are the best industries, technologies to invest?

investing is retarded, unless you're investing into trading strategies and things that generate an income

you answered your own question

ok, so how to get from middle class to upper class?
I am making 150k /IT engineering/, wife self employed /beauty stuuf/. Read some books / mastery, thinking fast and slow .../. got some etfs, crypto, cash, bonds.
so what is the next step? dont know anyone who is much more successful than me.

Self-rewarding your own group is fine and healthy, however the jewy part is doing so covertly on the backs of others. Raising yourself up solely by pushing others down and being dishonest about it.

goys are pushing themselves down

Time Preference

Jews are very smart indeed in raising their families, being financially literate etc, but the only problem is they are jewish. Nobody likes a jew cuz they are genuinely subversive and manipulative. I can be like that as well, but that's not something that I would like to do constantly unless I had to. Overall if there was a button to either kill all niggers or all jews, I would kill all the jews since once they are gone, the nigger problem will be solved eventually.

Read my first reply

>endless tribal nepotism, usury, lying, cheating and stealing
Yea nah fuck the jews

make trading bots, try moneymaking bots on nerdy ass MMOs and sell the gold for cash, get some microgreens lmfao too many options at your income level

that's how they secure their dominance for forever though

"Legit no one wants to be *Jew*"

Yes. Everyone wants a version of Zionism for their own kind.

My kind is humans

They're not as infallible and devious as you think. Feminism, for instance, was a habit they picked up from the Anglo establishment of Britain and the US, where previously they were largely patriarchal and bred like only the Haredim do today. Now they get cucked hardcore by their own women, and again only the Haredim are breeding above replacement.

Jow Forums is basically jews
>saw opportunities before anyone else
checks out, BTC, ETH, LINK
>close ties with family and friends
fren circle
>no tolerance for bs inside their circle, but completely bluepilling everyone else
calling out newfags, telling redditors to gtfo
>able to make schemes and act strategically reasonable
operation [redacted], coordinated shilling, reverse-shilling link on reddit
>early adopters of any given tech
current blockchain enthusiasists on Jow Forums

They don't side with them, the jews pick their goyim puppets to serve a purpose for the jew race. I bet you wish you were one of their lapdogs

Wrong with scam each other too

All Jews are horrible people
Not all horrible people are Jews

Everyone here who hates on Jews actually wishes they were Jewish

>They're not as infallible and devious as you think
Of course. Being “chosen” implies the chooser has more power. Jews only do what they must.

They are ugly as fuck no thanks

OP, kys before it's too late

Meh at the end of the day. The jews just heard all the money like it's the end all be all. They're compensating for their tiny dicks, bad breathe, manlet, weak bones, inferior killing ability, and female brains(manipulation)

those are not Jow Forumsraelis but pajeets infestation

also check'd

I’ve always had Jewish friends. They were nice to me and always intelligent, even though its annoying when there kike-side comes out

lol jews don't even wanna be jews it why their religion is full of self-deprecating rules. but also non-jews really want to be jews its like every country/nation (except based asians) have some form of "we're the REAL 'lost tribe', the REAL jews" i swear there's british israelites, african israelites some people even believe the fucking native americans are the 'lost tribes'. people are absolutely obsessed with jews i'll never understand

Money in games usually isn't worth much. Although botting is interesting. There is a huge demand for good quality bots, that can play for you.

Attached: autistic german LARPers.jpg (930x1280, 208K)

you can run hundreds of bots using different vps and proxies, put them in dedicated clans, give each of them a specific role and a few of them an office. you can easily do this as your main thing if you know how to script

what if I want to create something more useful, something with value?

Outsource everything. Well, maybe not everything, but open up a business that runs on autopilot, maybe hire some people to do all the stuff for you. That's how you move to the upper class, that's literally the definition of upper class - people who live off the work of others.

you need money for that


A Jew is willing to do something that doesn’t benefit him as long as the Goys suffer more from it.
Also I can’t stand their disgusting double standard and the fact that they are promoting all modern degeneracy but only to us. They literally hate us so much that they have turned the genders against each other at the same time as they push race-mixing propaganda and open borders to kill of European people.

Holy fuck how I wish the holocaust was real and that it was successful, that would have been the utopia timeline.

>victim mentality

never gonna make it

Jews won the rat race by figuring out how to game the world better than any other group. It doesn’t mean they’re any more deplorable than anyone else. In fact they’re more honorable because they focus on their own well being instead of being consumed by jealousy that someone is better off than them. The true rats are the gentiles, absolute fucking scum. Literal shit stains

They may be on top of the world’s dominance hierarchy for now thanks do their cunning, tribalism and absolute ruthlessness against their enemies but it could all back fire in their face in an instance.

Jews are taught that their survival as a people is dependent on them being subversive Jews. They understand the moment their “golem” (the NPC hordes) wake up to reality, is the moment jews will go extinct.

Attached: 3CD36A31-0CC1-411B-8D0E-D36F15524ABD.jpg (622x923, 136K)

Does not jews have the greatest victim mentality?

I agree though we shouldn’t think of ourselves as victims. We allowed Jews to dominate us, we should take responsibility for that and work togeather and take back the world for ourselves and dominate the Jews, exiling them for good this time. 100+ times is too much times and is not a coincidence.

join the #whitebabyboom
started last year

the women aren't esp the half mix ones, see Hollywood

It's jealousy. If you can't beat them then become one rather than whining.

I don't hate or get mad at snakes, I get mad at the people who put snakes in my bed. All that identify as Jews have allegiance to Israel above their country of residence, they can't be trusted with anything so why isn't everyone expelling Jews to Israel?

some definitely, mostly though I think black people suffer from it the worst. either way the minute you start seeing yourself as a victim is exactly when you start living off hand-outs and 'charity' which is the ultimate fuck-up for a nation. for example America would be doing jews a huge favor if we stopped sending them a fucking Boeing/Northrup gift card every year

Because they are rats while men were building civilization. This is their niche. Problem is the jew will soon be against the jew.

No, mate. They're fucked in the head. This is why they keep getting fucked in the end. White civilization has room for everybody, eventually. Too bad the Jews manipulated themselves early. They endorse segregation and racism and it infects everything.

White people are just as guilty. There are more white sociopaths and geniuses by sheer number alone, forget the ratios.