It's over guys

It was a good run boys, but I got PnD. I sold 600k yesterday at 140, and I'm never looking back, gg chinks.

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>buying chink coins in 2019
What did you learn?

why did you buy in the first place?

Still holding out, dont know why you sold today. I would have at least waited till the weekend to sell. You literally sold at one of the lowest points. Not smart, highly doubt you had 600k too

Actually it's up 4 sats today from when you sold yesterday

Pump or dump?

Nice larp fag

FTM was a meme...Dag Constellation is the real DAG Chad...silicon valley based and massive legit news incoming unlike Fantom's little bogus Dubai partnership scheme. You got chinked OP.

Dump now suicide later. Larping idiot.

>tfw this faggot comments in every FTM thread and refers to the stinkiest of shitcoins as "DAG Consellation." Protip: You're the only faggot on the planet who calls it "DAG Constellation" so we can tell it's you posting in every. single. thread. get a fucking life.

>It was a good run boys, but I got PnD. I sold 600k yesterday at 140, and I'm never looking back, gg chinks.
im glad you got rekt. i literally posted on every ftm thread for months that they are gook pnd'ers. ikys

who ever bouth this is a retard

Please reveal yourself in telegram to me user faggot so i can laugh at you in 2 weeks.

i don't need to add you on telegram to hear your braindead opinions, you comment in every single FTM thread with your low-IQ reference to "DAG Constellation," and you are the only person on the fucking planet that calls it that. That's like referring to Ethereum as "ETH Ethereum," or calling Ripple "XRP Ripple." Nobody has an IQ as low as yours, so obviously whenever you read "DAG Constellation" in a thread, we know it's your mentally handicapped self that's spamming about that dead project.

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Lmfao, take it easy on him he's obviously a pajeet who sunk a lot of money into a dead project and thinks Jow Forums shilling will save him


Anons, lets not fight about DAG vs FTM, both great projects and delivering in different parts of the world. So who gives a fuck. There is a group as fags from HH trolling FTM and DAG threads and playing them out against each other. DAG & FTM are both gems and I have both. HH is overvalued cuck coin.

This. Hashgraph paid shills are cancer.

now i'm sad

yeah, they are so arrogant as well. but their tech is centralised AF and fucking corp mentality. HH has nothing to do with crypto. worse than EOS scam.